The soldiers were busy, and the soldiers were busy.

A naval base, a military port.

“Da Da Da Da…”

The dense and rapid footsteps echoed throughout the port.

Thousands of naval elites were urgently mobilized to rush to the warships docked at the port.

The entire army was solemn, without any idle conversation.

In a short while, thousands of naval elites had boarded the ship.

The senior officers of each ship lined up in two rows on both sides of the military port road, forming a supportive avenue.

Soon, at the starting point of this avenue, a figure appeared.

Holding a pocket watch Den Den Mushi, the admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Kizaru, and Borsalino, who was tall, wearing yellow and white striped clothes and a pair of gold-colored sunglasses, stepped onto the naval port.

“I understand, I have a general understanding of the situation.” Borsalino calmly replied to the words of Sengoku that came from the pocket watch Den Den Mushi, with a slightly lazy tone.

He walked slowly and walked along the avenue supported by the navy generals, heading straight for a navy warship in the port.

The navy generals on both sides followed Borsalino one by one.

“No matter what, as long as we take action against the world nobles, we can’t not take action, right?” Borsalino responded and stepped onto the stairs to board the warship.

After boarding the deck of the warship, Borsalino stood still and looked back at the huge naval base behind him.

The white navy coat behind him fluttered and rustled with the sea breeze.

“I will go, please rest assured! Mr. Sengoku.”



In the town.

As the news of the attack on the World Government ship in the nearby waters spread, the residents of the town were in danger.

“Hey~ I say, we won’t be implicated, right?”

“Every grievance has its perpetrator, they will go to the pirates who attacked the ship, right?”

“It should…shouldn’t implicate us, think about it? This is what those vicious pirates did, it has nothing to do with us! Right? Right?”

The residents said that the World Government would not vent their anger on them.

But in their hearts, they were more uncertain and uneasy than anyone else.

Those pirates who did bad things might just run away, but what about them?

As residents of the town, where can they run?

Although they have never really come into contact with people from the World Government, what they have seen and heard over the years has made them clearly understand in their subconscious.

The overbearing and unreasonable World Government is likely to vent its anger on them.

If they can find the culprits, it will be fine. If not, they will most likely be in trouble.

All the residents in the town started to rush back to their homes.

Even those who set up stalls and hawked goods closed their stalls and went home at this time, closing their doors and windows.

In a short while, the number of pedestrians on the street dropped sharply.

It only took a few minutes from the beginning of the coming and going to the end of the few.

Now, the only people walking on the street are those outsiders.

Town port.

On the navy warship docked on the shore.

Not long after returning to the warship, Smoker received a call from the Navy Headquarters, ordering him to set off for Cresa immediately to assist the Navy Headquarters Admiral Kizaru in arresting the Angel Pirates and the bounty criminals!

“Mr. Smoker?” Tashigi, who was standing not far from Smoker and had bandaged her wound, spoke.

Tashigi also heard some of the phone call just now, but she didn’t hear it clearly.

She only knew that it was a call from the Navy Headquarters, and at the same time, she vaguely heard the mention of the Angel Pirates on the phone.

After hanging up the Den Den Mushi, Smoker turned around, looked at Tashigi, and slowly said: “The highest combat power from the headquarters, the Admiral… has been dispatched!”

When this sudden and explosive news came out, Tashigi felt that her brain had received a heavy blow, and her eyes widened in shock and disbelief.

“Admiral? That means…”

When the words came to her lips, Tashigi didn’t know how to speak.

An Angel Pirates actually alarmed the Navy Headquarters to send out the Admiral? !

“The Angel Pirates attacked the World Government’s ships and killed the world’s noble Celestial Dragons! The headquarters had to mobilize the admiral to deal with it.”

“In this town, in addition to the Angel Pirates, there are also extremely

One of the evil generations, the Kidd Pirates led by Eustace Kidd!”

Smoker picked up the navy coat beside him and put it on his shoulders again.

“And our mission is to fully cooperate with the admiral who has been mobilized. Before he arrives, we must hold back the Angel Pirates and the Kidd Pirates and not let them escape before the admiral arrives!”

As soon as she heard that she would fight the Angel Pirates again.

In Tashigi’s mind, the figure of Sukuna and the two monsters who made her feel scared just by their aura emerged uncontrollably!

That bad experience made Tashigi shudder uncontrollably, and she said in a hoarse voice: “Do you want us… to stop them? ”

Hearing the sound that was obviously wrong, Smoker turned his head and looked at Tashigi.

However, he said nothing.

At this moment, he only had Sukuna in his mind. The disastrous defeat not long ago had taught him a lesson.

The next time they meet, he will definitely not fall into such an embarrassing situation!

“Quick, quick, quick!”

“Da da da da da…”

The heavy and dense footsteps echoed in the port, and a large number of navy swarmed down from the warships.

“Hurry up! Hurry up!”

“Listen up! Our mission is to fully cooperate with the admiral who is coming to the island to hold back the Angel Pirates and the Kidd Pirates, one of the Worst Generations!”

“Before the admiral arrives, we must not let the wanted criminals escape! ”

Under the warship, an officer in a white navy coat loudly announced the mission and objectives of this operation.

As the officer’s voice fell, the rushing navy responded loudly.


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