The night fell.

The four children happily set up a barbecue feast on the back hill of Shuangyue Village, with a variety of ingredients!


"Warmly celebrate that Desha has joined our robbing the rich and helping the poor team, let's raise our glasses together!" Little Nami excitedly raised her bottle.

The other three friends also smiled and raised their bottles.



"It's delicious!"

"Come on, Desha, don't be shy, try this barbecue!" Ling Yan said nothing and sent a piece of golden and crispy bone meat directly to Desha's mouth.

"I, I, I... I'll do it myself~" Desha's face flushed, and she shyly took the bone meat and took a bite.


"That's it, Desha, we are good partners!" Nojigo slapped her thighs like a big sister, happy as if she was drunk on milk.

"Partners?" Desha whispered in a low voice, and then the corners of her mouth rose, bending into a beautiful arc, and her smile was particularly sweet and lovely.

Seeing this, Ling Yan and the other three smiled at each other, knowing in their hearts: at this moment, Desha has truly become one of them.

The banquet continued, and everyone enjoyed the happiness brought by the food, either drinking milk or eating barbecue with relish, and laughter echoed throughout the back mountain, so comfortable and happy!

Until the milk was drunk and the bone meat was eaten, this small barbecue banquet ended.


"It's so comfortable~" Desha lay directly on the grass, and her little face was still savoring the happiness just now. The other three children were the same, lying on the grass with satisfied faces.

After eating and drinking, the four children's noses began to bubble and they fell into a sweet dream.

The sun slowly climbed to the top of the opposite mountain, casting the bright moonlight on the forest.

Ling Yan felt a little urgent to pee, woke up in a daze, and walked to the edge of the forest to relieve the pressure. Just when he felt relaxed, he heard the sound of fighting.

"Strange, fighting in Shimotsuki Village? That guy is dying?" Ling Yan woke up completely at once, and then walked towards the direction of the fighting sound.

When he walked over, he just saw the scene of the two little figures fighting!

The 2001st battle between Kuina and Zoro ended!

Kuina! Liu Zoro!

It turned out to be these two guys! Moreover, Kuina was not dead yet, Ling Yan was very surprised!

Ling Yan remembered that Kuina was born at the end of the year 1500 of the Haiyuan calendar and was killed by the Grand Staircase at the age of 11. Now it is the year 1512 of the Haiyuan calendar. Didn't Kuina die last year?

But it doesn't matter. Since Kuina is not dead, Ling Yan has decided to create an opponent for Liu Saolong that he will never be able to defeat in his lifetime!


"Damn~ Damn~ I'm so unwilling!" Just when Ling Yan was distracted, Liu Saolong covered his face and cried.

Kuina heard Saolong say that he was unwilling, and her little face suddenly became lonely: "I am unwilling to cry~"

Saolong was stunned when he heard Kuina's words. He had defeated himself 2001 times. He didn't understand why Kuina was unwilling.

Kuina didn't look at Zoro and continued, "Girls will be weaker than boys when they grow up, and I will be caught up soon. My father said that girls can't become the strongest swordsman in the world!

I understand, I have understood this kind of thing for a long time, but...but I am unwilling to accept it!

My breasts, my breasts have begun to develop, if I...if I can become a boy..."

After Kuina finished speaking these words, tears of unwillingness began to flow from the corners of her eyes, and even her face was full of loneliness and despair.

"You have already defeated me, so stop complaining! This is too despicable, you are my target!" Zoro's face was very angry, and he shouted angrily.

"Zoro..." Kuina looked at Zoro with tears flashing in her eyes.

"What man and woman, when I beat you one day, will you say the same thing!

It's as if I didn't win by my own strength! I'm training so hard, so I'm like an idiot! Don't say such things again!" Zoro scolded Kuina angrily.

Kuina looked at Zoro in disbelief, and the doubts in her heart were slowly fading.

"It's a promise! One day, it will be either you or me.

I must become the strongest swordsman in the world! Let's see who can become the strongest swordsman! "After saying this, Zoro's face was full of determination!

"Baga, you are so weak..." Kuina shook the tears from her eyes, smiled again, and clapped hands with Zoro to swear!

"Promise!" The two said at the same time.

"So touching~~~"

"Hey? When did you come?" Ling Yan heard this voice, turned his head and looked, three heads stretched over, with tears on their faces.

"I am so touched, to make a promise together..."

"Yeah, childhood sweethearts..."

"It's great! "

The three girls ignored Ling Yan and looked at Kuina and Zoro on the grass below with envy.

At this time, Kuina and Zoro saw Ling Yan and the other two children. They looked confused. Who were these four people?

Seeing that they were discovered, Ling Yan and the other four children stopped hiding and walked towards Kuina and Zoro.

"That's great. What boys and girls? Girls can also become the strongest swordsmen in the world, okay!" Nami said proudly.

"Who are you..." Kuina asked.

"Hello, my name is Ling Yan, she is Nami, this is Nokigo, and the shy one is Desha. We are the robbing the rich and helping the poor team!" Ling Yan raised his head and said a little arrogantly.

"Hello, my name is Kuina, and he is my defeated opponent, Zoro." Kuina introduced with a smile.

"Baka...Baka! Kuina! I will defeat you one day! "Zoro is now more shy than Dessa in front of strangers! He ran away immediately after saying that!

"Hahaha, this green algae head is so cute!" Seeing Zoro's shy appearance, Nami laughed happily, and so did the other children including Kuina.

"By the way, where are you from? I don't think I've seen you in the village?" Zoro ran away, and Kuina stopped laughing and asked.

"Well... We came here from the faraway Kokosia Village, and the purpose of coming here is to find your father!" Ling Yan said bluntly.

"Looking for my father? Are you also looking for him to learn swordsmanship?" Kuina was a little surprised.

"Of course not, anyway, you will know tomorrow!" Ling Yan put away his smile and said mysteriously.

"Tomorrow? All right then. "Although Kuina was puzzled, she didn't ask any more questions.

"Hehe, in that case, Kuina, we don't have a place to live yet, you see..." Nami rubbed her hands and tried to please Kuina.

"Ah, then...then you can stay in our dojo first." Having said that, Kuina didn't refuse.

Next, Ling Yan's four children followed Kuina to the Isshin Dojo.

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