Pirate: Role-Playing System

Chapter 103 A Meteorite Appears Above Naval Headquarters! (The First Update Asks For A Subscription!

Chapter 103: Meteorite Appears Above Naval Headquarters! (First update, please subscribe!)

"Hina, very dissatisfied!" Hina snorted lightly, a hint of dissatisfaction flashing in her eyes.

She was truly very dissatisfied.

Although Hina is not yet the future Vice Admiral, she already holds the rank of Lieutenant Commander as Zephyr's disciple.

At her young age of 23, her future is limitless - not everyone can enter the Marines and become a Rear Admiral with formidable strength like Saitama!

As a Lieutenant Commander, Hina has the ability and qualifications to command a warship even at Naval Headquarters.

But why should she serve as someone else's vice officer when she can be in charge herself?

"And it's for this guy who doesn't follow military orders..." Hina cursed inwardly, her expression unpleasant.

Not following military orders is a grave mistake in the strict hierarchy of the military organization!

Even if you can prove you were right in the future, this mistake is enough to nullify all achievements!

Such a person can be said to be unworthy of being a soldier!

However, Saitama just looked at her with a dumb and silly expression.

"Who are you?"

Hina's eye twitched. "Hina, Naval Headquarters Lieutenant Commander, soon to be your vice officer."

"Vice officer?" Saitama paused for a moment, then suddenly realized and clapped his hands. "Oh, that thing the old man was talking about!"

"Then I'll be relying on you in the future, haha, hahaha."

Seeing that silly and dumb face smiling, Hina's eye twitched in anger.

Doesn't this guy understand that she is expressing her dissatisfaction?

In fact, it's not just Hina, many people in the Marines are quite dissatisfied with Saitama.

His rapid promotion has easily aroused the hostility of others.

For example, Hina, who trained hard in the Marine training camp, constantly participated in battles, but at this moment, she is only a Lieutenant Commander.

Meanwhile, Saitama has already reached the highest position below Admiral - Vice Admiral!

Of course, if it were just that, it wouldn't make others so jealous.

After all, Saitama's promotion was well-deserved, and coupled with the publicity of the Marine supernova, it was somewhat acceptable.

But with his defiance of orders, all of this has become completely meaningless!

As a Marine, being excited?

How dare you! On what grounds?!

The failure of this expedition against Uchiha Madara was too great.

Almost all of the World Government's people were wiped out.

Tens of thousands of elite Marines did not return.

Admiral Akainu was severely injured and captured.

Only Sengoku and Garp managed to escape with injuries...

Saitama is very strong?

If you're so strong, why didn't you join the battle?

If you had participated, would the Marines have suffered such great losses?

This resentment fills the hearts of all Marines.

Since Roger's death, the Marines have never suffered such a big loss. They have directed all their resentment towards Saitama, using him as their outlet.

"I don't want to be your subordinate." Hina coldly snorted. "As a Marine who can't even follow orders, you're not worthy of my loyalty!"

In reality, it is a very proud achievement to become the Vice Admiral's vice officer with the rank of Lieutenant Commander.

Because usually, the Vice Admiral's vice officer must be at least a Commodore or Captain, not just a Rear Admiral.

Hina knew very well that her identity as a "Zephyr disciple" gave her a significant advantage, which is why she was arranged by Sengoku to be Saitama's deputy. If nothing unexpected happened, she would immediately be promoted as Saitama carried out a few missions.

She definitely rose through the ranks much faster than Smoker, who was at the same level.


"I don't want to serve under someone who can't even be called a soldier!" Hina said coldly, taking a deep breath.

Then, she lit a cigarette.

"Serve under me?"

Saitama looked at Hina with a dumbfounded expression, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Although you're pretty, I don't like girls who smoke, so..."

"Get lost!" Hina was so angry that she almost swallowed the cigarette.

"What I meant was that I don't want to be your subordinate!"

"Subordinate?" Saitama tilted his head. "I don't have any subordinates. How can a hero have subordinates?"

"Huh?" Hina sneered, her eyes filled with disdain. "As a Marine, you don't even have superiors and subordinates? How can you carry out missions? How can you allocate combat assignments?"

"You're not worthy of being a soldier!"

With that, she snorted and walked away with big strides.

Saitama watched her figure and rubbed his chin.


"Oh, the fries are here, thank you."

For the next few days, Saitama stayed at the Naval Headquarters.

Saitama was a lazy person by nature, and if there were no news about the Marine (monsters), he could stay at home all the time.

Sengoku and the others also breathed a sigh of relief - it's good to have a lazy person, it's good to have a lazy person.

With a lazy person, there's no need to go to places like Sabaody Archipelago and see the Celestial Dragons!

For this reason, Sengoku even specifically ordered a raise for the chef responsible for making fries for Saitama and continued to hint at the operational directive of "keeping Saitama in the cafeteria."

As for Hina, she hadn't appeared since that day.

I don't know if she's applying for a transfer from her teacher Zephyr and Sengoku to be transferred from Saitama's deputy.

On the other hand, Tashigi came over after a few days, bouncing happily in front of Saitama with a face full of joy - it seems that she has been showing off her newly promoted Lieutenant rank for the past few days.

And so, a few days passed...

". It's about time," Saitama, lying in his room, suddenly flashed a completely different (Wang Dezhao) light in his eyes.


Zhao Xu's eyes flashed with the unique purple ripples of the Rinnegan, and he formed hand seals.

"With my current abilities, the power I can unleash should be much stronger..."

"Tengai Shinsei!"

Powerful chakra erupted in the room but was perfectly controlled within the room, without leaking outside.

"Very good."

Zhao Xu smiled and quickly returned to Saitama's usual silly expression.


Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The alarm of the Marines suddenly sounded, accompanied by a slightly panicked broadcast.

"Alarm, alarm! A giant meteorite has appeared above the Naval Headquarters. Everyone, evacuate immediately!"


Brothers and sisters, I'm back!

Damn it, let's continue to curse him!

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