The two went to the courtyard and sat down.

Then I saw a flicker in the surrounding space.

Then it went back to normal.

“Mrs. Mito, what are you doing?”

Mu Fan was a little surprised.

Because 4 obviously has a soundproof enchantment.

And this soundproof enchantment is still the kind that will not be noticed by anyone.

However, Mito was once the princess of the country of Whirlpool.

The Vortex clan is proficient in all kinds of powerful sealing techniques.

Today’s Mito, although he looks old, if he really wants to fight, I am afraid that his strength will definitely not be under the three generations of Hokage.

“What I said next, I don’t really want them to hear, so this is our little secret, Mufan, I can see that Jiu Xina likes you!”

Shui Gou smiled and said to Mu Fan.


Mu Fan didn’t seem to expect Mito to say such a thing, and for a while he was a little speechless, not knowing what to say.

“Don’t be nervous, I’m not looking for you to settle the score, this kind of thing should let my granddaughter Tsunade come in person!” Mito said with a smile, and seemed to have made a small joke with Mufan.

“Madame, what exactly are you trying to say today?”

Mu Fan asked.

“I think you should also know something about the situation in the village, how much do you know about the tailed beast?”

Mito asked Mufan with a smile while holding a teacup.

In the eyes of outsiders, this scene should be very warm and harmonious.

But in Mufan’s opinion, he could easily understand that Mito was testing him.

“Tailed beasts, this is a very powerful force, if used correctly, it can benefit the village, but if it is used wrong, it can also destroy the village, and now these tailed beasts in the world are distributed to various villages among the relatives of the original Hokage!”

Mu Fan said lightly.

“That’s right, so Konoha got the Nine Tails, the Nine Tails is the most powerful in the hands of all people, and it is also the most difficult to control, if you want to become the pillar force of the 9 Tails, you must have a Chakra huge talent line, because you want to use your own Chakra to suppress the Nine Tails all the time, so the consumption of the human pillar force in the long term is also very strong, and the heart of the tailed beast will gradually be transmitted to the human pillar force, so the human pillar force needs to have a sense of belonging, and more importantly, she needs someone she likes and loves deeply as a pillar!”

“And Konoha, you also need to use someone to lock up Uzumaki Kyu Yukina, who is about to become the pillar force of the Nine-Tailed People!”

Mito’s words were not finished.

The rest of the words were spoken by Mu Fan.

“You are very smart, you can get so much news from my words in a few words, yes, I don’t know how much you know, but Jiu Yukina does need someone, and that person must be loyal to Konoha, so that Konoha can be considered at ease with Kunoha!”

Mito said a little sadly.

“So, who did you choose?”

Mu Fan asked impatiently.

He knew that Konoha’s treatment in Konoha must have the credit of Konoha.

Otherwise, Bofeng Shuimen is just a lower patience, even if he is talented, a lower patience already has the ability to be a middle patience.

But it is absolutely impossible to save Jiu Xingna in the hands of those people.

“No, this candidate has not been chosen for the time being, but I think it is fast, because there is not much time left, so Mufan, there is still a chance now, if you promise me that I can protect Tsunade and protect Jiu Yukina, I may be able to convince Konoha not to carry out this plan again.”

Mito said lightly.

At this moment, Mito is no longer a kind grandmother, but a powerful ninja.

“I thought Mrs. Mito would want me to be that person!”

Mu Fan said with a smile.

“You, you can’t, I can see that you don’t have a sense of belonging to Konoha, you can leave at any time, give up at any time, and my granddaughter Tsunade, I really know her too well, she is a very emotional person, if you tell him that you want to take him out of Konoha with you, she will absolutely agree.”

Mito said with a smile.

Such words made Mu Fan have a feeling of being seen through.

That’s right, Mufan really doesn’t have a sense of belonging to Konoha.

As a participant who already knows how the plot will unfold and how dark the future purpose will be.

It was absolutely impossible for Mufan to have any sense of belonging to Konoha.

Because this is not his home.

Except for some people who were involved with him, those people were strangers to him.

It was absolutely impossible for him to use his life to protect these strangers.

So he can’t be that person.

Although Mito knew that she was powerless to stop Mufan from becoming more and more deeply bound in Jiu Yukina’s heart, she could at least prolong this time.

Don’t be that fast.

And Tsunade.

She really couldn’t bear to make this last of her relatives sad.

After all, this is her own granddaughter.

“I see, if this is your request, I agree, I believe that Mrs. Mito’s heart loves Kuyukina, so I will take good care of her, but if Konoha dares to use any means, I will not sit still, this is my answer to you!”

Mu Fan said with a smile.


Mito nodded in satisfaction.

“Actually, I’d like to ask you a question, why is there a picture of Uchiha?”

Mu Fan was really curious.

After all, although Senjukuma is not disgusted with the Uchiha clan, Senju Tsuma is a person who is bent on beating the Uchiha clan into a catastrophe.

How could he allow the room he lived in to have a picture of Uchiha.

“Oh, it was taken when I was young, you may not know it, in fact, there were two marriage partners to choose back then!”

Mito seemed to have thought of something and said with a smile.

Such a remark surprised Mu Fan, he didn’t expect that there was such a past back then.

However, if Mito really marries Uchiha, then the child born is estimated to be very good.

Writing wheel eyes plus the bloodline of the Uzumaki clan.

Gee, don’t dare to think about it.

After the chat is over.

Mito removed the soundproof enchantment.

The two of them left the courtyard together and returned to the room.

And Jiu Xingna has long been waiting very anxiously, after all, her heart can’t wait to live with Mufan.

After all, this may be her only chance in this life.

She didn’t know why some topics that had nothing to talk about, the uncle would talk to Grandma Mito for so long.

Could it really be because the uncle is too old?


Don’t want to.

Braincase pain. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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