The tarot cards were turned over, and the divination was carried out.

Turning over the tarot cards that were emitting a faint purple light, Hawkins looked at the pattern on the cards and got the answer to the divination.

‘No! ‘

With the result, Hawkins turned his head and said to the crew behind him without any hesitation.

“Retract the sails and stop the ship!”

“Huh?” Hearing Hawkins’ sudden order, the crew was also stunned.

Although they were confused and puzzled, the crew still quickly executed Hawkins’ orders.

“Rumble, rumble…”

The sails were retracted, and the speed of the ship gradually slowed down.

“What’s wrong with the captain?” A crew member asked in confusion.

“I don’t know, but it’s right to do what the captain says.” Another crew member spoke up.

“The captain probably wants to see the excitement? He doesn’t want to get so close?”

“Maybe the captain has discovered some danger?”

As soon as this was said, all the crew members looked at each other, and then looked at Basil Hawkins standing on the bow.

“With the captain’s strength, it should be unlikely that he will encounter danger or something?”

One crew member said uncertainly.

They are still very confident in their captain’s strength, but it’s not the case that the captain is invincible.

Nothing to do.

The crew members of the Hawkins Pirates all lay on the railing of the ship, looking at the battle between the Sean Pirates and the Navy in the distance.

At this time, the battle situation has already shown a one-sided situation. The Sean Pirates are no match for the Navy at all.

And just when the Hawkins Pirates were watching excitedly.

On the mast lookout, the somewhat horrified voice of the pirate on duty came.

“There is…something going on, Captain!! A new ship has appeared on the battlefield over there!”

As soon as these words came out, the people who were still watching the excitement immediately turned their heads and looked towards the lookout in unison, blurting out.


Hawkins also frowned slightly at this time, thinking about something in his heart.

Standing on the lookout, the pirate on duty looked at the big ship from a distance and couldn’t help but open his mouth wide.

“This…this scale…isn’t it too big?! It’s even bigger than the navy warship and the pirate ship combined!” The pirate on duty exclaimed.

“Is it the navy’s reinforcements?” Hawkins asked.

Because of the distance and arc, Hawkins couldn’t see the ship mentioned by the pirate on duty at this time, and could only rely on asking to know some of the situation.

The pirate on duty picked up the telescope.

The silver-white ship came into view.

At the bow, a six-winged angel sculpture was lifelike, and on the mast, a black flag with a skull angel pattern fluttered in the wind.

“No! It’s not a naval reinforcement force, it’s… a pirate ship! But… its scale is even larger than the average large naval warship!”

Hearing this, the pupils of the pirates on the ship all shrank.

Larger than the average large warship?

Doesn’t this mean that the other party has at least a thousand people on the crew?

Otherwise, there is no need to spend effort to use such a large ship!

Then the question is, what kind of loud reputation does it have to gather such a large number of crew members?

One thousand people, this terrifying number, made the crew of Hawkins Pirates scalp numb just by hearing it.

“Did you recognize that pirate group?” Hawkins asked calmly with the same expression on his face.

He was not worried at all about this sudden appearance of the pirate group.

Because the goddess of fate had already told him that there was only a 10% chance that he would be in danger.

“No, I have never seen that flag.” The pirate on duty on the observation deck responded loudly: “That is a pirate flag embroidered with a skeleton angel!”



On the other side.

On the deck of the Sean Pirates, in the battlefield of the gunfight.

After a battle, the Sean Pirates suffered heavy losses, with more than half of the personnel lost.

The more the crew fought, the lower their morale became.

The captain of the pirate group, Sean, could not help but feel a little impatient about this.

“Damn it! Get out of my way, you mortal guy!!”

The veins on his arm were prominent, and Sean tightly grasped the long sword, and slashed at the navy general who was fighting with him.

“Swish! !

! ”

The long knife roared.

Faced with Sean’s sudden outburst, the admiral was slightly frightened and quickly blocked with his sword.


The crisp sound of fine iron clashing exploded, and dazzling sparks burst out.

Under that powerful force, the admiral was forcefully knocked back several meters.

Sean smiled ferociously and took advantage of the victory to pursue him, holding a long knife and striding after him.

“Da da da…..”

However, that was when Sean had just taken a few steps.

A huge black shadow suddenly covered the deck of the Shawn Pirates’ ship and enveloped the entire battlefield!

Faced with this sudden scene.

Sean was shocked and looked up suddenly.

But all they saw was a huge white seraph sculpture, and a huge silver-white ship, which had docked beside their ship at some point!

“When…when did this appear? Such a huge ship?!” Sean’s eyes trembled as he looked up at the huge angel sculpture above, feeling extremely horrified.

Not just him, at this moment, the entire battlefield gradually fell into calm due to the sudden arrival of the Pale Singing Horn.

No movement is required on that ship.

Just the sense of oppression brought by that angel sculpture was enough to make them break out in cold sweat.

“Hey, hey, are you kidding me?! When did this thing… come here?!” A navy man spoke in horror.

“What are you doing? We are obviously about to capture them, but why did such a large support force arrive?” At this moment, there was even a hint of despair in the navy.

The top commander of the navy was sweating coldly as he looked at the giant ship in front of him, which was several times larger than their warships.

“Damn it, I’ve never heard of such a large pirate group in this sea area!”

Shadows were cast from above.

“Da da da……”

Three figures appeared beside the ship of the Pale Sing.

Yiyun stepped on the ship’s railing, resting his elbows on his knees, leaning out half of his body to overlook the battlefield below, and smiled.

“Yo! You guys look like… you’re in some trouble? Do you need help?”

Su Nuo and Poseidon stood on the left and right sides of Yiyun respectively, watching every move of everyone below with cold eyes.

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