Liu Qian thought that since he had no experience in this area, it would be better to ask for the advice of professionals.

""That's right, Doctor. I want this supreme sword of mine to eat a fruit of the animal-type mythical beast species. It would be best if it could become a tattoo after eating it and attach it to my back. When I need it, it will fly out to help me fight the enemy."

Liu Qian said, taking out his Raikiri to show Vegapunk, and then took out the mythical beast species gold dragon form devil fruit that he had prepared long ago, and put it in front of Vegapunk.

Vegapunk took the Raikiri, pulled it out, and looked at it carefully.

"This is a really good sword, it is indeed worthy of being called the Supreme Sword.……"

Seeing that Vegapunk was hesitant to speak, Liu Qian hurriedly asked,"Doctor, what's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Vegapunk shook his head and sheathed Raikiri. He then said,"It's no problem to feed it a devil fruit. But if you want it to become a tattoo and attach it to your back, there are some problems.

This is a supreme sword. Although the blade is tough and flexible, it can't become a tattoo even if it eats a devil fruit. Moreover, it's a bit of a waste to let a supreme sword eat a devil fruit."

Liu Qian has always wanted a tattoo similar to the"Great Dragon". Now when he heard that Raikiri could become a tattoo, his heart sank.

Vegapunk went on to say,"If you just want a living tattoo, I suggest you use something else, such as a mercury alloy I once invented.

I removed the toxicity of mercury from this alloy, retained the fluidity of mercury, and increased the density of mercury to make it heavier.

We can prepare some of this alloy, feed it this fruit, and then let it become a tattoo, attached to your back, but it may be very heavy."

When Liu Qian heard this, his eyes lit up again:"Doctor, it's okay if it's a little heavy, I can totally afford it.

And Doctor, can you only let objects eat animal-type devil fruits? Can't superhuman and natural ones?"

Vegapunk thought for a while:"In theory, as long as it's a devil fruit, it's fine, but I've only experimented with animal-type ones before, not natural and superhuman ones."

Liu Qian rubbed his hands again, and said embarrassedly:"Well, Doctor. I actually have another idea. Can you use this superhuman zipper fruit to help me make a wish-fulfilling bag similar to the mythical legend, the kind that can hold a lot of things."

Vegapunk Vegapunk took the devil fruit handed over by Liu Qian, held it in his hand and thought for a while:"Actually, this does not need to be made into a bag, you can make a zipper-shaped ring, and then let the ring eat this devil fruit, I think it will have the same effect."

After hearing this, Liu Qian was stunned:"Isn't this the legendary storage ring? But there is no such legend in the pirate world? Could it be that this is the commonality of all civilizations? In the end, are the appearances the same?"

Vegapunk thought Liu Qian didn't understand, and continued to explain:"Compared to bags, rings made of metal are more durable and can be used longer, so I suggest you use metal. Of course, this is just a suggestion."

Liu Qian hurriedly said:"No, Doctor, your suggestion is very good, just make a ring with metal. No, it's two rings, one for men and one for women. Just feed the devil fruit to the lady's ring." Hearing that

Liu Qian was going to make two rings, and one for men and one for women, what was even more terrifying was that he was actually going to feed the devil fruit to the lady's ring.

Vegapunk glanced at Liu Qian and thought, could he really be...

Thinking of this, Vegapunk leaned back again, wanting to stay away from Liu Qian. There were only two of them here. If Liu Qian got angry and wanted to do something to him, no one would be able to help him.

Liu Qian didn't notice Vegapunk's little thoughts. If he really knew, Vegapunk would probably go to accompany Caesar.

"Doctor, is there anything we can help you with?"

Vegapunk stood up and said,"Master O'Hara, there is nothing you can help me with. There is a complete laboratory on this island. I can help you make it now.

If you want, you can come and see how I operate it. If you need it in the future, you can do it yourself."

After saying that, Vegapunk turned and left, escaping from here like flying. He was really afraid that he would be left in the captain's room if he left too late.

Liu Qian followed behind, and the two got off the boat together.

They walked to the laboratory one after the other. A group of O'Hara cadres wanted to know whether the captain had succeeded this time. Seeing the two people walking towards the island, they followed them.

Vegapunk, who entered the research institute, was like a lion entering his own territory, and his momentum immediately changed.

If people can tell that Vegapunk outside is a scientist, then Vegapunk here makes people look like a king patrolling his own country.

Vegapunk asked the others to wait outside the laboratory, and he took two devil fruits and entered the laboratory.

Liu Qian and a group of people were outside the laboratory, watching Vegapunk's operation inside through the transparent glass.

Vegapunk first used mercury alloy to carve a dragon on a flat plate of seastone, the size of which was just right to fit Liu Qian's back, and then put it in a large box made of seastone.

Then he used the seastone-made wall-breaking machine to break the mythical beast devil fruit into juice, poured it into the seastone box placed in the flat plate, and covered it with a cover made of seastone.

Vegapunk started making rings again, this time using a wear-resistant alloy, which was also invented by Vegapunk.

He made two rings with the same shape, but one was thinner and looked like a lady's ring, and the other was thicker and was a man's ring.

The appearance of these two rings was like a twisted zipper. On the top of the lady's ring, according to Liu Qian's request, some flower patterns were carved, and on the men's ring, there was only a skull carved on it.

Vegapunk's attainments in mechanics were also top-notch, so he made these two rings quickly.

It was the same operation as before, except that the big box was replaced with a small box, which was also made of seastone. Put the lady's ring in, and then pour the devil fruit juice in.

After doing all this, Vegapunk walked out of the laboratory.

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