Pirate: Role-Playing System

Chapter 120 I Came To Fight With You (Please Subscribe For The First Update!)

Chapter 120: I've Come to Fight You (First Update, Please Subscribe!)

Wano Country is a rare country in the Grand Line that could have joined the World Government but has chosen not to.

Most other countries did not join the World Government because they couldn't afford to pay the Celestial Dragons' exorbitant fees.

But this country is different.

It is a closed-off country.

It never receives outsiders and does not join the World Government, not even allowing Marine ships to enter.

Due to its treacherous terrain and harsh sea currents, coupled with the strong samurai forces unique to this country, even the World Government is unwilling to expend too much effort to conquer it.

And the general in charge of this place has already allied with Kaido!

They have expelled the Kozuki clan, taken control of the entire country, and built factories.

Although everything is still in its early stages and hasn't reached the point of complete dominance, the signs are already emerging.

"Hahaha, kill them!"

"Anyone who dares to resist the general will die!"

"I can't believe they not only resist the general but also question Kaido and his factories... They deserve a thousand deaths!"

What used to be a thriving village is now engulfed in flames.

Countless men riding dinosaurs or wielding swords laugh maniacally as they pillage and kill.

This situation has occurred many times in Wano Country.

Kaido has established heavily polluting factories in Wano Country, exploiting its people and polluting the environment. Countless black smoke rises from the chimneys.

The pollution has reached a point where even drinking water from contaminated streams requires medical attention.

After all, the alliance between General Kurozumi Orochi and Kaido has lasted for over ten years, and the Kozuki clan, who once ruled Wano Country, has disappeared.

The samurai and ninjas who served them have also vanished along with the Kozuki bloodline, leaving only a prophecy of "Nine Red Scabbards" who will avenge Oden and overthrow General Orochi twenty years later.

Despite General Kurozumi Orochi's frantic search, he has not found the bodies of the "Nine Red Scabbards," which has become a thorn in his side.

However, because of this, he is even more crazed in his search for any remaining Kozuki descendants among the people, including but not limited to the samurai, ninjas, and civilians who were once under the Kozuki clan.

This is just one of the countless places that have been destroyed.

"Did anyone escape?" the leader of Kaido's pirate crew, Holdem, shouted.

"There's one girl," his subordinate immediately reported.

"What are we waiting for then? Chase after her!" Holdem laughed heartily.

Soon, they mounted their dinosaurs and gave chase.

But they hadn't run far when everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

An invisible pressure suddenly descended upon them, as if they were carrying a heavy burden, weighing them down.

"What's going on?" Everyone's faces turned pale as they hurriedly held onto their dinosaur mounts.

Holdem's face also showed a hint of seriousness.

Something doesn't seem right.

This forest... it's intense!

"Finally, you've arrived..."

A soft sigh, unheard by the others.

The wind gently swayed a bell, producing a clear ringing sound.

The members of Kaido's pirate crew formed a defensive circle, drawing their swords.

"Who goes there?!" Holdem's face showed a grave expression.

He is the "top fighter" of the Kaido Pirates.

Before the Wano Country, there was no steelmaking technology in forging, so all the tools were made of wrought iron and repeatedly quenched. Therefore, in order to make a sword, hundreds of sword bodies were prepared in advance and melted together to create a thick blade.

Among them, some may break and become scrapped due to factors such as quenching, so often only a few swords are finally made.

The most successful work among these few swords is called the "top fighter"!

And within the Kaido Pirates, the position of the "top fighter" is only second to the "big shot". Basil Hawkins, the magician with a bounty of 320 million berries in the future, is also a member of the top fighters.

With a bounty of 210 million berries and the position of the "top fighter," it shows his strength!

But now...

Even with his formidable strength of 210 million berries, he feels a sense of pressure.

"Are they the orphans of the Kozuki family or the samurai of Wano?" Holdem squinted his eyes and scanned the surroundings.

The Kozuki family is also a formidable force, although they were wiped out more than a decade ago.

However, it is normal for some surviving samurai who served the Kozuki family to seek revenge against them.

The samurai strength of Wano is also not weak. There are always some powerful werewolves.

...Please give me flowers...

General Kurozumi Orochi's oppression of Wano is strong, so it is also normal for some powerful samurai to be unable to resist attacking them.

That's why these strong top fighters are leading the behavior of suppressing and completely destroying a village.

"Among them, the strongest... is it you?"

A voice that seemed like a sigh.

This time, it clearly reached Holdem's ears!

He suddenly turned his head and looked up.

A man was casually sitting on the branches of a tree!

That man had a fierce expression, a scar on his left face, an eye patch on his right eye, and an elegant black and white feather coat that revealed an uncontrollable ferocity!


His hair stood up in small bunches, tied behind his head.

And at the tip of each bunch of hair, there was a bell?

In the next second!

A fierce momentum pressed down!

The wind seemed to be driven by this momentum, causing Holdem's hair to sway, and a fierce killing intent swept over him.


"How long are you going to look over there?"

"Huh?" Holdem was stunned, only to realize that the place he had just looked at was already empty.

The crisp sound of bells rang behind him, making him unable to help but turn his eyes back.

"You're Holdem, right?" The man's voice was slightly hoarse, but it carried a strong killing intent.

But strangely, it sounded like everyday conversation.

Or maybe, this is just an ordinary conversation.

"Why do you know my name... Who are you..." Holdem subconsciously asked.

The man grinned, revealing a slightly fierce and ferocious smile. "Captain of the 11th Division of the Gotei 13, Zaraki Kenpachi. I've come to fight you."

Because One Piece hasn't finished yet, there are probably some bugs in the story of Wano, and the introduction might be a bit long. After all, I guess many readers haven't reached that part yet.

But I can't not write it, because by the time One Piece finishes, I guess I would have finished writing the whole thing.

So please forgive me if there are any questions about Wanokuni...

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