The food was very delicious.


"Are you going to eat or not~~~"

"Oh, I forgive you, come down and eat!" Nami pouted and shouted at Ling Yan who was sitting on the top of the mast.

Nami thought: How abominable, it was obviously his fault, why should I apologize, hateful!

But facing Nami's apology, Ling Yan seemed indifferent, his eyes were a little distracted, as if thinking about something~~~

"Look, I apologized, but he still didn't come down." Nami pouted and said a little aggrieved.

The others looked at each other and shrugged, indicating that they had no way to convince Ling Yan who was depressed.


"You guys are just spoiling him too much, look at me!" Kuina said with a slight smile on her face.


"Hey hey hey~~~"

"Kuina, what are you doing~~~" Ling Yan didn't understand why, and was actually dragged down by Kuina.

"What do you think?"

"You haven't come down for a day, Nami is worried to death, what do you think you are doing?" Kuina said unhappily.

Ling Yan looked at Nami, only to see Nami pouting and snorting coldly, then turned around and looked elsewhere.

Other people on the boat also had an expression of accusation, Ling Yan looked at this situation and put away his expression.


"I know I was wrong. I didn't mean to ignore you."

"In fact, I have been chatting with the birds flying in the sky all day. They told me a message that three warships are coming towards us."

"And, they are coming specifically towards us." Ling Yan looked at everyone and said seriously.


"Why are they coming towards us?"

"Logically speaking, the navy will not look for us. Even if they want to look for us, they will only use Den Den Mushi to contact us."

"But the Den Den Mushi on our ship didn't ring." Nojigao said in confusion.

Everyone was also surprised. They didn't understand what the navy was trying to do. They would not doubt Ling Yan because Ling Yan would not joke with them about such things.


"They have nothing to do with the Navy Headquarters. They are cooperating with others, and they are targeting us." Ling Yan said solemnly.


"Cooperating with others?"

"How dare they be so bold?" Desha asked three questions directly, with disbelief on her face.

The same is true for others.

Ever since they received the order from Marshal Sengoku in Rogue Town, they really didn't think they would be chased by the navy.

Ling Yan's mood sank.

"Nami, use Den Den Mushi to call Vice Admiral Garp and see." Ling Yan turned his head and looked at Nami and said softly.

According to the bird's intelligence, the three warships are about to reach the sea area where they are, and the two sides will meet soon.

The other party came with malicious intent, and Ling Yan would not let them go just because they are navy.

It's just that when the time comes, Vice Admiral Garp and Marshal Sengoku will not talk.

"Okay~" Nami also knew that the matter was special, so she didn't make a fuss with Ling Yan.

She opened the alternate dimension, took out the Den Den Mushi that was used to contact Vice Admiral Garp, and immediately dialed:

"Bululu Bululu Bululu~~~"


"Ling Yan, I thought you would contact me later, but you made me lose three packs of Senbei!"

"When you come to the Navy Headquarters, you have to compensate me!" As soon as the call was connected, Vice Admiral Garp's hearty voice came over.

But the people on the Dream were a little confused.

According to what Vice Admiral Garp said, he knew that the navy was chasing the Dream a long time ago, but what? Was it because they cheated Crocodile of 15 million?

Everyone thought it was impossible!

"Vice Admiral Garp, this is Nami, do you mean that you knew that the navy was chasing us a long time ago?

Aren't you afraid that we will kill them all?" Nami asked calmly.


"It's Nami~~~"

"Where's Ling Yan? Hurry up and let him answer the phone. I have something to tell him." Garp's serious voice came from the Den Den Mushi.

Nami frowned slightly, but still handed the Den Den Mushi to Ling Yan: "Yes, I asked you to answer the phone. I don't know what Vice Admiral Garp wants to do~~~"

"Vice Admiral Garp, tell me, what are you planning?" Ling Yan asked immediately after taking the Den Den Mushi.

However, another person's voice came from the other side of the Den Den Mushi.

"Ling Yan, your last name is...

His family name is unknown, his background is unknown, he is now 18 years old, and he is suspected to have the background of the World Government. He can make the Celestial Dragons willing to obey orders, but he is willing to live in a civilian family.

This year, all the partners have just come of age. In order to draw a world map, they set out to sea in the year 1519 of the Haiyuan calendar.

The ships that went out to sea were actually built by the shipyard dedicated to the World Government. These are the confirmed information that the Navy has found out now. I should be right, right? "

The voice in the Den Den Mushi was heard clearly by everyone in the Dream Group.

They didn't expect that after they controlled the Celestial Dragons, the Navy actually found out that they were suspected of having the background of the World Government.

Ling Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and said calmly: "It turned out to be Marshal Zhan Guo, what you said is not wrong, but since you guessed that I have the background of the World Government, you dare to do this?"


"The three warships were not arranged by the old man, but I want to ask you for a favor. ”

“That is~~~”

“Destroy all three warships, and don’t leave any of the people on them alive!” Marshal Zhan Guo’s cold voice came from the Den Den Mushi.

However, hearing this voice, everyone in the Dream Group, including Ling, was very surprised.

A dignified Navy Marshal actually asked them to destroy three warships, and also asked them to leave no one on them alive!

This is very wrong~~~

“Just say it, Marshal Zhan Guo, what do you want us to do?” Ling Yan asked coldly.

“Actually, it’s nothing. The people on the three warships are all corrupt elements, so I just want to use you to punish these naval scums!” Zhan Guo said very seriously.


“Marshal Zhan Guo, you should be more serious when making up lies. You should solve this kind of thing by yourselves.

Goodbye, Marshal Sengoku~"


After saying that, Ling Yan hung up the phone directly.

As for the idea of ​​using their hands to clean up the scum in the navy, not only him, but also other people in the Dream Group would not believe it!

This excuse is really too naive.

On the other side, the Navy Headquarters Marinford.


"Sengoku, is it really possible for you to do this?" Garp said while chewing senbei.

"Of course it works. Through his connection with Saint Lindgas, I have concluded that Ling Yan must have a relationship with the Celestial Dragons.

As long as he takes action, whether he kills all the people on the three warships or not, we can see the background behind them! "Zhan Guo said with certainty.

Lieutenant General Tsuru nodded slowly to show his agreement.

After all, this was her idea, and she had anticipated the outcome.

Nami: Good morning, brother. I just got up in my apron and made breakfast for you. Do you like it?

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