Saying that, a violent murderous aura emerged from Tsunade’s body, filling the surrounding air like substance.

Tsunade’s face was gloomy like a volcano about to erupt!

The surrounding air seemed to freeze, suffocating.

Hearing Tsunade’s words, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Sarutobi were also silent.

They probably also understood what was happening at that time.

They are all clear about Kato’s pursuit of Tsunade, and now it seems that Tsunade does not have feelings for Kato Break, but has a good impression of Mufan.

What Kato did was obviously to anger Tsunade.

Mu Fan’s move was probably also at the behest of Tsunade.

“What do you think, old man?”

Having made his position clear, Tsunade also said coldly to the ape flying sun.

“Well, I see, Kato is just a hateful person who wants to take advantage of Tsunade’s position, and I will deal with this matter.”

With a word, Ape Fei Sun defined the events of last night.

You know, even if the Senju clan declines, Tsunade is still the granddaughter of Senju Pillar and Senju, and is one of Konoha’s noblest bloodlines.

Coveting Tsunade’s bloodline status, this crime is settled, it is not the Kato clan who denounces Mufan, but Tsunade wants to ask the Kato clan for an explanation.

Hearing Sarutobi’s words, Tsunade also nodded with satisfaction.

Ape Flying Sun Chopping did this, which can be regarded as a partial helper.

However, this does not mean that Tsunade forgave Sarutobi Hinata.

After all, some things are not so easy to forgive.

Even, it is impossible to forgive for a lifetime.

“Well, old man, is there anything other than this? If nothing else, I’ll go first. ”

Tsunade snorted coldly and said.

“Well, it’s like this, Mufan he can defeat Kato Break, I’m afraid he already has the strength of Shangnin.”

“But now Mufan has no registration information, and he is not a ninja of Konoha.”

“You guys let Mu Fan come over, and I let him advance to the upper Shinobi (position), how?”

Sarutobi picked up his pipe, took a puff of his cigarette, and asked.

“I will tell Mu Fan about this, but if he agrees or not, I don’t know.”

Tsunade thought for a moment and said.

“Then, there is nothing to do, Tsunade you can go first, and I will notify you when I need you to go to war in a few days.”

Sarutobi also sighed lightly and signaled that Tsunade could leave.

Tsunade glanced at Sarutobi with a complicated look in his eyes, and then turned to leave.

“Orochimaru, Jiraiya, what kind of person do you think Mufan is?”

After Tsunade left, Sarutobi asked Orochimaru and Jiraiya.

“Mu Fan, is a person with a good temper, good personality, gentleness, and yearning for peace.” Zi Lai also touched his chin and said.

Hearing Jiraiya’s words, Sarutobi nodded in satisfaction.

“So does he love Konoha?”

Sarutobi continued to ask.

“Love, at least I don’t feel the slightest dissatisfaction with Konoha in him.” Zi Lai also thought about it, and also replied.

“That’s good.” Hearing Jiraiya’s words, Ape Flying Sun was also relieved.

What he was most afraid of was that Mu Fan had some bad thoughts about Konoha.

Otherwise, he would definitely make a move against Mu Fan.

At that time, he and Tsunade’s master and apprentice were probably really strangers.

Through the conversation with Tsunade just now, Sarutobi Hinata was also able to sense that Tsunade attached great importance to Mufan.

This kind of attention is not even much different from the love for Konoha.

It is precisely because of this that Ape Flying Sun will stay and ask about it with the big snake pill.

“Teacher, among the three of us, Tsunade is the most familiar with Mufan, why don’t you ask Tsunade.” Orochimaru asked in a flat tone.

“In that situation just now, do you think if I ask, Tsunade will answer?”

“Even if Tsunade answers, how many percent can I believe in her answer?”

Ape Fei Ri shook his head with a wry smile.

Tsunade’s ‘preference’ for Mufan is visible to the naked eye, and Sarutobi even suspects that Tsunade and Mufan have become a couple.

Jiraiya and Orochimaru nodded, indicating that they understood.

“Old man, if there is nothing else, we will leave first.” Jiraiya yawned again and said.

“There’s nothing to do, you can go, I’ll come to you in a few days.” Ape Fei Ri nodded and said with concern: “Zilaiye, don’t be annoyed by the teacher, when you are young, you must be moderate…”

“Verbose to death, old man, I said it wasn’t what you thought!” Jiraiya roared.


Konoha Hospital.

Kato Takashi, the patriarch of the Kato clan, came to Kato’s bedside.

“Patriarch, Mu Fan is too deceitful, you must help me decide!” Kato’s eyes showed a glow of hatred.

Kato also received an explanation of his medical symptoms.

Kato’s broken right shoulder was scrapped and difficult to treat, and even if the medical treatment is good, I am afraid that there will be a lot of sequelae.

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