The one responsible for the vanguard's beach landing was Capone Bege. His Castle Fruit could absorb a large number of troops into his body. As long as he successfully landed, it meant that a troop had landed. The primary purpose of a naval battle is to attack a ship. As long as the ship is sunk, it is basically a win. And can pirates without ships still be called pirates?

Therefore, the navy built a large number of fortifications in Punk Hazard. Along the pier, densely packed artillery turrets occupied the entire coastline of Punk Hazard.

It can be said that Punk Hazard is an immovable artillery turret. With these cannons alone, all the invading pirates can be eliminated at sea.

When Vice Admiral Robert learned that there were pirates coming, he had already ordered the coastal artillery to start shelling the pirates' ships.

In order to prevent the pirates from landing, their artillery bombardment even covered the pier.

In order to quickly occupy Punk Hazard, Liu Qian asked Yixiao, Douglas, and Shiliu to open the way for Capone Bege and intercept the navy's shells.

The rest of the officers entered Capone Bege's castle and waited until Capone Bege successfully landed before releasing them to catch the navy off guard.

Countless artillery batteries and pouring shells covered the entire sky like a heavy rain.

If it was an ordinary pirate group, they would naturally die on the spot. But for the O'Hara Pirates, this level of attack was not enough.

""Gravity Brigade"

Yixiao swung his staff sword forward, and all the oncoming shells were pulled by gravity and fell into the sea, and no shells hit him.

But before Yixiao could put away his staff sword, the second wave of shells came again.

The navy stationed on Punk Hazard is definitely the elite of the Navy Headquarters. Even though they already know that they are facing the Five Emperors O'Hara Pirates, they are not afraid at all.

All the navy is under the command of Vice Admiral Robert, doing their own work in an orderly manner. They divided the coastal defense artillery into three groups, and the three groups of artillery fired shells in an orderly manner. As soon as one wave was finished, another wave came, without any pause in between.

But there were also three people in the O'Hara Pirates responsible for intercepting the shells.

The next one to take action was Shiryu.

""The Secret of Rain. Heavy Rain"

As Shiryu's Thunderstorm was unsheathed, all the shells fired at the Ohara Pirates were neatly cut in half. It can be seen that Shiryu's strength has increased compared to before.

When the third wave of shells came, Douglas couldn't help but take action.


All the shells were rolled into a ball by Douglas, turning it into a giant shell as big as a hill. Then Douglas threw it back to the navy's artillery position.

After the giant shell landed, the impact force generated was felt even by the O'Hara Pirates who were still in the sea. Not to mention the navy on the shore.

Many navy were staggered and almost fell by the sudden impact.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the fleet of the O'Hara Pirates forced the shore and allowed Capone Bege to land on the dock smoothly.

After Capone Bege landed, all the cadres were released directly.

Among them, the first to come out were the two giants, Blue and Red. When they were in the castle, They have merged together, and after coming out, they rushed towards the navy closest to them.

In addition to Lieutenant General Robert, the navy left three major generals on this island.

Seeing the two blue and red ghosts who were killing three times in the navy camp, a major general immediately came up to resist.

Following the two blue and red ghosts was a huge Tyrannosaurus Rex. As a warmonger, how could Tuanzi be missing in such a scene.

Then came Lafitte, Morton, William, Lance, Philip Howard and other cadres, all rushed out of the castle. Lieutenant General

Robert was stopped by Xiliu at the dock, and the other two major generals, one was entangled and fought with Tuanzi, and the other was stopped by Lafitte.

The rest The cadres had no opponents, so they had to focus their energy on the ordinary marines.

Jinbei, Ichisho, Douglas and others, proud of their status, did not fight with those minions, and watched the battle on the ship with Liu Qian and Robin.

Facing such a powerful lineup of the O'Hara Pirates and being ambushed, the navy was really defeated. It's not that they are not brave enough, but the gap in strength is really too big.

It didn't take long for the battlefield of the entire dock to become quiet, and even Tuanzi and Lafitte were finished. They were all watching the remaining battle between Vice Admiral Robert and Shiryu, who was the only marine left. Vice

Admiral Robert was obviously no match for Shiryu. The reason why Shiryu hadn't defeated him yet was because... In order to use him to test his newly developed fruit moves.

No matter what, Vice Admiral Robert's strength is at the silver level, so it is perfect to use him for a test.

At this time in the research institute, Vegapunk was doing an experiment in the laboratory.

The CP members who received the order looked at the dock outside that was gradually occupied by the O'Hara Pirates and decided to execute the order of the Five Elders.

This CP member was planted by the World Government in the name of supervising the progress of Vegapunk's experiments. On the surface, he was responsible for the communication between Vegapunk and the World Government, but in fact, he was used as a last resort to deal with Vegapunk.

After he made up his mind, he went straight to Vegapunk's laboratory.

"Um, are you here to ask about the progress of the experiment? Wait a minute, this experiment was very successful. This is the final verification. Once the verification is completed, our research will be completely successful."

Vegapunk said in the laboratory without even looking up.

This experiment has always been of great concern to the World Government, so after hearing what Vegapunk said, the members of the CP organization thought to themselves:

"Well, it doesn't matter if I wait a little longer. If the experiment is really successful, it won't be too late to kill Vegapunk after I get the results."

In this way, this CP member kept an eye on the battle outside while waiting for the results of Vegapunk's experiment.

But not long after, this CP member felt something was wrong. He suddenly found that his limbs were weak and his breathing was becoming more and more difficult. He realized that he might have been tricked by Vegapunk. Just when he was about to kill Vegapunk, he found that his whole body was sore and he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Vegapunk stopped doing experiments at this time. Instead, he packed up his things and said to the CP member:"I knew that one day you would come to kill me, so from the moment you arrived, I poisoned you.

It's not entirely right to say it's a poison. If you take it alone, there's no problem. On the contrary, it will be good for your body, but as long as you smell this special incense I lit, it will make your whole body sore and weak, and your breathing will be rapid and difficult. Well, goodbye, Mr. CP, I wish you good luck."

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