A deserted beach on the west coast of O’Hara….

Robin jumped lightly and jumped to shore.

“Sunny teacher, are those ice horsemen in the sea?” Robin asked.

“Yes, this allows for a surprise attack.”

Qin Tian snorted, and then said, “Robin, let’s go to the Omniscient Tree now to see Dr. Clover. ”

“Huh? Sunny teacher, but it’s only morning, aren’t we training? ”

In the past three months, Qin Tian has been asking Robin to seize every minute and every second to train hard, and suddenly hearing Qin Tian say this, he is not used to it.

“From today onwards, you will visit Dr. Clover every morning, and we will continue training after the visit.” Qin Tian said.

Qin Tian asked Robin to do this because he couldn’t be sure of when Nicole Olbiya would return.

However, as long as Robin went to the Omniscient Tree every day, Qin Tian could judge from everyone’s emotions and reactions whether Nicole Olbia had returned.

“Oh, okay~”

Little Robin trusted Qin Tian one hundred percent, so what Qin Tian asked her to do, she naturally agreed.



Suddenly a flock of birds flew up in the forest, accompanied by the collapse of trees.

“Is it a big boar?” Looking at the flock of startled birds, little Robin tilted his little head and asked curiously.

“No, birds are not scared by wild boars.”

Qin Tian was puzzled, looking at the movement of these numbers collapsing, it was obvious that they were brought down by a powerful force.

This mountain forest in front of them, Qin Tian and Robin had been sleeping in it for a month, and they were all too familiar, there could not be such a powerful beast here.

“Robin, scout.” Qin Tian ordered.


Little Robin waved her hand, and her eyes appeared on several trees in the very moving mountain forest.

The next moment, little Robin exclaimed: “Wow! What a big man! ”

She saw it, and Qin Tian naturally saw it too.

This is a race of giants with cowboy hats.

The Giants who appeared in O’Hara during this time period….

Qin Tian frowned, except for Haguwal D. Sauro, who else!

Qin Tian still knows more about One Piece, and knows that although this Sauro is also a giant race, but unlike those giant races in the Erbaf Giant Kingdom, he is not from Elbaf, he is a gentle giant.

Now that Sauro is here, Robin’s mother should be back in four or five days.

As a vice admiral, Sauro’s strength is naturally not simple. Although it is incomparable to Kuzan and Sakaski’s transformation, if you can get his help, it can also provide Robin with great help!

Sauro pushed down one tree after another and was about to look for vines, but suddenly, he turned his head to look at the ground beside him, it was a human little girl looking at him~

He is now being hunted down by the navy and does not want to implicate anyone, so he opens his hands and puts on a very fierce look, and roars lowly: “Wow-”

He wanted to scare Robin away….

Little Robin looked at the big man with a confused expression, scratched his head, and said suspiciously: “Sunny teacher, what is he doing?” ”

“Eh, he should be trying to scare you…” Qin Tian was also very speechless, although Sauro had grown a big man, but this expression was too unferocious, how could it scare children?

“Huh!! Hahahaha!! Hearing Qin Tian’s explanation, Robin laughed. She couldn’t see that the big man in front of her was actually scaring her~

“What are you laughing at?”

This time it was Sauro’s turn to look confused, and he looked at little Robin and asked.

“I’m laughing at you, it’s funny~” Little Robin spread his hands.

“Poof—hee! Whoops! Hee-hee…”

“Sunny Sensei, what is he talking about?” Little Robin was confused by Sauro’s “gibberish”.

“He’s laughing, it’s funny to boast that he’s laughing.” Qin Tian said.

Robin snorted, and then said to Sauro: “Big man, you laugh so funny~”

“Huh? You know I’m laughing? Sauro was stunned.

“Of course, people’s emotions will not be fake, you just now are clearly happy emotions~”

Although he knew that Sauro was laughing after being reminded by Qin Tian, Robin then felt that Sauro’s mood was indeed pleasant.

“Wow! I’m so impressed! Whoops! Whoops! ”

Sauro’s heart suddenly gushed with an inexplicable emotion, every time he made such a laugh before, he would be regarded as a monster or a fool, but this little girl in front of him could actually feel his happy emotions, how could Sauro not be moved?

“Wait! Not good! Robin, ask him how many days he’s been here! ”

Qin Tian suddenly noticed that Sauro was standing, and there were a large number of trees around him that were enough to make a raft.

If he remembers correctly, when Sauro first arrived in O’Hara, he could not stand because of a foot injury, and it took several days of recuperation to stand up.

And Sauro made the raft to go to sea a few days after arriving in O’Hara.

But when Sauro was ready to go to sea, it was also the day when the demon slaughter order began!

(Ask for flowers!) Ask for tips! Collect it! )

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