The boat was packed with people, but the boat was packed with people.

Ling Yan and his children prepared for two days and finally waited for the Tianlong people's ship to dock.

Now there are many people in the port, and it is very quiet. The people are both scared and surprised. The Tianlong people are gods in this world. How can they not be surprised when gods come to their country?

Except for the king and nobles of the kingdom, everyone else knelt down at the port, but even the king and nobles had to bow.

From the port to the street, and then to the king's palace, this section of the road has been covered with clean carpets.

On both sides of the carpet, there were also crowds of people kneeling.

After the king gave a brief welcome speech to the Tianlong people, the Tianlong people came out of the cabin. They were an old man with a gray beard, a fat body, a white space suit, and a glass cover on his head.

"Is this the Celestial Dragon?"

"Why does he have to wear a glass cover? Isn't it tiring?"

"It seems~~The Celestial Dragon is no different~~~"

"That's right~~~"

In the alien space, the four girls saw the legendary Celestial Dragon for the first time and were discussing their appearance. They felt that the Celestial Dragon was no different from them.

"The Celestial Dragon is just an ordinary person, of course there is no difference, (⊙o⊙)... No, there is one thing that is different, there are many mentally retarded people among the Celestial Dragon~~~" Ling Yan thought of the mentally retarded appearance of Charlos and quickly changed his words.

"Mental retarded?"*4

"You will understand this later. Let's go. Let's go to the palace first." Ling Yan said.



After Ling Yan finished speaking, the five-member team immediately left the port through the alien space and prepared to ambush the palace first.

After waiting for most of the day, Ling Yan and his team finally waited for the banquet to welcome the Celestial Dragon to end. This banquet greatly satisfied the vanity of the nobles.

Especially those beautiful ladies, who fainted with happiness because of the favor of this Tianlong.

The husbands of these ladies were even more excited, if their wives were pregnant with Tianlong's children~~~~~~


Until midnight, the hustle and bustle in the palace gradually subsided.

At this moment, the palace where the Tianlong lived had been guarded by the CP organization. In the most magnificent bedroom in the palace, the Tianlong had driven away the lady who had just played with him and put her into deep sleep.

He would not let these people stay overnight. Although this kind of thing is wonderful, he still has to consider his safety.

In the different space, Ling Yan felt that the opportunity had come.

"Nami, it's up to you, put this old fat pig in!" Ling Yan said to Nami.

"Watch me!" Nami was very excited.

She opened a large space door directly under the bed, and in an instant, Nami put both the person and the bed into the different space!

After succeeding, Nami quickly closed the space door.

It was at this time that countless CP agents rushed into the palace of the Celestial Dragons. However, they were stunned when they saw that even the bed was gone.

The Celestial Dragons were gone!

Then a man wearing a strange mask walked in. Under the mask, his ugly face was changing back and forth.


"Don't let go of every corner of the palace!" The CP0 shouted angrily.


All CP members immediately took action. The nobles who lived in the palace tonight began to experience the most panicked moment in their lives this time!

The Celestial Dragons were gone!

While the CP organization was looking for the Celestial Dragons all over the world, the five-member team had now arrived in the dense mountains.

"Who are you!"

"Do you know who I am? I am a noble Celestial Dragon, the god of you lowly people!"

"Let me go and send me back!"

"Otherwise I will let the admiral of the navy kill you!"

The Celestial Dragon was tied tightly to the bed, but he was not panicked at all when he saw the treatment he was receiving at the moment. Instead, he was extremely angry. In this world, someone dared to touch him!

"Daisy, start!" said expressionlessly.

After thinking for a while, he took a piece of cloth and rudely blocked the Celestial Dragon's mouth.

Daisy nodded heavily and began to use the ability of the dissection fruit. A five-meter-wide circle circled the Celestial Dragon.

In the eyes of the Celestial Dragon from anger to horror, Daisy's ten fingers turned into scalpels. She divided the Celestial Dragon's body into three parts, and then carefully took out the Celestial Dragon's heart from the middle part.

Seeing his beating heart being taken out, the Tianlong finally got scared, but he could do nothing now.

Desha handed the beating heart to Ling Yan, and then began to assemble the Tianlong's body. After more than ten seconds, the surface of the Tianlong returned to its original state.

But the part of his heart was empty.

After completing all this, Desha removed the energy circle, and her face had turned red because of being too excited.

Ling Yan pinched the heart in his hand to feel the touch.

Hmm~~~ Soft, very good to pinch~~~

But the Tianlong on the bed suddenly struggled violently in pain. He looked at Ling Yan in horror, not understanding why his heart was taken out, and even more not understanding why these people in front of him wanted to catch him.

Kuina used a branch to pick up the cloth blocking his mouth.

"What are you guys doing?" The Tianlong was really panicked now. He was not like Charlos, the idiot.

"First of all, tell me your name, surname and family!" Ling Yan asked calmly with a stern face.

"My name... My name is Marcus Lindgas, and I am a descendant of the Five Elders, Saint Maz..." Lindgas did not dare to hide and honestly told his origins.

"Five Elders? We are really lucky, we caught a big fish." Ling Yan's eyes lit up when he knew that this guy was a descendant of the Five Elders. As long as they controlled this guy, they could do a lot of things in the future!

What are the Five Elders? Nami and the others didn't know.

The four girls watched all this quietly. Although they had many questions, they were not in a hurry to ask now.

"Very good, from now on, you are our slave, and we are your masters. No matter what we ask in the future, you must execute it, understand?" Ling Yan looked at Lindgas fiercely.

"What? Slave?" Lindgas couldn't believe his ears.

Ling Yan's face turned cold. Does this mean he disagrees? Then he began to tighten his hand around his heart.


"No, don't kill me!!!"

"Ah! It hurts!"

Lindegas struggled on the bed, and the intense pain in his heart was transmitted to him!

Seeing this, Ling Yan stopped his movements and said coldly: "Why, are you wronged by being our slave?"

"No, no!" Lindegas replied in horror.

"But I see from your expression that you seem reluctant~~~~~~"

"Willing!! I am very willing! This is true! Woo woo woo woo~~~~~~"

Ling Yan smiled slightly. Now that Lindegas' attitude was right, the five children were very satisfied.

Successfully harvested a Tianlong slave tonight!

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