“You’re not kidding, are you?” Yamaji just joined, naturally he still couldn’t believe it.

But both Solon and Usopp extremely believe that Lin Bei, especially Usopp, is now a bit of Lin Bei’s full-time follower.

“Lin Bei wouldn’t joke about this kind of thing, it should be true.

But don’t be happy too early, he also said, there is a price.

Solon looked through

and nodded

, “There is indeed a price, but this price is the same as my ability, and it changes every day.”

In other words, it is equivalent to us completing a goal, and as long as we complete this goal, we can give superpowers.

After that, everyone nodded. Sanji suddenly thought of something, pulled Lin Bei to the stern corner, and asked

in a low voice, “This superpower of yours really changes every day?”

“Hmm” ”

Have you ever acquired an ability like stealth?”

It’s not that I’m curious, or I’m helping my friend ask.

Lin Bei looked at Sanji with a smile, making friends out of nothing.

“It’s not random yet, but it’s possible to have similar abilities.”

Yamaji’s breathing suddenly became

rapid: “Please be sure to notify when you have stealth ability!”

Even if it is a sea of sword and fire, this ability I, no, my friend will also decide!

“Che, what a friend, I think this friend is you.”

It was Solon who spoke, and there was such a big place on the ship that he could hear it when he fart, not to mention that Solon also practiced seeing and smelling.

Yamaji blushed, and actually admitted

“Yes!” That’s what I want, green algae head!

This is my dream since I was a child!?

Solon looked Yamaji

up and down with some surprise,

“So, you’ve been a lust since you were a kid?”

What stealth can do, everyone knows.

“It’s not color! Isn’t it human nature to pursue beauty!?

So Deputy Captain Lin Bei, please! ”

For the superpower of stealth, Sanji also broke through the lower line.

Even if he hadn’t joined sincerely before, now he has joined sincerely for this ability.

Instead of aimlessly looking for stealth fruits on the sea, it is better to wait for the rabbit, wait by Lin Bei’s side, and sooner or later one day you can randomly find the stealth superpower!

Lin Bei felt the sincerity of this guy, Lin Bei suddenly cried and laughed, this guy paid his sincerity for this superpower.

Luffy had invited him to join several times before, but he had always refused.

I already knew, I said this earlier.

“Don’t worry, after discovering the stealth superpower, I will tell you as soon as possible.”

“Thank you!” Yamaji was in a narrow boat, and he came to bow down with five bodies.

And after this worship, the waves suddenly swelled.

And it is an abnormal surge, as if it caused a tsunami!

However, Lin Beibai could see clearly that it was already very close to Kocosia Village, how could there be such sudden ocean fluctuations when he was close to the island?

Unless, there’s something underneath!

“Sanji! Your color heart must have angered the sea god! This

is Usopp shouting

, this guy is clutching the edge of the boat with both hands, and tears of fear are about to come out.

Compared to the enemy, he is now more afraid of natural disasters.

The enemy can still come with a shot, what can be done with natural disasters?

Sanji himself was not sure

: “Could it be true that there is a sea god alive?”

Seeing this, Solon couldn’t help but laugh and said

, “Idiot, there is something in the sea.”

Even if he sees the domineering prototype, Solon can easily sense the creatures in the ocean.

And Sanji, who had never practiced at all, was now like a Muggle.

One can only fury against Solon’s incompetence.

Lin Bei raised his hand and signaled

, “Don’t argue, below is a small sea beast, solve it as soon as possible, we still have to get the ship and Nami back.”

When Solon heard this, he stood up with his bandaged body propped up, holding the only remaining handfuls of the word Harmony in his hand.

Lin Bei looked a little emotional, if the ship was there just now, it would still be possible to defeat the red panda Mihawk, in that case, would the black knife be Solon’s.

Yamaji lit a cigarette and stood in front of

Solon, “It’s all hurt so badly, don’t be stubborn, I just joined, let me solve the trouble this time.”

It’s just a small sea beast.

Luffy shouted on the side to eat the sea beast later, Sanji laughed when he heard this, isn’t this a coincidence, it just happens to be his specialty.

The sea beast in the sea finally surfaced, looking like a fierce god who wanted to eat people.

But what made the sea beast moo wondered why there was no fear on the human face this time.

Also Why did a human with a straw hat lick his lips?

Is he scary enough?

Moo quickly roared, and the next second saw a kick on his chin.

The sea beast mooed and flew directly into the sky from the sea.

Sanji’s kicking skills are still very top in the East China Sea.

In a few strokes, the vicious sea beast moo turned into a wronged calf with a bag on top, with tears in his eyes, and Temeow’s painting style has changed!

“Hey, don’t think that selling cute won’t eat you.

Lao Tzu has killed fish in RT-Mart for ten years, whether it is the knife in my hand or my heart, it has long been cold!

Lin Bei said

viciously, “Moo~”

The manatee cried out aggrievedly, even more cute.

This guy is planning to get through the hurdle, but it’s a pity that he killed fish for ten years, not only Lin Bei, but also Renshan Zhi really killed fish for ten years.

The start is simply sharp, and directly kills the moo’s generation of cute little pitiful.

After finishing the incident, he also explained to Lin Bei that the deliciousness of this sea beast was that the first half of his was beef and the second half was fish.

So you can eat both delicious top-quality beef and top-quality fish, which can be said to be two fish for one.

Speaking of this, Lin Bei began to discuss with Sanji about how to eat moo.

He is teaching some of the Chinese food recipes to Yamaji, and when he goes ashore, he can let Sanji try to make it to satisfy his Chinese stomach.

And in order to stealth this superpower, Sanji is also very willing to serve Lin Bei.

Soon, the towing boat reached the village of Cocosia.

Yamaji dragged Moo in one hand and had a cigarette in his mouth.

This guy is almost hot again, and he can start talking and singing.

“Can you still see where Nami has gone?”

Luffy asked anxiously, he didn’t want such a good navigator companion as himself to run away like this.

Lin Bei rolled his eyes, but did not find Nami’s figure.

The place they are in is a chain island, which means that many islands form a chain.

The village of Cocosia is just one of the islands.

After Nami stopped the Merley here, she didn’t know where to go, and it was very likely that she went to the island where Aaron was, so she couldn’t see it with a blank eye.

“I didn’t find it, let’s find a place to process the fish first, it’s easy to smell after a long time, I want to eat something fresh.”

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