After leaving Mufan’s grocery store, Mikoto also touched the amulet around her neck.

Recalling the short time she met Mufan, Mikoto’s face also showed a good-looking smile.

Gentle and delicate.

It was her most genuine smile.

I seem to really have a crush on him.


Inside the ninja school.

“Jingle bells.”

The bell rings for the end of class. Cinnai quickly packed up her things and prepared to leave with the Jeni turtle.

“Jiu Xinnai, can I go home with you?” Bofeng Shuimen came to Jiu Xinnai’s side with a smile on his face and asked.

“Ah, how many times have I told you, don’t bother me, I’m not fragile, I don’t need you to be pitiful.” Jiu Xinnai said with some impatience.

At this time, Jiu Xinnai’s heart is still quite closed, and it is precisely because of this that Jiu Xinnai does not have many friends until now.

Tsunade counts one, Mikoto counts one, and Mufan may be the third.

The current Jiu Xinnai does not have any good feelings for Watergate, in her opinion, Bofeng Shuimen is a person who is both untrustworthy and boring.

Even, the current Jiu Xinnai still looks down on the wave feng shui gate a little.

In the original work, it was also the kidnapping incident that led to Jiu Xinnai’s change in his view of Bofeng Shuimen.

And now, the kidnapping incident has not yet happened, and Jiu Xinnai is naturally indifferent to Watergate.

As for the other students in the class, except for a few students such as Hatsuimon Bubumon, Akimichi Choza, Nara Shikahisa, and Yamanaka Haichi, most of the students had colored glasses looking at Jiu Shinnai with crimson hair.

In this class, Jiu Xinnai, who could not feel the warmth, was naturally reluctant to communicate with other students more.

“Jiu Xinnai… I’m not looking at you poorly…”

Bo Feng Shuimen’s tone gradually weakened, because before he finished speaking, Jiu Xinnai ran out with the Jeni turtle.

“Ah, Watergate, you failed again.” Akimichi said while eating a snack.

“Ah, girls are not so easy to chase.” Yamanaka said from the side.

“Women are trouble.” Nara Shikaku also said with a lazy face.

“I can only say that I am still not good enough.” Bofeng Shuimen also smiled and sighed, and said: “Obviously I feel that Jiu Xinnai is very happy today, I thought I could say it successfully.” ”

“Ahhh… Then you still don’t catch up, a person’s mood will not change for no reason, I suspect ah, Jiu Xinnai met someone he liked. ”

Yamanaka quipped.

“What!” Hearing Yamanaka Haichi’s words, Bofeng Shuimen was also taken aback, and then recalled today’s performance of Jiu Xinnai.

The more I think about it, the more it feels wrong.

“Thank you, I’ll go with me first, and I’ll invite you to dinner later.” Bofeng Shuimen hurriedly ran out and followed Jiu Xinnai.

With the strength of Bofeng Shuimen, it is difficult to keep up with Jiu Xin.

During this period, Bofeng Shuimen had long been accepted as a disciple by Zilai.

The strength of Bofeng Shuimen has long been able to be promoted, but due to the Ninja World War II, as well as Jiu Xinnai and other reasons, Bofeng Shuimen did not graduate early.

“Dingza, Lujiu, let’s go, I’ll go over and take a look.” Yamanaka Haichi showed an interested look on his face and suggested.

“Well, if you’re interested, let’s go.” Akimichi Dingza said with a look of indifference.

As long as it doesn’t delay him from eating, Akimichi Dingza doesn’t matter.

“Ah, it’s really troublesome.” Nara Shikaku also yawned, but did not refuse.

Perhaps, Nara Shikaku is also curious, why did Jiu Shinna have such a change today?

Also, what is that little blue bald turtle?


“Uncle, I’m coming!” Jiu Xinnai also pushed open the door of Mufan’s grocery store and ran in.

“They all said don’t call me uncle, just call me brother.”

Mu Fan drank tea and smiled helplessly at Jiu Xinnai.

Seeing Mu Fan, Jiu Xinnai was also stunned.

How uncle seems to have changed!

Jiu Xinnai was taken aback.

The current Mufan seems to be completely different from yesterday’s Mufan.

This is a very strange feeling, obviously there is no change in appearance, but the feeling for Jiu Xinnai has completely changed.

In Jiu Xinnai’s perspective, Mu Fan casually tasted the tea in the cup, half-squinted, and the light smile on his lips gave him an otherworldly magic, which made people stunned.

His clothes were snow-white and unclean, and it seemed that even the sunlight was embarrassed to leave a mottled shadow.

His hair is inky black, which sets off the poetic sheen of the white neck under his hair.

His back is straight, and in this poplar-like figure, there is a huge tenacity in it.

Elegant as a flower, pure and beautiful.

At this moment, Jiu Xinnai was out of his mind.

At this moment, Jiu Xinnai was crazy.

At this moment, Jiu Xinnai’s heart moved.

“Jiu Xinnai, Jiu Xinnai, are you all right?” Mu Fan helplessly stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Jiu Xinnai’s eyes.

Jiu Shinnai’s appearance has been seen by Mufan on Mikoto’s body.

Mu Fan also knew that this was probably the effect of the bone scraper.

Although Mu Fan does not have the ability to actively use the bone scraper, he is also full of attraction to women.

Jiu Shinnai, I’m afraid she was attracted to herself like Mikoto before, right?

“Wow, uncle, what happened to you, how did you suddenly become so handsome! Wearing makeup from time to time? ”

Jiu Xinnai shouted in surprise.

She also did not avoid suspicion, stretched out her hand and touched Mu Fan’s face.

“Go and go, I’m naturally beautiful, how can I need makeup!” Mu Fan also slapped Jiu Xinnai’s hand down and said.

“No, you let me pinch, I want to see if you are really yesterday’s uncle, why it gives me a completely different feeling.”

Jiu Xinnai did not give up so much, and threw himself towards Mu Fan’s lazy chair.


Seeing Jiu Xinnai’s light and heavy action, Mu Fan had to catch Jiu Xinnai.

Jiu Xinnai also took the opportunity to touch Mu Fan’s face.

“Wow, you really don’t have makeup, so why do you feel so much more handsome today than yesterday?”

Jiu Xinnai touched Mu Fan’s face and widened her eyes curiously.

“Please, how could I possibly wear makeup.”

Mu Fan was also a little speechless.

Jiu Xinnai is still very small, and his body size is also small, not heavy.

Although he looks very thin, he will not hold his hands when he holds it.

“Okay, have you touched enough, get off me quickly.” Mu Fan said without anger.

Compared with Mikoto’s gentleness and generosity, with a little black belly, Jiu Shinna is much wilder.

“Okay, okay, just let me touch it, and it won’t be less meat, it’s really petty.”

Jiu Xinnai also came down from Mu Fan’s body. _

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