The boat was so busy that it was not easy to get out of the water.

From a distance, Yiyun saw the huge six-winged angel ship sailing towards him.

This scene made Yiyun complain about the system in his heart.

‘Although I said I wanted to go to sea, you just turned the ship over. Aren’t you too anxious and hasty? ‘

[This is none of my business. The ship spirit came here because of your call. I can’t interfere with the real world. ] The system hurriedly explained.

Yiyun was a little suspicious, looking at the “Angel Pale Song” sailing over, and a thought came to his mind.

‘Stop. ‘

It was visible to the naked eye at the moment when Yiyun’s thought arose.

The “Angel Pale Song” on the sea actually slowly stopped.

Soon, fog floated on the sea again, hiding the “Angel Pale Song”.

At the same time.

In another place on the island town, where Yiyun could not reach.

A large ship with a skull flag flying high was sailing at a constant speed towards the island town.

On the bow of this large ship.

A middle-aged man wearing a captain’s hat, a blue suit, and a pair of binoculars in his hand witnessed everything that happened on the sea just now.

“Incredible! It’s incredible! There was no one on the ship, but the ship…actually moved by itself?!” The captain was dumbfounded, his eyes trembling slightly, and his face was full of unbelievable horror.

A little later, a woman with revealing clothes and a sea chart in her hand was also full of excitement at this moment.

“Captain! It’s true, the rumors are true! Here, there is really a huge treasure hidden in the fog!”

The man with a long knife tied around his waist and two scars on his face also spoke up at this time.

“That huge treasure must be hidden on that ship, right?!”

The blond man with two pistols on his waist and a pair of glasses also spoke up leisurely: “Maybe, that big ship is the huge treasure in the rumors! I have never seen a ship that can move by itself!”

At this time, the captain also calmed down, and his violent mood was calmed down at this moment.

“Whether there is treasure or not! It doesn’t matter, I want that ship!”

Turning around, the captain waved his hand.

Looking at the crew who had already gathered on the deck, the crowds of people.

“Boys! Do you want to change the ship? Do you want that gorgeous, domineering ship? Go and grab it! It belongs to us, to our Jeroke Pirates!”

“I declare!”

“Whether it’s ships, treasures, or women! Everything on this island belongs to us! Go! Boys! Go and grab it! Let them see the horror of our Jeroke Pirates!!”

As the captain of the Jeroke Pirates spoke.

The crew gathered on the deck immediately raised their weapons and cheered.

“For the treasure!!!”



After getting the wine prepared by the tavern owner, Yiyun took Sukuna back to his fishing tackle shop.

Back in the shop, Yiyun began to organize the warehouse in his shop and prepare the materials for going to sea.

There was no plan to sail in a high-profile manner. Yiyun was ready to sail at night and quietly leave the town.

After a long time of busy work, Yiyun finally lay back on the recliner after sorting out the things in the warehouse.

He enjoyed the quiet time before going out to sea.

But it was during this quiet moment that Yiyun heard the slight noise and shouts of killing coming from the town.

“Hmm?” Yiyun asked with a slightly puzzled nasal sound, suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

He turned his head subconsciously and looked in the direction of the center of the town.

He suddenly realized that black smoke had risen everywhere in the town.

“What the hell… is going on?!” Yiyun’s eyes trembled slightly, and an ominous premonition arose in his heart.

Turning his head, Yiyun shouted at his fishing tackle shop.


On the other side.

At this time, the originally lively and peaceful streets of the town had become a purgatory on earth.

The streets were littered with corpses, and the hot blood stained the cobblestones.

Fires were burning, and fruits, vegetables, and all kinds of items fell on the streets.

The only remaining town

The residents desperately fled out of the town.

Crying, cursing, wailing, and playful laughter intertwined to create a chaotic scene.

“Pirates… Pirates have landed on the island! Run away… Everyone… Run away!!”

“Qikexiu, why… Pirates would come to such a place?! Wuuwuwu…”

“Dad! Dad! Wake up, wuuwuwu…” The young child knelt beside the man lying in a pool of blood, shaking and shouting desperately.

