Chapter 185: I Don’t Like Your Words

Because the things on their ships are extremely important celestial gold, they can’t stay on too many islands at all. Only when supplies are in short supply will they be supplied on an island.

However, it is almost impossible for the shortage of supplies to happen. After all, before departure, the people of the Goya Kingdom had made complete preparations in order to prevent accidents when replenishing supplies.

Another month passed quickly, and at this time they had already walked more than half of their journey. According to Riester’s estimation, they should be able to reach the Holy Land, Mariejois, in about ten days.

“I hope that at this last moment, there will be no accidents.”

Verno said silently beside Lister.

Hearing these words, Lister immediately looked at Verno with a very subtle expression.

“What’s the matter, Rear Admiral? What’s the matter with you looking at me with this expression?”

“Has no one said that your mouth is a crow’s mouth?”

As soon as Verno finished saying this, Lister’s Observation Haki felt the presence of other human breaths in all directions.


Upon hearing this, Verno instantly understood what was going on.

“Everyone, get ready for battle immediately.”

Verno yelled, and then the observers on the transport ship also observed other ships one after another.

“Report to the general that a pirate ship was found in front of us.”

“Report to the general that a pirate ship was found behind us.”

Subsequently, other observers also rushed to report to Verno.

Hearing this news, Verno’s face immediately became gloomy. If there were only one or two pirate ships, he might be able to deal with it, but now there are eight pirate ships, and he has nothing to do. .

“Ristre Rear Admiral, I can only trouble you to take action.”

Verno walked to Rist’s side and said seriously.

“Well, don’t worry, just some trash fish.”

In Riester’s perception of Observation Haki, the breath of everyone on the ship is generally not very strong, and he may not even be able to withstand a single blow, but there may be any special abilities.

At this time, even if they don’t use telescopes, they can still see the pirates on board.

“The people on the boat should listen quickly, and those who are acquainted should quickly put down the weapons in your hands, surrender immediately, and hand over the heavenly gold.”

A voice suddenly spread into the hands of Verno and the soldiers of the Goya Kingdom.

“It seems that they already knew what we were transporting on board.”

Verno clearly felt that the other party came with a plan.

“You guys, don’t you know the consequences of hijacking the heavenly gold? If you move the heavenly gold, Lord Celestial Dragons will not let you go.”

Verno also shot back with his own voice.

“Celestial Dragons? Those idiots?”

Hearing these words, there was a surprised expression on Riester’s face. It was the first time he heard someone call Celestial Dragons a stupid pig. He had to say that hearing this title made Riester’s heart very happy. .

If possible, Rist really wants to pull the other party together to have a good drink.

“I don’t know if they will let us go, but what we know is that they will definitely not let you go. After all, the heavenly gold is lost from your hands.”

Hearing what they said, Verno’s face instantly became ugly, because the other party was telling the truth, whether Celestial Dragons could hold the pirates accountable, he didn’t know, after all, if these people sincerely wanted to hide, The sea is so big, even the Celestial Dragons are very strenuous to find them.

But they are different. Their Goya Kingdom is there, and they have nowhere to escape.

And when he heard the opponent’s abuse of Celestial Dragons, Verno knew that this battle was absolutely unavoidable.

Even Celestial Dragons who dare to insult are obviously people who are very hostile to the World government. Otherwise, some other pirates would not dare to do such behavior at all.

“You bastards.”

Verno gritted his teeth.

“Are you saying that the Celestial Dragons are stupid pigs?”

At this time, Riester’s voice rang, and both the soldiers of the Goa Kingdom and those pirates who heard Riester’s words were all taken aback.

Because they could see the clothes Rist was wearing, it was Marine’s uniform.

“I have to say that what you said is really very correct, and I also think that group of people are a bunch of stupid pigs.”

“Rist Rear Admiral, be careful.”

Verno now wished to seal Riester’s mouth immediately, and his heart stopped beating for half a beat by these words.

If the pirates say Celestial Dragons this way, it’s not a big problem, but Riester is Marine. Marine can be said to be the gatekeeper of Celestial Dragons. No, it’s the guard of Celestial Dragons. This sentence comes out of Marine’s mouth. Kind of sin.

“Hahaha, you Marine is really interesting. As the watchdog of those Celestial Dragons, you dare to slander your master. I admire you very much. Do you want to join us.”

The pirate laughed loudly, seeming to appreciate Riester’s words very much, and wanted to synchronize Riester’s thoughts.

However, when Riester heard the other party’s language, a terrifying murderous aura broke out in an instant. Although their Marine can be said to be the watchdog of Celestial Dragons, there is nothing wrong, but someone dares to say this in front of him, that is one. A very sinful thing can never be forgiven.

“So are you ready to die?”

The murderous voice rang directly in the ears of all the pirates, making them feel shuddering.

“You bastard Marine, do you want to attack us? We have eight ships, and you only have one ship. Do you think you will be our opponent?”

“I really admire you, but you are ultimately a group of frogs at the bottom of the well, so let you see how big this world is.”

After speaking, Rist flew directly into the air, and a fierce golden light burst out all over his body.

“Bachiqiong Gouyu.”

Countless light bombs were launched from Riester’s body in all directions. All the ships hit by the light bombs exploded, and no ship survived.

Only the transport ship of the Nagoya Kingdom had a group of dumbfounded soldiers.

This is the first time they have seen such a magnificent and peculiar scene, and it has a more visual impact than the last time they saw the smoke blocking cannonballs. It is estimated that they will never forget it for a lifetime. In the future, they will have a capital to brag with their children and grandchildren. .

Because they have seen what the real world looks like.

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