A week later, somewhere in the East China Sea, an island that should have been said to be deserted, at this moment… But a group of pirates from all over the East China Sea gathered!

Among them are those pirates who like to go it alone and have not formed a pirate group.

There are also those pirates who have formed pirate groups and have dozens of brothers.

This is the annual trading gathering of the East China Sea Pirates!

It is also the most important day of the year for the sea pirate groups in the East China Sea!

The purpose is to take the materials looted over the past year….

Used for resource exchange with other pirate groups.

to get the kind of thing you want most!

The “Great Gathering of Deals” of the East Sea Pirates….

It has been held for more than a dozen sessions!

According to the annual is the word….

It has been held for more than ten years!

After more than ten years of holding the meeting, those naval branches in the East China Sea have probably figured out the signs of the activities of these pirates, and I have to say that these pirates’ secrecy work has been done very well.

Of course, there are also big reasons… It is because there are quite a few corrupt naval branches.

Secretly covering for this pirate gathering!

For example, moths like Colonel Mouse.

Naval moths like this that deserve to be shot.

There are still quite a few in the Navy!

If it is in the headquarters of the navy, there are at least a few generals, a marshal, and a group of upright vice admirals supervising the headquarters, so as not to have such a thing as a naval moth.

But for the naval branch, it is a little unmanageable, after all, it is the emperor of the mountain high far away!

The colonels of the branches of these naval branches do something dirty ….

It is difficult to know the naval headquarters far away in the Great Route.

Even if these naval borers cooperate with pirates.

It is also very difficult for the headquarters of the Navy to obtain information.

However, this time is different….

Under the vigorous pursuit of the Navy!

This year finally has a new breakthrough!

On a pirate ship docked on the shore of the island, a pirate who looked very fierce and felt that he was not a good person at first glance was looking at the nearby pirate ships.

At the same time, he was holding a phone bug in his hand, and a very low and vigilant voice came out of his mouth——

“Colonel Smogg, there are at least thirty or forty fish here! There are more than a dozen pirate groups that can be called in the East China Sea alone! Plus some miscellaneous pirate groups, this trading feast of pirates in the East China Sea… There are a lot of big fish! ”

This fierce-looking pirate turned out to be a member of the navy, or this pirate group….

It is very likely that the pirates on the ship are all a group of navies!

It’s just that in the eyes of outsiders, they are pirates.

After a moment of silence, the man’s voice sounded again: “Colonel Smogg, shall we start working?” ”

A voice came from the phone worm: “Stabilize for the time being, wait for the warship to come over and then start!” ”

This is the voice of Colonel Smogg, the naval branch of Rogue Town!

Smogg’s reputation in the entire East China Sea Navy is very high!

After all, he was the only one in the East China Sea Naval Branch….

A navy with the ability of the natural Devil Fruit!

At the same time, his teacher is also Zefa-sensei!

And has a good relationship with the general of the green pheasant.

This kind of person is destined to rise!

“Yes! Colonel Smogg! ”

The fierce-looking “pirate” nodded heavily, and after hanging up the phone worm, his vigilant eyes looked around again, paying attention to the East China Sea pirate groups around him.

If the Navy’s plan goes smoothly enough this time, then it can eliminate one-third of the pirate groups in the East China Sea!

This can definitely cause a major trauma to the pirate forces!

Even if the pirates in the East China Sea are only the weakest pirates in the four seas.

But no matter how weak the load is, they are still pirates.

After eradicating these pirates, then publicize it.

The prestige of the headquarters of the Navy will rise.

It can deter pirates everywhere!

This operation is very important!


“There are so many pirates here! There are at least thirty or forty pirate groups, right? Although most of them I don’t know, after all, these pirate groups in the East China Sea … The only people who can let me name them are the few pirate groups that appeared in the original book. ”

On a tall cliff on a remote island, a figure stands quietly here.

Roya’s gaze swept over the pirate ships on the sea not far away.

That pirate flag painted in white on a black background….

He felt very strange.

“Anyway, pirates are not good people, even if these pirates shoot them ten times, they can’t wash away the sins on them, since that’s the case… Why not be my tool man? ”

If the neighbors in Rogue Town saw him, they would find that Roya’s current table was not the same as before.

The clothes on his body are no longer the short-sleeved and shorts that he usually is.

Instead, he wore a long-sleeved leather jacket similar to a hunter’s suit.

He also carried a long knife at his waist.

The scabbard looks old.

A hand lightly rested on the hilt, held the hilt, pulled out, an old knife with rust stains, was pulled out of the scabbard, it seemed that I didn’t know if it could be used to cut bamboo mats, let alone cut people.

This is what Roa was wearing when he was a thief, and this knife was also his saber at that time.

It’s not a famous knife, it’s just a bargain.

After decades, it has long been rusty.

Mainly because Roa is too lazy to maintain.

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