Panting violently, he seemed to be able to hear the heartbeat of his body, and the strong heart was beating strongly.

“Senior Roya…” Nami hid at the back of the wooden boat, looking at Roya not far away, standing on the bow of the boat, I don’t know why she stood at the bow, quietly looking at the four vice admirals not far away, and did not move.

The four lieutenant generals stood up straight, their righteous coats swinging with the sea breeze, and Burning Mountain fumbled through his pocket of his clothes, a soaked cigar.

“It’s a pity that this good cigar, being soaked in seawater will definitely affect the taste, and now I can’t smoke it.” Burning Mountain looked at the damp cigar and wanted to smoke one, but everything on his body that was used to light the fire was all wet.

Looking at Roa on the boat not far away, the war was about to break out, and a huge wave was set off on the sea.

Daubman said impatiently: “When are you, still thinking about those few cigars of yours, when can’t you smoke cigars!” ”

“You don’t understand this feeling, if you want to learn, I can also teach you, hahahaha!” Fire Burning Mountain said with a big laugh, revealing his big snow-white teeth.

The four of them looked at each other and began to chat with themselves, completely unaware of Roya, who was standing on the wooden boat not far away, it seemed that several people had defeated Roya and were on the way home to victory.

Just want to open a delicious bottle of champagne on the spot, you and I will celebrate together.

But in fact, they know that this battle is not over, or even started, but now the pressure brought by Luo Ya is too great, if it is not eased, then the strength will be greatly reduced.

This method is very common in the navy…

It’s just that very little can be said to be used occasionally…

I’ve never used it usually…

Because the task is easy…

But this time is different.

But in the end, it’s not that they’re unwilling to attack.

It’s a reluctance to take the initiative.

Luo Ya’s sword has already been seen…

Such a terrifying and terrifying power…

If you start first, it is very likely to break the current formation, they understand that one-on-one will lose, so they must take care of the four people, wait for Luo Ya to take the initiative to attack, and immediately join forces to attack him, so that there is still a little chance!

But why didn’t he shoot? Luo’s strength and physical strength are far from being exhausted by a single sword, whether it is against Admiral Qingpheasant or Hawkeye Jorakor, they have fought for at least a few days.

Such physical strength is rare in the world, and it is absolutely impossible to exhaust it with just one sword.

But why didn’t he do it? Is it because he also has some jealousy of us in his heart? No, how could he be afraid of such strength, he must have some plan.

Could it be… The squirrel looked at the sea and the surroundings, although the issuance and execution of the demon slaughter order was extremely fast, it would take some time after all, although the other party had always been alone.

But that doesn’t mean he’s really just one person!

He is Roger’s boss, and what forces are secretly cultivated behind him, it is not impossible! Perhaps he had already heard of the Demon Slaughter Order, and all he was doing now was to delay time!

He may have thought about what force sent a signal that he wanted to eat all the navies of this demon slaughter order!

It’s terrible! The squirrel gritted his teeth, now Admiral Sakaski is also rushing here, but in the end, can it really compete with him?!

Luo Ya looked at the sky in the distance, he didn’t think much about it, looking at Nami who was hiding behind him carefully, the little girl was delicate and looked like a bully.

But in fact, it is also true, according to the current situation, the naval side has implemented what plan, and this plan is not simple.

Being able to dispatch such a powerful force, it seems that these four should be in the lead, and there are more difficult ones to deal with later.

Borusa Sharp? No, the old fritters who worked and mixed up should have little chance of leading the team, and the Warring States would not go out of the Navy headquarters if they wanted to sit in battle.

Karp or Sakaski.

Many of Karp’s strengths are protruding from the side, and there are not many direct shots in combat. And Sakaski is different, this navy that believes in absolute justice, his fruit attack power is also extraordinary.

Although he was injured in the battle with the pheasant, it was not so serious, which shows that his strength is stronger than that of the pheasant.

And in the original work, Sakaski’s punch on top of the war is to knock off half of Whitebeard’s face, because of taking care of the audience, the broadcast changed to knock off the beard.

The reason why he has to think so much about it is only because if he really wants to fight, where should Nami go?

The only thing that can stand now is this small wooden boat, and the affected battle will definitely not leave her unharmed.

It is a pity that all the warships were destroyed by themselves, and they should have left one just now!

Forget it, solve them early, and find a safe place to settle Nami.

“It’s coming, everyone.”

Luo Ya, who had not moved for a long time, finally began to move, and they held their breath and looked at their opponents not far away.

The air flowed slowly, and the coercion on Roya’s body had forced the surroundings, and even the sea water fluctuated to the side, and the battle was about to break out.

Roa jumped forward.

Lieutenant General Squirrel’s eyes froze, “Here it is!” ”

The ghost spider spat out the toothpick in its mouth, grabbed the weapon with eight arms, and took a breath of sea breeze.

Daoberman’s hand holding a big sword is also directly slashed away, his kendo is pure, extraordinary, and he is a rare master!

The four of them can reach the status of lieutenant generals, and their strength is naturally extraordinary!

Huoyao Shan clenched on his cigar and tried to light it, but to no avail, sighed, dropped the cigar in his hand, and let it sink into the sea.

The sword intent was cold, the harsh cold light appeared in the pupils of several people, Luo Ya’s movement was extremely fast, the squirrel lieutenant general raised his sword to block it, and the terrifying huge force trembled his arm and gradually spread throughout his body.

The bones and even his own muscles were emitting a tired and painful cry, “Peng! “Like a torpedo exploding in the water, a huge wave rushes around, bursts of waves!

The figure of Lieutenant General Squirrel suddenly sank into the water, and he dived madly beyond his mouth!

This is all about power, there are no other bells and whistles at all, and there are no skills at all!

The figure flashed, like lightning and thunder, only a quick figure was seen in the air, the fire mountain twisted the figure, raised his blade to the right, Luo Ya lowered, the sword scraped over his head, and he could even feel a trace of chill and hair that almost fell off.

But Luo Ya’s strength is here, he has already estimated the distance, and he will definitely not give the other party a chance!

Resisting the cut blade with one hand towards his right arm, the body of Burning Mountain is also huge, and the hardcover muscles seem to have oppressive power, but who would have thought that he could actually be so comfortable!

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