The next morning, the two of them were in a mess.

The next morning.

“Boom boom boom!”

Yiyun was awakened by the sound of fighting, and the bed was shaking because of the fighting outside.

He opened his eyes wide and stared at the ceiling blankly, with only one thought in his mind.

Which normal person would fight so early in the morning? !

It was also on this day that the Angel Pirates had a rule that belonged to them alone.

No fighting in the morning!

Three days later, Yiyun added a few new rules to the original rules.

Angel Pirates Crew Manual.

Article 1: Fighting before breakfast, including breakfast time, lunch time and dinner time is prohibited!

Article 2: It is prohibited to instigate crew members to gamble!

Article 3: No quarrels or fights in the restaurant!

Article 4: No damage to fishing rods!

Article 5: Fights cannot last more than two hours!

Article 6: No damage to items on the ship!

Article 7: No calling crew members bugs!

Article 8: No littering!

Article 9: No live, complete fish larger than the deck can be brought on board!



In an unknown town.

A woman wearing a white beret, long purple hair, and a suspender skirt was sitting at a table outside the dessert shop, tasting delicious pastries.


In addition to desserts, there was also a newspaper on the white table.

The purple-haired woman’s eyes withdrew from the dessert and fell on the newspaper next to it.

“I wonder what the special prize will be?”

The purple-haired woman stood up and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, an accident happened. She seemed to have twisted her foot, and she screamed and fell to the three men passing by.


“Be careful!” The three men were all shocked when they saw this sudden scene, and quickly reached out to support the purple-haired woman who was about to fall.

“Are you okay?” One of the three men asked with concern.

The purple-haired woman raised her head shyly and said softly: “I’m fine, thank you.”

Looking at the beautiful face and curvy figure of the purple-haired woman, the three men blushed and waved their hands shyly.

“No, no, no, you’re welcome.”

“Yes, it’s just a small matter.”

“Compared to this, is your foot…really okay? Can you still walk? Do you need me to take you to a nearby clinic?”

“No~” The purple-haired woman stood up straight and straightened her chest: “I’m fine, thank you for your help this time. I have something else to do, so I’ll leave first, bye~”

This sudden scene made the three men’s eyes go straight, and they were stunned in place, speaking incoherently.

“Okay… okay… bye… bye…”

Turning around, the purple-haired woman strode away.

However, her originally empty hand now had three heavy wallets.

After weighing it for a while, the purple-haired woman showed a satisfied smile on her face: “Good luck~”



It was just after noon.

A coast outside the village of Bahazak.

“Big sister, are we really not going to go up and take a look?” On the deck of the Pale Song, Jeremy looked at Tiffany and asked hesitantly.

Tiffany turned her head and looked at Jeremy beside her. She pondered for a while and shook her head.

“No, the captain said that we will not stay on the island for too long this time. Besides, there are still many places on the ship that have not been cleaned.”

“Oh~ I know.” Jeremy was a little regretful.

He actually wanted to go ashore with Yiyun to take a look, but since the big sister didn’t go up, he wouldn’t go up either.

What Jeremy didn’t know was that Tiffany actually had the same idea as him.

She also wanted to follow Yiyun.

But when she remembered what Philona said to her that day, she didn’t dare to go ashore with Yiyun.

She was afraid.

She was afraid that Yiyun would find a place for her to stay on this island and then abandon her.

“Let’s go. Next is Sukuna-sama’s room. We must be respectful.” Tiffany retracted her gaze towards the shore and led Jeremy to the cabin.

“What happened to Sukuna-sama this time?

“Aren’t you going ashore with the captain?” Jeremy was a little curious.

“Why are you asking so many questions? Say less.” Tiffany instructed.

At the same time.

In the village of Bahazak, a group of old women were gathered together to talk with two young men with unfamiliar faces.

“No, no, no, grandma, I’m talking about the navigator.” The young man raised his voice and explained.

He was Yiyun who came to the island to find the navigator.

“Ah? What sea?” The gray-haired old woman looked puzzled.

“Navigator!” Yiyun repeated and emphasized.

“Very good? Of course, I’m in good health!” The gray-haired old woman nodded with a smile on her face.

Yyun was a little embarrassed and raised his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead.

“You are in good health, but you are a little hard of hearing. ”

At this time, other old ladies around also smiled and spoke.

“Young man, what are you talking about navigator? We don’t understand!”

“Yes, yes.”

“What is a navigator?”

“The daughter of the Bahak family is very good. Not only is she beautiful, but she is also diligent and sensible. She must be a good woman who can manage the household. I will call her over so you can meet her?”

“No, no, no, auntie.” Yiyun waved her hand and refused: “I’m here to find someone.”

“Yes, I think the daughter of the Bahak family is very suitable for you, young man! ”

Hearing this, Yiyun unconsciously raised his hand again to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

What the hell is this for?

How come it turned into a blind date?

I’m looking for someone, not a wife!

At the beginning, there were only three people here, including Yiyun.

But when Yiyun started chatting, more and more people began to gather, and now there are seven or eight people without Yiyun.

“Is there anyone in the village who is very interested in things at sea? The kind of people who know how to look at the weather, can sail far, and are more knowledgeable?”

“Young man, do you want to go fishing? Sailing far is very dangerous…”

The women around were talking at once, and Yiyun felt that his head was bigger.

The ‘intelligence department’ in this village……….. is a bit difficult to deal with.

After a few hasty responses, Yiyun left this place in disgrace.

“It seems that I have to go to the tavern or something to find out the news. “Yiyun paused, subconsciously turned his head to look at the other side: “I wonder what’s going on over there? Those two guys won’t quarrel again on the way? ? ”

Yiyun is not the only one who landed on the island this time.

