“Is that so?”

Listening to Mu Fan’s words, Jiu Xinnai also couldn’t wait to put the ring on the index finger of his left hand.

Subsequently, Jiu Xinnai also injected Chakra into the ring.


A cluster of red flames emerged from the sun-shaped symbol in the middle of Arashi’s ring, startling Jiu Shinnai.

“This is … What a beautiful flame. ”

The ring of Arashi burst out of flames, and Jiu Xinnai could also feel that the power continued to pour into his body, giving Jiu Xinnai a feeling that as long as he made a move, he could destroy everything.

“That’s right, this is the Pengellet Ring, Arashi’s Ring, once Chakra is injected into this ring, the Arashi flame will rise.”

“This flame does not hurt people, but it will greatly enhance the strength of the ring user, and Arashi corresponds to decomposition, which will make your attack extremely destructive, which you should be able to feel in the future.”

Mu Fan explained.

“That’s awesome!” Jiu Xinnai’s face also showed a look of joy.

“Wow, is there really such a magical item in the ninja world?” Yamanaka Haichi also looked at Nara Shikahisa curiously.

“Sa, who knows…” Nara Shikaku also shook his head, indicating that he didn’t know.

After all, Nara Shikaku and they were just bystanders, and they could not accurately feel the power of this Pengellet ring.

“So, what’s that last thing?”

Jiu Xinnai also pointed to the last Chakra form change card and asked.

“This card ah, called the Chakra Form Change Magic Card, after tearing it, it can make your Chakra Form Change ability become magical.”

Mu Fan said.

“That wouldn’t be true, would it? How could there be such a card. Bo Feng Shuimen’s face showed a skeptical look.

After all, tearing open a card can make Chakra’s form change become fascinating, which sounds like a child’s speech.

Bofeng Shuimen was a little suspicious, Jiu Xinnai was deceived by Mu Fan.

The same is true of Nara Shikaku.

After all, they had never heard of such an item.

“You don’t believe it?” Mu Fan had not yet refuted the wave feng shui men, but Jiu Xinnai was not happy.

Hearing Mu Fan being questioned, Jiu Xinnai felt as if he was questioned.

“Hmph, that’s because you are ignorant and don’t believe it.”

“Then you show me.”

With that, Jiu Xinnai tore the card open.

The card shattered, shining with golden light, shrouding Jiu completely.

Jiu Xinnai could feel that he seemed to have more memories in the sea.

It took a while for the golden light to dissipate.

“Jiu Xinnai, are you all right?” Door asked with concern.

“I’m okay, I’m still very good.”

Saying that, Jiu Xinnai closed his eyes, and then began to mobilize his own Chakra.

A familiar feeling spread throughout his body, although Jiu Xinnai’s feet stepped forward sharply, and a pair of azure Chakra armor surrounded Jiu Xinnai’s body.

“This is…” Bo Feng Shuimen’s eyes widened.

“Chakra condensation! Chakra’s extreme pattern change! Seeing Jiu Shinnai’s actions, Nara Shikahisa’s eyelids also twitched.

Of all the people present, I’m afraid only Nara Shikaku knew what this meant.

Chakra is a very versatile energy that can take on a variety of properties and can be shaped into a variety of shapes.

This is the morphological change of Chakra.

However, there are very few, if any, almost no changes wrapped in the form of Chakra that wrap the whole body and seem to be able to form a powerful force.

One is because there is no such huge Chakra, but because there is no control ability for this high-end Chakra pattern change.

As far as Mufan knows, those who have this ability are either Susanoo of the Uchiha clan who has opened the kaleidoscope chakra eye, or the tailed beast of the human pillar force.

Mu Fan also did not expect that Chakra’s form change was brilliant, which would allow Jiu Xinnai to easily do this step.

“Well, now you believe it!” Seeing the surprised look of Bo Feng Shuimen, Jiu Xinnai’s heart also flashed a trace of pride.

“Believed… Jiu Xinnai, your current strength is probably not inferior to mine. Bo Feng Shuimen also smiled bitterly.

Originally, Bofeng Shuimen was very confident that he could finish abusing Jiu Xinnai, but seeing Jiu Xinnai use such a change in Chakra form, Bo Feng Shui Men was not sure if he could easily defeat Jiu Xinnai.

Space-time ninjutsu is extraordinary, a simple flying thunder god can push the wave feng shui gate to the shadow level, but the problem is – all powerful space-time ninjutsu are high-end ninjutsu.

Flying Thunder God, Kamui, Void, and even Otsuki Kaguya’s Heavenly Gochu, Huangquan Birasaka, are all extremely powerful ninjutsu, but none of them are short.

Wave Feng Shuimen, who has not yet graduated from the ninja school, even if his master is Jiraiya, he will not be able to touch the Flying Thunder God Art during this period.

He has not yet touched the water gate of the Flying Thunder God Art, and during this period, the only thing that is powerful is his reaction speed and battle ideas.

If you really want to fight with the current Mikoto, Wave Feng Shuimen really does not necessarily have the upper hand.

This also makes Bofeng Shuimen a little envious.

Envy Jiu Xinnai actually just obtained an item from the lottery, and his strength had reached or even surpassed him.

“That’s of course, the next combat exercise, I won’t lose to you again.” Jiu Xinnai’s face also showed a confident look, and then lifted the condensed Chakra.

“Manager, I don’t know about these lottery tickets, can we buy them?” At this time, Bofeng Shuimen also looked at Mu Fan with some hot eyes.

“Of course.” Mu Fan smiled, and then said: “It’s just that everyone can only buy one every day, and they can’t buy more.” ”

“Moreover, the initial price is 1W, and with each purchase, the price doubles.”

Before Mu Fan asked Bofeng Shuimen, he also said the price of the lottery ticket.

“Is that so? That is to say, Jiu Xinnai is now the second lottery? Hearing Mu Fan’s words, several people in Yamanaka also reacted.

Items that can make the strength stronger, of course, a few people in the mountain are unlikely to miss it.

“Manager, get me a lottery ticket first.” Bo Feng Shuimen said, also took out 10,000 from his pocket and handed it to Mu Fan.

Although Bofeng Shuimen is not very good, but 1W yuan, you can still take it out.

“Give.” Mu Fan also smiled and handed the lottery ticket to Bofeng Shuimen. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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