Pirate: Role-Playing System

Chapter 128 Come On, Let's Enjoy The Battle Together! (Second More Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 128: Come on, let's enjoy the battle together! (Second update, please subscribe!)

Zaraki Kenpachi has a very, very bad habit, which is to enjoy suppressing his own strength!

Clearly, he is very strong, but in order to experience the joy of battle, he often suppresses his own strength and fights (play?) together with the opponent's strength.

Even though he could kill the opponent with one full-strength strike from the beginning, he insists on fighting slowly, playing slowly, and even allowing himself to be struck a few times as a concession, truly a battle maniac.

This person... is truly a hero!

Zhao Xu praised on the surface, but cursed him as an idiot in his heart.

But there's nothing he can do, he is currently playing the role of an idiot, he can't curse himself, right?

So the result is, even though you can kill the opponent with one strike, you have to find ways to make the fight more exciting.

If the opponent's defense is impenetrable, then there's nothing to say, killing them with one strike is not a problem.

But for someone who can exchange a few moves with himself, he has to rack his brains and engage in a battle of wits with himself!

Of course, he hasn't forgotten to act.

Zaraki Kenpachi's mouth curled into a crazy smile as he slowly walked towards Sleepyhead Madarame.

"Don't slack off, it's only just begun... that's when it gets fun!"


Sleepyhead Madarame squinted his eyes, a hint of astonishment in his eyes.

This big man... exuded an extremely fierce aura, suddenly rising from his body.

He held his sword with one hand, a fanatical smile on his lips, and the joy in his eyes, as if he had found his favorite treasure.

"He looks very happy..." this voice appeared in the hearts of Sleepyhead Madarame and Kozuki Hiyori.


Zaraki Kenpachi suddenly charged forward, the smile on his lips never fading.


His slender Zanpakutō came down fiercely.

Sleepyhead Madarame's pupils contracted, holding his sword with both hands, he met it head-on.

The clash of the two swords resounded between them, an invisible shockwave spreading out, sweeping away the surrounding soil and dust.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The sound of the collision between the swords continued to ring between the two.

"Such great strength, being able to suppress my sword with just one hand while wielding a Field Sword..." Sleepyhead Madarame slightly opened his eyes that had been squinted, a hint of seriousness flashing in his eyes.

He was not sure if Zaraki Kenpachi's sword was a Zanpakutō, but he was familiar with this type of sword.

The Field Sword is not actually a sword used in martial arts, but a weapon used in battles between armies.

Because it is too long.

The long and narrow blade makes it difficult to deal with close-range attacks.

Just now, he took advantage of this point to get close and scratch Zaraki Kenpachi.

To be able to wield this long Field Sword with one hand and compete in strength with himself, and even faintly suppress himself...

"He's really strong, no wonder Kaido's true fight would die in his hands."


"I am stronger than the true fight!"

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The two swords kept flashing, fiercely colliding with each other.


Sleepyhead Madarame's pupils contracted, he saw the man in front of him suddenly grab his sword with one hand.

Then he pulled it towards him, and was about to stab him with his Zanpakutō.


Sleeping Mad Sorrow leaned to one side, avoiding the oncoming sword thrust.

Then he kicked Zaraki Kenpachi's hand holding the sword, creating distance.

"This fighting style is definitely not the way of a normal warrior!" Sleeping Mad Sorrow squinted his eyes, his gaze becoming more serious.

Although he himself was completely unharmed just now, there were even bloodstains on Kenpachi's arm where he was holding the sword.


His heart, on the contrary, was greatly shocked!

This fighting style is definitely not the way of a warrior, but more like...

A berserker!


"I am, after all, Wanokuni's renowned swordsman. Let me show you the true way of using a sword!"

Sleeping Mad Sorrow suddenly raised his head, about to attack.

But suddenly, he found that Zaraki Kenpachi's figure in front of him had disappeared.


Where did he launch his attack from?

Ding dong...

A crisp bell sound rang from behind him. Sleeping Mad Sorrow quickly turned around, raising his sword to block Zaraki Kenpachi's strike.

"Very good, a very nice reaction!" Zaraki Kenpachi's smile grew wider, his eyes becoming even more crazed.


The two separated once again.

"You can already hear the bell... not bad, it's more interesting this way." Zaraki Kenpachi revealed a smile.

"Hmph, it's your own mistake!" Sleeping Mad Sorrow coldly snorted. "As a warrior, how could you wear a bell?"

"This kind of thing will expose your direction!"

If it weren't for the bell ringing... he might really have died!

"You're really stupid." Zaraki Kenpachi couldn't help but sneer. "Whether it's a bell or an eye patch, they're all worn to enjoy the fight more."

"If you can't understand the reason behind them, then I have no reason to wear these things."

I wear the bell so that you can catch me!

If you don't make good use of these advantages, the fight will be boring!

What if I accidentally kill you?

The straightforward words made Sleeping Mad Sorrow and Kozuki Hiyori involuntarily swallow their saliva.

This man, he's really...

"Hmph, who knows if it's your plan!" Sleeping Mad Sorrow was not a rookie either. He quickly realized and sneered, "Who knows if you have any other plans, like intentionally throwing the bell aside to attract my attention, and then taking the opportunity to ambush..."

Zaraki Kenpachi frowned. "I wouldn't do such a boring thing."

"Can we trust the words of an enemy?" Sleeping Mad Sorrow scoffed.

After all, he was Wanokuni's warrior, a swordsman who emerged from the chaos of war.

His will was not so easily shaken.

But in reality, he also understood.

This man is not someone who would resort to such petty tricks...

Even though they haven't known each other for long, he could clearly feel the nature of this man.

Fearless of death, fearless of pain, and fond of fighting...

"Whether it's death or pain, it's just a trivial price to pay for enjoying the fight..."

A hint of madness flashed in Zaraki Kenpachi's eyes.

"Come on, let's enjoy the fight together!"

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