The two of them were so close that they could not move.

Sukuna took up his stance and flicked his fingers.

“Shua hum!!!”

Instantly, a grid-like invisible slash shot out.


At the moment of the slash, Smoker’s extended fist was instantly cut into a square, along with the extended white smoke.

‘What? ! ‘ Smoker was shocked.

There was no time to react at all. In just a blink of an eye, the slash had already arrived and landed firmly on Smoker’s body.


Accompanied by a strange sound, Smoker’s body was cut into dozens of pieces, and each cut was surrounded by white smoke.

The elemental power of the natural devil fruit once again saved his life.

However, the crowd behind him who were watching the show were not so lucky!

“Puchi La!”

It was like the sound of flesh being torn apart.

In just a moment, the crowd behind Smoker was turned into square pieces of minced meat under Sukuna’s invisible slash.

The towering building was also cut and destroyed.



The blood was splattered, the broken limbs flew all over the sky, the building collapsed, and the smoke and dust rose up!

At this moment, the whole town was shaking.

“Boom boom boom!!!”



In the hotel.

The earth-shaking roar of the battle was transmitted, and the ground was shaking.

At the counter, Iyun and Ulquiorra Cifer, who were arguing with the restaurant owner about the chef, turned their heads at the same time and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

On the other side.

In a deserted tavern.

Fiona, who was trying to find out about the navigator, turned her head sharply when she heard the sudden loud noise.

“This noise… could it be… them?!”

Fiona’s eyes trembled slightly, and the scene on the sea that day came to mind.

An ominous thought emerged in her mind.

Uncontrollably, Fiona’s eyes flashed through the illusory images of the residents living ordinary lives in the town, who died tragically in a pool of blood.

“Damn it! These lunatics…”

After a low curse, Fiona turned around and ran at full speed towards the source of the sound.

At the same time.

In a restaurant on the other side.

The man who was devouring the delicious food without any image, wearing a dark red coat, a hedgehog head with red hair, black sunglasses on his head, and a fierce look in his eyes, stopped his actions after hearing the loud roar.

The corners of his mouth slowly rose, and the man revealed a cruel smile, and said slowly.

“It seems that there seems to be something exciting to watch! Kira!”

Opposite him, a sturdy man with long golden hair and a blue and white striped mask with several small holes, glanced slightly and looked in the direction of the loud noise.



Where Sukuna was.

The crowd who were still watching and watching the show were stunned on the spot when they saw the sudden scene in front of them.

The strong smell of blood began to spread.

People looked at the countless pieces of meat on the ground, their faces turned pale, and their stomachs were like churning rivers and seas.

When they reacted,

A piercing scream followed.

Everyone went crazy and started to flee.



“Dad! Dad…”




The street became chaotic in an instant, with screams, shouts, and cries coming one after another.

Those who accidentally fell in the panic would be trampled to death by the dense crowd in a moment.

“Mr. Smoker!” Witnessing this hellish scene, Tashiki shouted and ran towards Smoker against the flow of people.

But what responded to Tashiki was Smoker’s angry roar: “Don’t come over!!!”

Tashiki, who wanted to run towards Smoker, subconsciously stopped.

Smoker gritted his teeth, and his body almost turned into white smoke.

The scene of people dying in droves is still vivid in my mind, and the blood flowing is still warm


He could not stop Sukuna, nor could he resist Sukuna’s attack.

Smoker clearly understood that if Tashigi came to help him, it would not only be useless, but also would cost him his life in vain!

Smoker, who was chopped into cubes by Sukuna, began to regroup in the form of white smoke.

Sukuna was not in a hurry to attack. He looked at the regrouped Smoker, stroking his chin and thinking.

“Is the slash ineffective? Is it my slash ineffective, or is the slash itself ineffective? Or is it similar to the characteristics of Mokuro?” At this point, Sukuna could not help but have a strong interest in Smoker: “Interesting.”

Just at this time.

Suddenly, there was a sound of “whoosh!”, and Smoker’s figure instantly disappeared from the spot.

The “shave” in the Navy Six Styles was used, allowing him to come to Sukuna’s side in just a blink of an eye.

Sukuna was slightly startled, and was slightly surprised by the speed that Smoker suddenly showed.


Without any pause, Smoker’s sandbag-sized fist hit Sukuna’s face with a whistling sound.

The speed was very fast.

However, Sukuna was not a pushover.


Accompanied by a dull sound of hitting.

Sukuna grabbed Smoker’s fist with one hand, and punched Smoker in the face with the other hand.



There was another strange sound, and Smoker’s body turned into a puff of white smoke.

Sukuna’s fist fell into the air.

Before Sukuna could pull back his hand, a puff of white smoke tightly wrapped around Sukuna’s arm.

Then, Smoker’s head appeared on the other side.

“I got you!”

Hearing Smoker’s words, Sukuna couldn’t help but chuckle: “You’re quite capable.”

After that, Sukuna’s third hand suddenly swung out with lightning speed, and a punch hit Smoker’s face.


Like a meteor, Smoker’s figure flew backwards and crashed straight into the building behind him.



Broken stones flew, and billowing smoke rose with a roar.

“Now, let me see if my slash really doesn’t work on you!” As he spoke, Sukuna raised his hand, and his sliding fingers made invisible slashes one after another, aiming directly at Smoker!

“Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish…”

“Bang! Bang! Bang…”

“Boom boom boom!!!”

“Mr. Smoker!! “Seeing this, Tashigi got anxious.

She threw the food in her hand aside.


The long sword hanging on her waist was unsheathed. Tashigi held the long sword, with anger and determination in her eyes, and rushed towards Sukuna.

“Da da da…”

Sukuna glanced over when he heard the sound.

The eyes full of interest disappeared completely when he looked at Tashigi.

“Don’t get in the way.”

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