Pirate: Role-Playing System

Chapter 113 This King, Never Short Of Money (Please Subscribe For The First Update!)

Chapter 113: I, the King, Never Lack Money (First Update, Please Subscribe!)

Dressrosa is a tropical island kingdom in the New World, known as the "Country of Love, Passion, and Toys."

Of course, the "Toys" part hasn't come into play yet.

For now, it is still the "Country of Love and Passion."

Eight or nine hundred years ago, this place was originally the territory of the Donquixote family, who ruled as kings here.

At that time, the "Dwarves" were treated as slaves and forced to work as laborers underground, making Dressrosa prosperous.

After the Donquixote Family left Dressrosa and joined the World Government, becoming "Celestial Dragons," the Riku family became the new royal family of Dressrosa.

The king at the time apologized to the Dwarves, abolished their slavery, and used the "Legend of the Fairies" to prevent humans from disturbing the Dwarves.

But because they lost the labor of the Dwarves, the country became poorer than before.

And now...

A group of powerful pirates has arrived on this land.

"So, they definitely can't come up with a billion Berries!" Doflamingo sneered, "And this place will once again... be under the rule of the king."

He paused in his words, his eyes flashing with a hint of strangeness.

He actually wanted to say that this place would return to the rule of the Donquixote family.

But considering the man next to him, he changed his words.

"Dressrosa..." Gilgamesh squinted his eyes, looking around.

Honestly, compared to the prosperity of Dressrosa in the original work, the current Dressrosa is still lacking from an economic perspective.

The surroundings are somewhat desolate, and the Riku family is not a particularly powerful presence. On his way here, Gilgamesh even casually killed a group of bounty-exceeding pirates.

This is the New World!

Pirate forces have always been fierce!

Although Doflamingo seized this place and exploited the Riku family and the toys to the fullest, from an economic perspective, the national power has indeed increased.

"My king, rest assured." Doflamingo smirked, "Once we take over this place, we can eliminate the surrounding pirates and establish discipline in the surrounding waters."

"At the same time, I have a considerable reputation and channels in the underworld, and I can fully develop Dressrosa."

"At that time, this place will definitely not be like this!"

Doflamingo's words were resolute.

Because he truly has the ability!

As the most renowned figure in the underworld, as long as he guides Dressrosa to become a trading hub for the black market, he can just sit back and collect money.

Black market trade may be covert, but the profits far exceed normal trade.

Weapons, slaves, intelligence...

Under Doflamingo's guidance, Dressrosa can easily dominate these trades.

Gilgamesh seemed as if he hadn't heard anything, and continued walking forward.

Shiryu of the Rain and the others behind him also didn't care, laughing and walking forward, completely disregarding Dressrosa and the Riku family.

In fact, there was no need to pay attention.

Doflamingo and his group can suppress the entire Dressrosa. There are already several people here who are no less powerful than Doflamingo. Why bother with the rest?

With Doflamingo's plan and the support of his Celestial Dragons background, there won't be any consequences.

But even if we confront them head-on, there won't be any problems.

At most, the follow-up process will be more troublesome.


Dressrosa, but it's a member country of the World Government!


"What will he choose in the end?" Doflamingo squinted his eyes and looked at the front where Gilgamesh was.

"Will he choose my plan or go against it?"

Using Doflamingo's plan naturally requires putting himself, a "Celestial Dragon" and the "owner of Dressrosa," in the spotlight, and even nominally, Dressrosa needs to belong to Doflamingo.


"Should I use some means to make the World Government clash with this monster?" Doflamingo squinted his eyes, not speaking, nor paying attention to Gilgamesh's disregard, just walking straight ahead.

Doflamingo also has the qualifications of a king and is not someone who would willingly submit so easily!

Even though some of his subordinates have already started to accept their fate....

"My king, what do you plan to do?" Doflamingo took a step forward and followed.

"I'm going to inspect my territory," Gilgamesh calmly said.

No one paid much attention. Gilgamesh has a peculiar hobby of touring the world.

Of course, in his words, it's touring "my territory."

But since the whole world is his territory, he basically walks around everywhere every day.

The place where he rested before, he would often move around, and even when he saw something, he would take action.

It's as if he really is the king of that place....

"Then let's go around as well. This will be our playground in the future," a powerful pirate laughed and spoke, and everyone nodded.

Soon, everyone dispersed.

Shiryu and Diamante went to the colosseum.

Bartolomeo and Cavendish went to find a bar.

Doflamingo hesitated for a moment but still followed behind Gilgamesh.

As they walked around, he discovered that Gilgamesh walked east, then west, and finally entered a casino.

"Gambling?" Doflamingo's eyes narrowed slightly as he walked over.

"My king, do you plan to play?" Gilgamesh nodded.

Hearing this, Doflamingo said, "If you want to play, the casinos here won't be able to gamble with your gold."

To be honest, Doflamingo didn't know why their boss had so many treasures in his hands, a bunch of gold-made cups and wine pots. Even if everyone in the crew drank his wine using his cups, they still wouldn't finish them.

But gold is useless in a casino, at the very least, it needs to be exchanged for berries.

And during this time, he has become familiar with their boss—this boss likes gold treasures but has no interest in paper money at all!


He didn't even bring a single berry!

However, upon hearing this, Gilgamesh only paused for a moment and said, "I, the king, am never short of money."

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