As time passed day after day, under the intentional or unintentional spread of the naval headquarters, the news that Hawkeye Mihawk, one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, was defeated by Goth Roya, who offered a reward of 3.5 billion Bailey, began to spread throughout all corners of the sea, even in the East China Sea.

This made the five old stars of the world government quite angry, because after announcing this matter…

There is no doubt that it will deal a slight blow to the prestige of the world government.

At the same time, it also slightly touches the dominance of the world government!

Although this little touch is actually harmless…

But the one who led all this events …

But the marshal of the headquarters of the navy, the warring states!

With the blessing of this layer of identity…

Things get complicated!

In the morning, the Holy Land of Mary Joa, the headquarters of the World Government, in a huge office room…

“Damn it! This marshal who does he think he is? Why not notify us before making that decision? Didn’t he know that doing so would make the prestige of the world government less powerful? ”

An old man wearing a dark green suit, a bald head, a two-handed figure-eight beard, and a scar on his forehead…

I couldn’t help but slam the table in annoyance, and the solid wood table suddenly “slammed”.

He gritted his teeth and said: “I see that this Warring States is definitely disinterested in the world government, he is no longer suitable to be this naval marshal, it is best to remove him immediately!” ”

Next to him, an old man wearing a dark blue suit with a long beard and hair said coldly: “The Navy Headquarters has indeed been a little disobedient recently, the Navy Headquarters is a very good knife, if it is disobedient one day, it is likely to cut us.” ”

Not far away, an old man wearing a flat hat who was pruning potted plants said with a smile: “You don’t need to be so nervous, the naval headquarters will never be out of our control.” ”

“Impossible? Hum! The Navy has become increasingly disobedient lately, which is not a good sign! ”

“So what? What are you going to do? Really want to dismiss the Warring States? Who to replace? ”

“It’s better to let go of this kind of thing first, and there is no more suitable candidate for the time being.”

“Sakaski is good, but alas… It’s too brainy, but with a little trickery, he may become a better knife than the Warring States…”

“The dismissal of the Warring States needs an opportunity, and rushing it will cause a backlash from the Navy.”

“Hmm… Just the steel bone empty side is a trouble! ”

“Deduct the Warring States half-year bonus and give him a warning.”

“Let him write another review report.”

“Although it is painless and itchy, it is seconded!”

“Gee… The old man also seconded! ”

“Cut! I second! ”



In the world government office, which is large enough to accommodate dozens of people, there are only five old people with different appearances, and they are the top rulers of the world government! The status is second only to the legendary “Lord Im”, they are the five senior decision-makers of the world government!

In the mouth of the world, they are the five old stars who are famous and stand at the peak of power!!


In the first half of the Great Route, in the headquarters of the Navy, in the office of the admiral… Borusalino was holding a newspaper in his hand, his expression was extremely strange, and his tone was also extremely strange: “Well, this decision of Mr. Sengoku is really risky enough, if you do this, it may anger the five old stars of the world government, right?”

As one of the three admirals of the Navy headquarters, he is different from Sakaski, who runs around like a workaholic.

Borusalino is simply the opposite extreme of Sakaski.

It is simply an “ambiguous justice” that he espons… Suffice it to say that he is very unreliable.

Working in the headquarters of the Navy is just clocking in at work.

Usually to arrest pirates is also to fish in troubled waters …

It is naturally good to be able to touch the “fish”…

If you can’t touch it, just wait for the end of work.

More often… Borusalino stayed in the naval headquarters, because of his own Devil Fruit ability, he has strong mobility, and generally needs him to come out when there is something urgent, because he can rush over as soon as possible.

Today’s Borusalino is also a day of idleness, just sit and wait for work.

Reading newspapers, drinking tea, eating snacks, cutting nails, reading novels…

These are all moves he takes to pass the time when he goes to work.

Now he’s just looking at a newspaper…

A newspaper printed by the headquarters of the Navy!

“Goth Roya, a world-class big criminal with a reward of 3.5 billion, defeated the world’s number one sword hao Jorakel Mihawk, and Goth Roya won the title of the world’s number one sword hao, became the new world’s number one sword hao, and became the strongest of all the great sword hao…”

Chanting part of the content published in the newspaper, Borusalino teased himself: “Mr. Sengoku’s killing is really terrible, the swordsmen have a pride, holding Goth Roya as invincible as the swordsman, how much does this attract hatred?” ”

“Hmm… But then again, the man who defeated Mihawk can really be said to be invincible among the swordsmen! ”

“Obviously Du is already an eighty or ninety-year-old old man…”

“Is the old man so monster now?”

“It’s really scary…”

Borusalino’s last sentence was not strange or ridiculous, but slightly dignified.

Because that man… Defeated not only Mihawk, but also his colleague Kuzan!

Even a naval headquarters admiral almost died at the hands of the other side.

Borusalino didn’t know that he had met each other…

Can you beat that Goth Roya?

Well, but it’s okay, you can’t beat it…

Just a direct tactical retreat!

Don’t doubt it, if you can’t beat it, Borusalino can really do this kind of thing!

After all, he is “ambiguous justice”!

And his Shining Fruit ability is really a bit too bummerlike in terms of running.

One of the laziest admirals …

Ate the fastest devil fruit…

The contrast is really big enough!

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