Hashirama, Madara, Xiaowu, Tornado, Gagran, Fiona and others also landed on the island. Before they separated, Yiyun asked them to find out about the news of the navigator.

Fiona, Yiyun is not sure if she will help to find out, but I think Gagran and Xiaowu should be interested.

As for Hashirama and Madara.

It’s more outrageous to find out about the navigator than to ask them to find out about the navigator.

However, let’s look forward to it a little.

Just thinking about it, Yiyun suddenly noticed something and turned his head to look in one direction.

“Huh? So fast? “Yiyun’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a playful smile appeared on his face.

The next second, he took a step forward and disappeared instantly.

When he appeared again, he had come to the seaside, on a steep cliff.

Just in front of him, on the sea about ten nautical miles away from the island, a huge naval formation was approaching at full speed.

Yiyun raised his hand and pointed at the number of warships, and couldn’t help but chuckled and said: “Eight warships, the battle is not small.”

Also when Yiyun’s voice fell, Ulquiorra Cifer, Madara, Hashirama, and Tornado also rushed to Yiyun one after another.

“Are those the navy?” Tornado’s figure floated beside Yiyun, and asked arrogantly.

“Yeah, I really don’t know what the Navy Headquarters thinks. Even the admirals can’t do anything to us. What’s the use of sending eight warships this time, even the admirals are not dispatched? “Yi Yun spoke slowly.

At the same time.

The huge fleet consisting of eight large naval warships gradually slowed down its speed after being not too far from the island.

Then it stopped at sea.

A tall, bearded man in a white uniform and a white bowler hat walked out of the cabin and came to the front of the warship.

Behind him, there was a group of naval officers in white navy coats.

Looking at the island ahead, the bearded man said in a cold voice: “Open fire.”

As soon as these words came out, a

All the navy officers were shocked.


“There are still civilians on that island… Are you serious?!” A navy officer stepped forward and reminded him in disbelief.

The bearded man turned his head and looked at the navy officer who was speaking with cold eyes: “Don’t make the mistake of identity, I am the highest commander here now.”

“If it weren’t for your incompetence, which made the world government lose face, there would be no need for me to come here in person! Facade? Humph!”

Facing the bearded man who didn’t look good at all, the faces of all the navy officers were also very ugly.

“But… but there are our informants up there, if…”

“Shut up!” The bearded man shouted angrily: “They are just incompetent guys like you, what’s the point of keeping them?”

All the navy officers gritted their teeth, and after a moment, an officer standing in front still lowered his head, waved his hand and whispered: “Fire…”

Then the order was issued.

In a moment, the guns of eight large warships were all aimed at the island ahead.

“Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang…”

The huge sound of artillery fire resounded throughout the sea area, and eight large naval warships fired round after round at the island ahead.

In an instant, the sky was filled with shells like raindrops pressing towards the island!

On the island.

Seeing the navy warships suddenly open fire, and seeing the dense rain of shells pressing over, Yiyun was stunned.

“What’s going on? Demon Slayer Order?”

This time, Yiyun was really confused.

Logically speaking, this should not be a Demon Slayer Order.

First of all, the scale of the fleet at sea is not right, and he didn’t even see the golden Den Den Mushi.

Secondly, there is no scandal of the world government here, and there is nothing that needs to be covered up and cannot be known to the world.

As a result, they came up and opened fire directly, playing the game of plowing the land with artillery fire?

“Is this the navy? Are they crazy? Or am I crazy?”

“Swish! Swish! Swish…”

The sharp sound of the whistling artillery fire resounded in the sky.

Followed by the continuous roar.

“Bang! Bang! Bang…”

“Boom! Boom!!!!”

The dense artillery fire bombarded the island, causing the entire island to tremble in the explosion.

The pungent smoke filled the air, and the entire island was engulfed in a sea of ​​fire in an instant.

Looking back at the sea of ​​fire behind him, Yiyun couldn’t tell who was the vicious pirate for a while!

At this time.

In the village, the originally quiet and peaceful village has now become a purgatory on earth!

Corpses everywhere, wailing and crying everywhere.


Filona, ​​who had just climbed up from the aftermath of the explosion, was dirty and dusty. She looked at the body of a child in front of her and collapsed to her knees.

Her eyes widened, shaking violently like an earthquake, and her face was full of disbelief.

“Why… why… why is this happening…”





The roar of the artillery fire was still echoing in her ears, and two lines of hot tears flowed from Filona’s eyes like a dam bursting.

“It shouldn’t be like this… it shouldn’t be like this…”

Whimsing, Filona suddenly seemed to be crazy, looking up and roaring: “Don’t you just want me to report their situation and whereabouts?! Why?! Why?! They are the criminals!!!”

“Did I… do something wrong…”

On the other side.

Where Yiyun is.

Looking at the sea of ​​fire behind him and what the navy was doing, Yi Yun suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the navy fleet, and said with a ferocious face.

“Since you all did this! Then we will not be polite to you!!!”


Uchiha Madara clapped his hands together to make a seal.


The next second, a light blue aura visible to the naked eye gushed out from Madara’s body, and a huge half-body Susano condensed.

The half-body Susano had two faces and four arms, facing the left and right sides respectively.

At the same time, the four arms of the half-body Susano were not idle, and they had already made seals.

“Tian Ai Zhenxing!!”


Click on the free gift, please, handsome and elegant readers.

Another thing to say: it seems that many of the author’s replies have been harmonized

In response to the fan group issue, it’s not that the author doesn’t want to open one, but there are not enough fans, and there is not even a fan group button.

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