The dead body was shattered, and the wound was shattered.

More than ten seconds later, more than a dozen navy officers died.

Under the strong pressure of death, a navy officer finally couldn’t help but shouted with a trembling voice.

“Wait… wait a minute!”

Hearing someone speak, Yiyun immediately raised his hand and signaled Sukuna to stop killing.

“Are you a navigator?” Yiyun restrained his outward breath and asked slowly.

The navy officer who spoke stood up and said in a trembling voice: “No… I’m not, but I know who is a navigator, but before that, you have to promise…”

Before the navy officer finished speaking, Yiyun’s cold voice came out again.

“Too much nonsense.”

Sukuna understood and suddenly made an invisible slash.


Instantly, the marine who had not finished speaking was torn apart on the spot, and his head rolled to the ground.


The red blood gushed out from the marine’s broken neck like a pillar, until his body fell heavily to the ground.


“One by one, too slow! From now on, kill five people randomly every second, and kill ten randomly after thirty seconds!” Yiyun seemed to have lost his patience.

Without hesitation, Sukuna attacked immediately.


The heads of the five pirates of Sean’s pirate group were cut off by the invisible slash, and they lost their voices on the spot.

This sudden scene scared Sean to death.

He lowered his head and roared in a loud voice: “Who is it! Any navigator who knows navigation knowledge, please stand up quickly. If it’s too late, we will all die here! Do you want all of us to die because of you?!”

Listening to Sean’s roar, Yiyun was also a little surprised.

‘Is this a direct moral kidnapping? Is there really no one on the pirate side who knows navigation knowledge? Then there is only the navy side…a pirate group, but the navigator is a navy? ‘

Thoughts fluctuated in his mind, and Yiyun always felt a little weird.

Sukuna did not grab the pirates and chop them. His actions were all based on his thoughts. He chopped the navy for a while, and then the navy and the pirates together.

As people died in groups, finally, another voice came out.

“I am a navigator!”

Yiyun looked in the direction where the voice came from, and Sukuna stopped killing immediately.

Then, a female general wearing a white navy coat and holding the rank of second lieutenant stood up.

Her face was a little pale, but she looked at Yiyun with an especially firm gaze.

“I’ll go with you, you let them go back alive.”

Yiyun stared at the female general for a while before slowly saying, “Okay, what’s your name?”

“Filona.” The general with the rank of second lieutenant spoke. She had long black hair and a high ponytail. Her figure was not top-notch, but not bad, and her appearance was also above average.

“Come here.” Yiyun waved.

Although Filona was inevitably afraid, she still walked towards Yiyun firmly.

Yiyun stood up from the chair formed by the golden flames, and the flames around him were immediately removed.

Although the navigator has been found, it is a bit strange that the navigator’s predecessor is the navy.

After thinking it over again and again, Yiyun decided to use it first, and then go back to land to find a navigator.

“You just need to plan the route and guide the direction for me. I won’t force you to stay on the ship for too long. When you reach land and there is a navigator who can replace you, you can leave!” Yiyun looked at Fiona and said.

Fiona nodded: “I understand.”

Yiyun pondered for a while, then turned to look at the Sean Pirates on the side: “Raise your head.”

Seeing that the spearhead was suddenly pointed at their side, the crew of the Sean Pirates couldn’t help but tremble and raised their heads in panic.

Yiyun glanced around, looked for a while, and then raised his hand and nodded.

“I still need a few handymen on my ship, you, you, you, you, and you, come here!”

The three women and two men who were pointed out were stunned for a moment, and subconsciously pointed at themselves, as if to verify.

“You are the ones.”

Although they were extremely reluctant, Yi Yun spoke up and they knew the consequences of not going. If they went, they would still have a glimmer of hope of survival. If they didn’t go, they would really die.

A group of five people slowly came to Yi Yun.

“From now on, these five people are under your charge.

“Yiyun simply explained, then turned around and said, “Let’s go.”

The five pirates were stunned, even Fiona was stunned.

A navy became the leader of five pirates??

Both sides looked at each other, with strange expressions on their faces.

Poseidon raised his hand beside him.

“Boom boom!!! ”

Three large water columns with a diameter of two meters rose up from the sea and rushed towards the deck.

All the navy and pirates were so frightened by this sudden scene that they stopped breathing and instinctively raised their hands to block their eyes.

However, the imagined impact did not come as expected.

The large water column with a diameter of two meters turned into a staircase at this moment, leading directly to the deck of the Pale Song.

Yyun took the lead and stepped onto the stairs formed by sea water to return, followed by Poseidon and Sukuna.

Behind them, everyone who witnessed this scene was dumbfounded.

This… is the ability of the devil fruit? Control sea water?

What a joke? A devil fruit ability to control sea water?

After so many years of going out to sea, they have never heard of any devil fruit that can The strong can control the sea water!

Besides, isn’t the sea water the nemesis of the devil fruit ability users?

Arrived in front of the water ladder.

Filona stepped on it and confirmed that it would not sink, then she climbed the water ladder with confidence.

The more she climbed, the more Filona could feel the strength of Yiyun and others.

Looking ahead, the backs of Yiyun and the other two climbing, Filona became very interested in their origins.

Logically speaking, people with such strength should not be unknown.

“Da Da…”

After returning to his ship, Yiyun turned his head and looked into the distance.

He had also noticed the existence of the Hawkins Pirates’ ship.

After thinking for a while, Yiyun chuckled and whispered,

“Forget it, I’m too lazy to bother. ”

He retracted his gaze, stopped looking at the Hawkins Pirates, and walked towards the cabin of his ship.

The Angel Pirates had a bad voyage and drifted on the sea for several days.

After gaining a navigator, they got back on track and truly began to head towards the Grand Line!

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