But it was destined to get no response.

At one end of the street, the figure of the captain of the Jelock Pirates appeared with a bloody long sword in his hand.

He looked at the fleeing crowd, and a hideous face unconsciously appeared on his face.

Raising his hand, pointing the bloody long sword forward, the captain of the Jelock Pirates shouted with full energy.

“Go ahead, boys! Everything on this island belongs to us, let’s plunder as much as we want!”

“We won’t be polite, Captain!!” The crew members shouted and rushed out, chasing the fleeing crowd with a grin.

Following the end of the crowd, Borg looked at the pirates chasing after him, and couldn’t help but anxiously shouted to Fia, who was panting beside him.

“Mom, let me carry my sister on my back, they are catching up, let me carry her!”

Fia’s heart tightened when she heard this, and her eyes subconsciously looked behind her.

When she saw the pirates swarming in, she suddenly felt boundless despair in her heart.

You can’t run away.

You can’t run away with someone on your back.

They will definitely catch up with you!

“Mom, Lily is so sleepy…” Lily, who was bleeding on her head, murmured weakly on Fia’s back.

Hearing Lily’s weak voice, Fia’s tears immediately burst out like a dam, and she couldn’t control it.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry Lily, if mom hadn’t fallen, you wouldn’t be like this.”

When the pirates just entered the town to burn, kill and loot, Fia took Lily and Borg out of the town and fled with the crowd.

But in this chaotic way, Fia, who was holding Lily, was knocked down and fell to the ground.

However, the panicked people did not notice the mother and daughter who fell.

It seemed to cause a stampede accident. The young Lily was trampled on the spot and her head was bleeding, and Fia was also slightly injured.

At first, Lily just cried out in pain, but now, Lily said she was sleepy, which means that Lily has lost too much blood and is about to collapse.

“Sleepy… Let’s take a nap!” Fia’s voice was full of tears, resisting the urge to cry.

She knew that if Borg carried Lily, none of the three of them would be able to escape.

Only if Borg ran alone would there be a glimmer of hope.

“Run, Borg, run as fast as you can, go find your brother Yiyun!” Feiya looked at Borg with relief and said in a hoarse voice.

Borg got angry when he heard it.

“Let me carry my sister, I have the strength!!”

Feiya shook her head: “You can’t outrun them with Lily on your back! Go find your brother Yiyun, he knows what to do, I will take Lily and hide first, you go quickly.”

“Do you think I’m stupid?” Borg cried and shouted, looking around, he quickly ran to a shabby stall and pulled off a bamboo about six or seven feet long.

“What are you going to do?!” Feiya had a bad premonition in her heart.

But Borg said with a firm look in his eyes: “Take your sister to find that guy, I will buy you some time.”

With that, Borg turned around and ran towards the pirates who were chasing him without waiting for Fia to react.

This sudden scene made Fia so anxious that tears came out.

“Stop! Come back to me, Borg! Come back!!!”

Seeing that Borg turned a deaf ear and had no reaction, Fia turned around and chased after him, shouting loudly while chasing.

“Come back to me!! Borg!”

Just when Fia was shouting heartbreakingly, a big hand suddenly patted her shoulder.

“He will be fine, leave the rest to me.”

Hearing this familiar voice, Fia was stunned for a moment, and turned her head away in some surprise.

Then, he saw a familiar figure passing by her in one step.

That was Yiyun!

At this time, the system in Yiyun’s body was so excited that it was about to jump up.

One after another, the system prompt sounds appeared in Yiyun’s mind!

“Ding! The host is caught in the flames of war for the first time, and obtains [Psychological Endurance·Super·Enhancement]!”

“Ding! The host faces the enemy for the first time, and obtains [Top Physical Skills·Super·Proficiency]!”

“Ding! The host is facing the enemy for the first time, and obtains [Top Physical Skills·Super·Proficiency]!”

Facing siege, gain [Physicality, Strength, Agility·Super·Enhancement]! 」

[Host! Come on, take another sword, I’ll give you a few more! I’ve waited too long for this day, I want to improve so much! Host!! ]

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