Just by blocking Luo Ya’s straight stab, the golden lion found that he seemed to be really old, whether it was seeing and hearing domineering or his own reaction ability, he was no longer as good as when he was young.

If he is a teenager or twenty years younger, the knife that came straight to him just now does not need to resist hard at all…

With his youthful reaction ability and domineering sight, he can definitely dodge it.

But just now, he found that he had no way to dodge.

This can only mean that his domineering attitude has regressed…

My own ability to adapt to changes has also regressed a bit…

It is also possible that it was influenced by the rudder …

After all, there is a rudder stuck in the head …

Seeing affects the nerves!

Although I don’t really want to admit this fact, in fact, the golden lion is more inclined to be old, rather than being affected by some broken rudder, which affects his reaction nervous system.

He has never been taboo about aging, but what makes the golden lion really a little unthinkable is…

Why is that Goth Roya, obviously older than himself, still the same as a young man?

Whether it is the strength of the other party, reaction, domineering…

All exactly the same as the young people in their prime!

It’s as if it doesn’t age at all!

“The years seem to be unable to leave any traces on him… Is this a special physique? Or is it because of the legendary pure gold? Or is it because of the legendary longevity surgery? ”

In the golden lion’s mind, even a ridiculous thought popped up: “Or is he not human?” ”

He seriously doubted… Is Luo Ya a sea king that can transform into a human form.

Because in his impression, he can live so long, and his strength will not decline.

It seems that there are only giants, and sea kings in the sea…

It is not a problem for the giants to live for two or three hundred years.

The lifespan of sea kings is even more exaggerated…

Even the sea king class that has lived for thousands of years!

“Lion Senkiritaya !!!”

However, the golden lion is not a vegetarian after all, even if he realizes that he is older, he still does not have the slightest slack, nor does he have the slightest cowardice, but continues to slash out golden slashes like a storm, and the entire atmosphere seems to be torn apart by him!

A brilliant golden light visible to the naked eye flashed in the air in an instant.

With the naked eye, the traces of these slashes cannot be caught at all.

Even Roya’s dynamic vision is difficult to capture…

I can only rely on my excellent knowledge and domineering…

In order to accurately capture the trace, path, strength and size of each slash!

Luo Ya’s figure flickered for a moment.

Avoided one slash after another!

And quickly approaching the golden lion!

The golden lion’s eyes flashed coldly, and he saw Luo Ya, who was constantly flickering in the slashing group, and a smile appeared on his face: “Hahahahaha!” Waiting is for you to rush in! Lion Wei Slashing Imperial Palace!!! ”

The fruit ability of the fluttering fruit was once again blatantly launched, and countless brilliant golden slashes struck at this moment…

It’s as if someone is kneading and manipulating with a big hand!

Countless slashes converged into four gigantic male lion heads!

The golden lion’s head roared madly, and the terrifying sword intent overflowed in the atmosphere!

The top of the entire Upside Down Mountain is illuminated, as if it appears to see a small sun!

Front, back, left, right, four lion’s heads formed by slashing…

Each one is no less large than a fortress of the Rogue Town branch!

The huge lion’s head opened four hideous mouths!

Block all of Roya’s retreats!

For a moment, there was no way to avoid it!

Luo Ya’s eyebrows were a week, and the golden lion’s head made his eyes narrowed slightly, because it was a little dazzling. And the surging surging sword intent is also not to be underestimated, one accidentally has to be planted, he muttered: “Just kidding… The scope of this attack is a bit exaggerated! ”

He suddenly remembered Kuzan’s frozen fruit, and the scope of that fruit’s ability was also extremely exaggerated.

I have to say that the blessing of the Devil Fruit in battle is indeed very powerful.

Especially this kind of devil fruit that is good at large-scale attacks.

With the power of such a devil fruit alone…

It is already enough to easily destroy a country!

It is truly worthy of the legendary sea thief!

Even if it’s old enough to this point…

The strength is still so terrifying.

At this moment, Luo Ya actually smelled a trace of crisis, although this sense of crisis was not fatal, but it still made him detect a trace of nervousness, and also made Luo Ya serious.

The armed color domineering completely covered the tai knife in his hand, like a layer of pitch-black armor.

The terrifying armed color domineering was released to an extreme state at this moment!

A layer of pitch-black to dark red armed color faintly has a sense of detachment!

It’s as if a volley is attached to the blade of a sword!

But it is a few centimeters away from the blade!

At first glance, it looks like this tai knife…

It’s a whole circle out of thin air!

The furious sword intent, at this moment, was released vividly! In less than a second, the momentum climbed to a peak state, and the terrifying sword intent caused the air in a radius of thousands of meters to distort and shake, thus rolling up a powerful hurricane.

The sea below was swept up by a hurricane with several sea spouts, which shocked Nami on the small sailboat.

If it weren’t for those huge sea tornadoes that were rolled up, a little far away from her…

She felt that this little sailing ship would definitely be dismembered!

And he will also die on the top of Upside Down Mountain!

“It’s over… It’s over, it’s over, it’s over!! ”

Nami’s forehead overflowed with layers of sweat, and the rolled water waves even slapped on the small sailboat, wetting her all over, and her slightly slim figure showed her vividly.

But Nami didn’t care about this anymore, she hurriedly found a water scoop from the cabin…

Then hurry up and scoop the sea out of the boat!

Lest this little sailboat really disappear!

This is a fairy fight…

Suffer to mortals!

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