Originally, when Liu Qian was in Water 7, he wanted to get the blueprints of Pluto. But he didn't know whether it was because the plot had not developed to this point or because he changed the original plot too much, he did not find the world's number one shipbuilder, Tom the Fishman, or Franky in Water 7.

This made his plan for Pluto's blueprints fall through. But now, the specific information about Pluto is in Alabasta. He must take the initiative and put Pluto in his pocket.

Just as everyone was looking at each other and silently digesting the news about Pluto, Robin and Tuanzi who went out to purchase came back, and they also brought a piece of news.

"Captain, just now when we were shopping, we received an invitation from Nefertari Cobra, the king of Alabasta. He wants us to go to the capital, Albana, to discuss some matters."Robin said

"Oh? Did you say you wanted to discuss something?"Liu Qian was surprised by Cobra's invitation.

"He didn't say anything specific, but he said that we can discuss it in detail after we arrive. He also hopes that we can go secretly. After all, Alabasta is a member of the World Government, so it is impossible for them to discuss things with us pirates openly. If others know about it, it will have a very bad impact on Alabasta. In this regard, he will give us satisfactory compensation."Robin said again

"Oh, I fell asleep and the pillow came. I was just thinking about how to get in touch with them. Robin, how should we contact them?"Liu Qian asked

"They left a Den Den Mushi for communication. Robin took out a small Den Den Mushi and handed it to Liu Qian.

"Moshimoshi, I am Nefertari Cobra, who are you?" A voice came from the Den Den Mushi.

"Your Majesty the King is really forgetful. Didn’t you invite us to the royal capital?"

"Are you Lord O'Hara?" Cobra asked.

"That's right, Your Majesty, I am the captain of the O'Hara Pirates."

"Oh, Lord O'Hara. I have something to discuss with you. Do you think it would be convenient for you to come to the capital?" Cobra asked.

""Okay, you can tell me a time." Liu Qian said straightforwardly.

"How about three days later? Please don't let anyone see you when you come, please." Cobra said

"Okay, I'll be there on time." After saying that, Liu Qian hung up the phone.

"Captain, what do you think is the purpose of King Cobra inviting us?" Robin asked

"Well, no matter what his purpose is, we must achieve our goal this time, whether it is the historical text or Pluto, we must get it."Liu Qian said

"Pluto? Are you saying that there is a very evil battleship Pluto in Alabasta?" Robin asked in shock.

"That's right, I was just discussing the matter of Pluto with Xiliu and the others. Artifacts like this must be in our own hands."Liu Qian explained to Robin

"Please let me slow down. It is really shocking that Pluto exists in Alabasta. Robin couldn't accept it for a while.

Three days later, Liu Qian sneaked into the capital of Albania alone.

"Your Majesty Cobra, I am here. What on earth do you need to discuss with our O'Hara?" Liu Qian dodged the patrolling guards and appeared directly in Cobra's bedroom.

"Lord O'Hara, it's nice to meet you." Seeing Liu Qian suddenly appear, Cobra was not surprised. If a big pirate like this didn't even have this ability, it would be impossible for him to break out of the Impel Down.

"Go ahead, I'm very pressed for time." Liu Qian didn't say hello to him.

"I heard that one of your crew members has the ability of the Cloud-Cloud Fruit, which can freely manipulate clouds and rain. Is that true?" Seeing that Liu Qian had no intention of trying to establish a relationship with him, Cobra had no choice but to ask directly.

"Yes, you are talking about Lafitte. He is my navigator."Liu Qian replied

"So, I want to ask him to help me improve the domestic environment of our Alabasta. You know, our Alabasta is a desert country, extremely short of water, and now many oases have been buried by the desert due to lack of water. So I want Mr. Lafitte to help us rain, so that our domestic environment will become better and better."Cobra said

"Oh? That's right. But it will take some time, and we don't plan to stay here for long."Liu Qian started to extort money.

"Whatever you need, as long as it is what we have in Alabasta, I will definitely satisfy you."Cobra also knew that it was impossible to get help without paying anything.

"I know that the reason why your Nefertari family gave up the superior life in the holy land of Marijoa, gave up the identity of Celestial Dragons, and returned to Alabasta is because you shoulder the mission of protecting a piece of historical text. Now, I want to see this historical text."Liu Qian was not vague and directly put forward the conditions.

"I know that you, as O'Hara, will definitely not let go of the historical text that our family has guarded for generations.

I can allow you to make a copy of the historical text. But you must promise not to spread the content of the historical text and our family's mission."Cobra said

"Well, even if I don't tell you, you can't keep it. As far as I know, the reason why Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, is stationed in Alabasta is also for the things in the historical text."Liu Qian said

"What? Are you saying that the real purpose of the sand crocodile is actually the historical text that our family is protecting?" Cobra asked seriously.

"Yes, he got the news from somewhere, saying that the historical text guarded by your family is related to the legendary Hades, and he wants to get Hades and then go to the New World to challenge Whitebeard."Liu Qian told Cobra what he knew.

"How could this happen? Sand crocodiles are not easy to mess with. What should I do now?"Cobra was extremely anxious about this sudden news.

"That's your own problem. Your Majesty, please take me to copy the historical text. After the copying is completed, I will let Lafitte help you."Although Liu Qian had already made up his mind to make trouble for the sand crocodile, he still wanted to see if he could extort something good from Cobra, so he deliberately didn't tell Cobra about his plan.

"Well, Lord O'Hara, please follow me and I'll take you there."

"This is the funeral hall of our royal tomb, and the historical text is here."Cobra brought Liu Qian to the historical text that their family had guarded for generations.

"This is the historical text.

It was the first time Liu Qian had seen the historical text. He had heard that it was made of a kind of stone that would never be damaged. He wanted to test it to see if it was really as hard as the legend said.

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