“That man?!” After hearing Nami say this again, Nokigao finally realized that something was wrong, especially now that the Evil Dragon Pirates had also suffered this unknown calamity, plus some things that Nami had mentioned before that made her unconscious.

Nokigao instantly understood that the experience of the Evil Dragon Pirates was definitely related to Nami!

Or is it that the person who attacked the Evil Dragon Pirate Group before was found by Nami?

But how did Nami know this kind of character?

The most important thing is that Nami said that it was alone!

Did one person destroy the Dragon Pirates?

It’s a little unrealistic to think about it!

But when Nokigo wanted to ask… But she stopped speaking, and the doubts that came up in her heart, and the hesitation at this moment was endured by Nuo Qigao, and did not say those doubts.

Because she knows that everyone has their own secrets, even her own sister.

After a few seconds of silence, Noki pressed the shock in his heart.

He took a deep breath and said, “Everything here… Is it over, is it over? ”

Nami nodded and said, “It should be…”

Who would have thought that in this sea area, Ah Long and his gang would be a blessing and plague one side for so many years.

Now most of them have become corpses?

As for the few remaining surviving fishmen …

It’s no longer a climate.

Nami was a little dreamy, all this happened too quickly, she and Roya had just arrived in Kokoa West Village, and it had not been half an hour so far, and then… The evil dragon pirate group that harmed one side and even killed her adoptive mother, just like that… It has become a corpse!

Those Baileys that they have worked so hard to collect, those Baileys who want to use to redeem the village of Cocoasi.

It seems like…… It doesn’t come in much use anymore?

All of this seems so unreal.

Nami was afraid that now she was dreaming…

She was afraid that once she woke up…

Everything will go up in smoke …

Nami found that since she came into contact with that Goth Roya, all her values, world views, three views and other concepts have been subverted by 180 all the time!

She thought that the fierce sea beast that was comparable to the king of the near sea, in the eyes of that man, was an ant that could be pinched to death at will.

She thought that the Evil Dragon Pirate Group, which was too powerful to match, that man could be destroyed at will!

It all happened a little too fast!

It’s almost too late to be shocked…

It’s too late to be shocked…

That’s right! Where are the others?

Nami suddenly reacted and looked left and right, only to find that there were no other people around except for the corpses of the Evil Dragon Pirates and her sister Nokigao.

Suddenly…… A commotion came from one direction, attracting the attention of the two.

When I turned around, I saw a group of villagers from Coco Yasi Village, rushing towards this side.

After all, this Aaron Paradise of the Evil Dragon Pirate Group was built in Coco Yaxi Village.

The movement that happened here could not be concealed from the villagers…

The leader rushed over was an acquaintance …

That’s Uncle Ah Jian, a village policeman!

Since Belmel’s death, both Nami and Nokigao have been raised by Ah Jian.

The relationship between Ah Jian and the two, although not father and daughter, is similar.

“Look! It’s Nokigao and their two sisters!! And also…… Aaron Paradise, Aaron Paradise actually collapsed!!! What’s going on? What the little fart children said before was actually true?!! ”

“Hey, I thought those kids were joking, but I didn’t expect it to be true!”

“Just now, I reprimanded them and told them not to stay near Aaron Paradise…”

“This… What’s going on? Who did this? Navy ?! ”

“How could it be the Navy? That damn rat colonel, but he is in the same league as the evil dragon!! ”

“It’s unbelievable! What kind of attack can cause such destructive power? ”

“What is that ravine in the ground? Did someone dig it up?! ”

“I’ve heard that some swordsmen can slash slashes, this… It should be considered a slash, right?! ”

“Chopper? How can it be! You’ve heard a lot of stories! ”

“How could a person cut something like that?”

“Could it be an earthquake?”


The villagers of Keke Yaxi Village are the villagers of the East China Sea after all, and I have to say that the East China Sea is indeed the weakest sea, and these villagers don’t even know what Jian Hao’s “slash” is, only one who knows… I’ve heard about it from some folk tales.

All the villagers of Coco Yaxi Village who rushed over were stunned at this moment!

They all had incredible looks on their faces!

All people are in a dreamlike state!

Village policeman Ah Jian was the first to come to his senses and took a deep look at the fish-man corpses on the ground.

He hurriedly turned to Nokigao and Nami and said, “You two are not injured, right? ”

Noki shook his head and replied, “We also just came over. ”

Hearing this, Ah Jian was visibly relieved, and immediately… It was difficult to suppress the shock in his heart, and he said in disbelief: “What happened here?” Why…… Why did the Dragon Pirates die so many people? And Aaron Paradise also collapsed, and even… I even saw a corpse of a fishman broken in two, looking like a ruthless fishman Along!! ”

Nokigo was silent, she didn’t know how to answer, because… She didn’t know what the situation was!

She only knew that Nami seemed to have found a monster-like existence.

Then the evil dragon pirate group that has plagued one side for many years is gone…

This development is too dreamy!

Don’t even dream of such a thing!

At this time… Nami’s voice suddenly sounded: “This is a man who did it!” ”

Her gaze was firm and she said, “His name is Goth Roya!!” ”

“It’s our benefactor of Coco Yasi Village!!”

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