After the two of them had a long time to get married, they were still very happy.

Geglan was driven out of the room by Yiyun.

Nothing happened between them, and there was no physical contact.

But Yiyun seemed to have lost his soul and spirit.

Like a puppet, Yiyun stared with his eyes wide open and walked out of the bathroom stiffly.

He sat on the bed with a dull expression, looking at the ceiling with empty eyes.

All the most primitive desires in his heart have disappeared, as if he has converted to Buddhism.

‘It shouldn’t be like this… It shouldn’t be like this…’ Yiyun kept repeating this sentence in his mind.

In such excitement and expectation, the appearance of Geglan brought him an incomparable strong visual impact.

It even made him feel that his life was over.


Tears flowed down his cheeks and dripped onto the ground.

But Yiyun’s eyes seemed dead, and he could not feel the tears flowing.

[Host…Host? ! What’s wrong with you? Why are you crying? Don’t scare me, host? ]

“Tears?” Yiyun made a hoarse voice and raised his hand to wipe it. He looked at the wet palm and was a little absent-minded: “Tears? No, this is blood, blood from the eyes! It’s dead!”


[I’m here, host! What do you want? ]

“Have I hurt you?”

[No, host! ]

“Have I blamed you?”

[Should…shouldn’t have? 】

“Why did you harm me? Why did you kill my eyes? Everyone came here to find me, why did she appear in front of me in an instant?” Yi Yun looked at his trembling hands, his pupils trembling violently like an earthquake.

For a moment, he even wanted to gouge out his eyes.

[Host, don’t do this, I’m scared…]

“Scared?” Yi Yun raised his head: “Then do you know how scared I was just now? Do you know how much damage her words caused to my young heart?”

Suddenly, it was also the moment when Yi Yun said this.

In his mind, the scenes in the bathroom just now emerged uncontrollably.

As if he had been hit hard again, Yi Yun lay down on the bed directly, all thoughts in his mind disappeared, and only one sentence kept echoing in his mind.

3! 2! 1! Jump!

[Don’t be discouraged, host! You can still draw again on credit, believe me! 】

“Hehe, no.” Yiyun smiled dully.

[Understood! Here comes a non-ugly one. 】

“System, can you materialize? Come on, come out and let me stab you twice.”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have extracted the dispatched character (One Punch World·Tornado)”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, you will get part of the power of the dispatched character (One Punch World·Tornado)”

“Dong! Dong!”

At this time, the door of Yiyun’s room was knocked.

The cold voice of Ulquiorra Cifer came from outside.

“Captain, she’s chasing us again.”

Yiyun was startled, and his empty eyes seemed to have regained some clarity at this moment, and Tiffany’s figure also appeared in his mind.

“Does she want to die?” Yiyun blurted out after sitting up from the bed.

How long has it been?

Is she still chasing? Still swimming?

You know, this is not a swimming pool, but the sea!

Swimming in a swimming pool for such a long time may not be a big deal, after all, the water in the swimming pool is still.

But this is in the sea, the sea water is flowing, and there are waves on the sea surface.

It is completely different from the swimming pool!

Picking up the coat placed beside him and putting it on, Yiyun strode out of the room and walked towards the deck.

At the same time.

It was quite far away from the Pale Song, about a few nautical miles on the sea.

Tiffany didn’t even raise her head, just swam forward with all her strength.

Even though she knew that she couldn’t catch up at such a long distance, she still swam forward without stopping for a moment!

Time went back to ten minutes ago.

A lifebuoy suddenly fell beside Tiffany who was crying loudly.

The moment she saw the lifebuoy, Tiffany understood that this was the guarantee they gave her group to return safely.

However, Tiffany did not return, but threw the lifebuoy to Jeremy and the other two.

She raised her hand to wipe away her tears, as if wiping away the weakness in her heart as well, and a firm look reappeared on her face.


She was about to say something.

But Jeremy and the other two seemed to have seen through Tiffany’s mind, and said in unison: “We will go back, just do what you want! Big Sister!”

“Yes! Big Sister, we don’t want to be a burden to you forever.”

Hearing this, Tiffany almost cried again.

But she still held back and promised very seriously.

“If, I really catch up, I will come back! I will not abandon you, definitely not! If I don’t come back, it means I didn’t catch up, you have to live well.”

As soon as Tiffany said this, Jeremy and the other two almost cried again.

They have been with Tiffany all the time, and they know Tiffany so well. How can they not understand Tiffany’s determination at this moment?

Time goes back to the present.

Yiyun returned to the deck of the ship again.

From a distance, he saw Tiffany’s figure swimming towards them desperately.

It was also at this moment that Yiyun clearly saw Tiffany’s determination to not stop chasing even if she died on the road.

No need to say more at this time!

Whether or not the ship can be caught up, the test of determination is irrelevant.

In Yiyun’s eyes, Tiffany is now a member of the Angel Pirates!

“Poseidon!” Yiyun spoke slowly, watching Tiffany swimming hard on the sea.

In the cabin, Poseidon, who closed his eyes to rest, slowly opened his eyes at this moment


Then, a huge column of water rose from the sky where Tiffany was, wrapped her whole body, and rushed straight to the Pale Song.


And Tiffany, who had no idea of ​​the situation, only felt that she didn’t know why she suddenly sank into the sea, and the suffocation of drowning enveloped her. She couldn’t struggle, and couldn’t struggle!

However, she didn’t feel panic because of this.

On the contrary, she was more calm and relieved to accept the reality in her heart.

‘So…Is it because I can’t swim anymore? Or I still can’t catch up…Well~ But, isn’t this natural? ’

The past memories flashed through Tiffany’s mind like a revolving lantern.

It made her feel nostalgic.

However, before these scenes could be fully displayed, they were interrupted by a force.


As the water column fell, she was brought to Yiyun’s ship and landed on the deck of the Pale Song.

The feeling of suffocation disappeared instantly. Tiffany, who choked on a few mouthfuls of water, coughed violently and breathed in the air eagerly.

“Cough cough cough!!!”

In front of her was a completely unfamiliar environment.

After taking a breath, she looked around blankly, her lips trembling and whispering: “This… This is…”

“Hua La~”

Before Tiffany finished speaking, Yiyun pulled off his coat.

He came to Tiffany, who hadn’t reacted to what happened yet, and wrapped the coat around her cold body.

Feeling the warmth of the coat, Tiffany was stunned and looked up subconsciously.

But she saw a familiar face with a smile.

Yiyun looked at Tiffany for a long time.

Then he turned his head and looked at the crew behind him.

“Now… let’s welcome our new member!”

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