The execution platform in Roger Town is a very special place!

Ever since the execution of the Pirate King Roger, a lot of people come here every day to watch the excitement.

Some people are curious, some come here to scold Roger, after all, he opened the Great Pirate Era, but some people regard this place as the starting point to realize their ambitions.

Every day, many ambitious people come here and embark on the Grand Line to find the legendary great treasure.

However, Ling Yan and Nami came here just out of curiosity.

"Wow, this is where the Pirate King was executed?" Little Nami raised her head and looked at the platform eagerly.

"Hahahaha... Hey, little brat, are you going to sea as a pirate too?" At this time, a big man over three meters tall came over.

His eyes were super serious, staring at Ling Yan and Nami closely.

Ling Yan frowned, and his loud voice shocked Nami so much that she quickly covered her ears!

Seeing this man appear, many people who were just gathered here were scared and turned pale, and ran away immediately.

Ling Yan's intuition told him that the man in front of him must be extraordinary.

Because he felt a sense of oppression from this man.

"Who are you! What does it have to do with you whether I become a pirate or not!" Little Nami hid behind Ling Yan and angrily retorted.

This guy's voice was too loud, and she was scared just now. She didn't want to give this man a good face!

"Sister, let's go, ignore the loud voice." Ling Yan pulled Nami inconspicuously and ran away quickly.

"Loud! Lululu!" Before leaving, Nami turned back and made a face at him.

"Hahaha! What a funny kid." The loud voice laughed.

The funny kid he was talking about was naturally Ling Yan. He sensed something unusual about Ling Yan.

"Colonel Hoba, is there anything wrong with those two kids just now? Do you want to catch them back?" asked an officer in a captain's navy uniform.

If Ling Yan heard this, he would definitely be able to guess the identity of this loud voice.

In Rogue Town, the rank is still colonel. Who else can it be besides the base commander who is stationed here?

"No, no, we are not evil people who catch everything. How is the plan prepared now?" Colonel Hoba asked with a smile.

"Yes! Colonel Hoba! Our people have surrounded the pirate ships in the port.

And there are our warships in the outer sea. They will definitely not escape this time! Major Lamy said we can act!" The captain officer reported immediately.

"Hahaha! Then, send all these damn pirates to the underwater prison!" Colonel Hoba looked towards the port with sharp eyes and gave a decisive order.

"Yes! Colonel Hoba!" The captain was very excited.

As long as he caught the pirates passing by here this time, his rank would be quickly promoted, so the navy here was keen on catching pirates.

Soon, a lively pirate catching operation was launched in Rogue Town.

Many pirate groups were caught at the starting point of their dreams before they had time to enter the Grand Line.

Ling Yan and Nami sensed everything that happened in Rogue Town in the different space.

He didn't expect that the loud voice just now was actually the base commander guarding Rogue Town.

No wonder he felt a little oppressive in front of the loud voice just now.

However, now the opportunity has come.

"Nami, we can go to the naval base now. I hope we can find the cultivation secrets we need this time!" Ling Yan said softly.

"Cultivation secrets? I understand! Hehehe~" A hint of excitement flashed in little Nami's eyes.

The loud voice just scared her, so it shouldn't be too much for her to take away the naval base's charts?

Both children saw each other's cunning eyes.


"Hehe, Nami, let's go find the office of the loud voice first!"

"Yeah, watch me!"

The two of them smiled at each other, and then Nami stretched out her hand and pushed open an air door.

And outside the air door is the naval base in Rogue Town!

Considering that there may be surveillance Den Den Mushi in the base, Ling Yan and Nami both chose to disguise themselves.

Nami put on a mask and a wide robe, and Ling Yan carried Nami on his shoulders. From the outside, the two dressed like adults.

This certainly can't fool all the handsome readers, but it's enough to fool the people here!

After opening two holes in the middle of the robe, Ling Yan

Carrying Nami, he tiptoed out of the alien space.

After confirming safety, the two of them finally successfully entered Hoba's base chief's office!

Time was tight, and they didn't know when Hoba would come back, so the two kids hurriedly searched in the office.

"Ling Yan, come and see, is this what you are looking for?" Little Nami found a notebook in Hoba's desk.

"Let me see!" Ling Yan immediately ran over to check.

He opened the notebook and found that it recorded some of Hoba's training techniques and some experience in training marines.

Ling Yan didn't see the record of the six styles of the navy until the end, and what surprised Ling Yan was that there was also Hoba's experience in training domineering!

"That's it! Great Nami, you are really my lucky baby!" Ling Yan was very excited and praised Nami generously.

Although it only recorded four of the six styles of the navy. Iron block, storm foot, moon step, and shaving that Ling Yan needed, but this also met Ling Yan's needs.

Not to mention the training method of Haki, Armament Haki and Observation Haki, both of which he needs now, Ling Yan feels very satisfied!

"Hehe! Of course, my luck is super good!" Nami raised her little head proudly.

Throwing the notebook into Nami's space, Ling Yan put Nami on his neck again, and the two began to look for what Nami needed.

"Hurry up!"

"Everyone hurry to support the port!"

"Everyone, set off immediately, go to the port to support Colonel Hoba!"

The two little ones came out for a while, and various shouts of marines came from the office building.

"Hey, who are you! Why are you here!"

A marine saw the sneaky "masked man" and immediately ran towards the "masked man".

No, I've been discovered!

"Ah? That... that... I don't know who I am..." After being discovered, Nami was a little panicked.

"You are an intruder! Someone invaded the base!" The marine shouted immediately.

Suddenly, a piercing alarm sounded in the base!

Ling Yan immediately retreated to the corner of the corridor and led the marines over.

"Stop! Don't run!" Sure enough, the marines were fooled.

At the moment when the marines chased in, Ling Yan directly gave him a hand knife and knocked him out.

"We have been discovered, what should we do, Ling Yan." Nami asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, let's go back to the different space first." Ling Yan was not panicked at all.

With Nami's Door-Door Fruit, the people here could not find them.

Nami immediately opened a door on the wall, and the two hid in the different space in an instant.

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