“Fraudster” Senhan is a fraudster on the Great Voyage, and the reason why he has such a high bounty is because of a fraud he made, which killed dozens of civilians, because he also sacrificed five or six navies, so that his bounty soared all the way!

At the same time, he is also the kind of notorious criminal who is spurned not only in civilian, naval circles.

Even criminals such as pirates and mountain pirates are very disgusted with this guy.

Because no one knows if they will be deceived by the other party!

This kind of deception expert is simply a nightmare for those with low IQs!

But the “fraudster” Senhan is very treacherous and cunning, and no one knows that he is hiding in the whiskey peak.

And he also gave himself a disguise once …

It doesn’t look like the fraudster Senhan at all…

Instead, he is more like a sophisticated bounty hunter!

Nami didn’t know that her 150 million bounty had been targeted by a criminal!

At this time, she boarded the dock with Roya.

It’s nice to be on land.

Carefully glancing around, feeling the eagerness, faintly with greedy eyes, Nami gasped slightly, this situation… It seems a little bit unpleasant!

In addition, Senior Luo said that on this island, the number of bounty hunters is not ordinary!

In this case… Jeanne Mekuld herself is now a big fat sheep!

And it is a fat sheep that will be slaughtered at any time!

After the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, Nami couldn’t help but speed up her pace a little.

Anyway, this time it’s just here at Whiskey Peak…

Just replenish those supplies on board!

After replenishing the supplies, you have to leave.

“Whew… As long as I buy supplies fast enough! You can leave Whiskey Peak before all the bounty hunters want to do it, so you won’t be hunted down! Well! That’s right!! ”

Nami gave a thumbs up for her wit, but the biggest problem now is…

I don’t know when those bounty hunters will strike!

What if they strike now!

But soon, Nami felt that she was thinking too much, because when she and Roa came to the market at Whiskey Peak.

Except that the atmosphere here is a little strange…

It doesn’t seem like there’s anything wrong?!!

Nami suppressed the nervousness in her heart, entered a store, took out a shopping list that had been written long ago, and said, “Boss! I’m going to buy these things, you should have them all here, right? ”

This is a food shop full of this meat, canned food, fruit, cooked vegetables, and more.

Now the most lacking thing on board is food, and it is necessary to buy the necessary food.

Get the food, buy a few more outfits of clothes, and a few large buckets of fresh water, and that’s pretty much it!

Just before Nami thought she could take advantage of the bounty hunters’ lack of reaction…

You can quickly buy supplies and leave here.

She suddenly found the owner of the shop in front of her…

There seems to be something wrong with the gaze!!

Wait a minute! Shouldn’t he be too…

A bounty hunter, right?!

Nami’s expression froze!

Because, she saw that a dark muzzle had already touched her forehead! Faintly, she could still smell the gunpowder on the musket!!

Cold sweat slowly overflowed from her forehead, and Nami secretly swallowed a mouthful of spit and raised her hands.

Nami guessed completely right!

The owner of this food store…

Really a bounty hunter!

The shop owner is a man more than two meters tall, holding up a huge beer belly, as if he was pregnant in October, and his face is full of horizontal meat, which is not the kind of good person at first glance.

A greedy gaze swept over Nami, and then glanced at Loya at the door with trepidation.

He turned his face on the spot, with killing intent, and said sharply: “Don’t move!” If you dare to move, Lao Tzu will kill your companions!” Hehe, I didn’t expect it! Goth Roa, who offered a reward of 3.5 billion Bailey, and Nami, an assistant who offered a reward of 150 million Bailey, actually appeared on Whiskey Peak! ”

“At first, Lao Tzu thought that Hansen guy lied to me! As early as ten minutes ago, we have set up a net on the peak of Whisky Mountain, waiting for the two of you to throw yourself into the net! ”

“The combined bounty for the two of them is 3,650 million Bailey… Hiss! It’s like a walking treasure! ”

The greed for money in his tone was very obvious.

This made Nami regret a little, why didn’t she have an extra heart before she entered the store?

I know that the atmosphere around me is very wrong…

As a result, I entered the store unsuspectingly…

After all, she really didn’t think much about it…

The shop owner is also a bounty hunter!!

This is her knowledge blind spot…

What Nami didn’t know was that not only the owner of this shop was a bounty hunter, but also a passerby walking on the street, a fruit vendor setting up a stall on the street, a beggar squatting on an alley corner, a pregnant woman passing by… Wait, this street, and even several streets around, is crowded with bounty hunters!!

As for ordinary people? Already evacuated and left! This is a layout of the fraudster Senhan!

In less than half an hour, hundreds of bounty hunters surrounded here…

I have to say that the efficiency of these bounty hunters is really high!

After all…… Wealth is always moving!

A bounty of 3.65 billion in benefits…

Enough to make this plate of loose sand …

Temporarily united together!

Luo Ya glanced outside, and then looked inside the store, pointing a musket at Nami’s forehead, he suddenly smiled and said: “It seems that you don’t have to pay for things this time, Nami, take those supplies and go.” ”

Nami was stunned, she wanted to say that she was still pointed at a gun! But…… Roya’s words made her grit her teeth.

In the case of being pointed at a gun, she actually listened to Roya’s words and ignored the bounty hunter in front of her!

“Hey!! You two bastards, didn’t you see that Lao Tzu had a gun in his hand?! ”

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