Pirate: Role-Playing System

Chapter 130 Zhao Xu's Purpose (Fourth More Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 130: Zhao Xu's Purpose (Fourth Update, Please Subscribe!)

Did Sleep-Crazy Lang Lang die?!

Actually, it wasn't Kurozumi Orochi who noticed something, but the people below who were normally going to the farm to collect vegetables and grains, and they discovered the body!

Although the real fight was killed, Kurozumi Orochi didn't care because Sleep-Crazy Lang Lang made the move.

If Sleep-Crazy Lang Lang, the number one swordsman in Wano Country, took action, can't the problem be solved?

Therefore, even some of the people below didn't know that the farm had been occupied - after all, time was too short and the news hadn't spread yet.

So when the people below went to the farm without knowing anything, what they saw was a figure that shocked everyone!

Kurozumi Orochi's face turned black, although his face was already quite dark.

"Who is it?!" he shouted angrily, "Who can kill Sleep-Crazy Lang Lang?!"

"You mentioned to me before, it seems to be something like the Thirteen Court Guards..." Quin squinted his eyes, "When did someone like that appear on the sea?"

"Or... is it a group of people?"

The Thirteen Court Guards sounds like the name of an organization!


Are they resistance fighters left by the Kozuki clan?" Quin looked at Kurozumi Orochi, "These names seem more like Wano Country names."

Wano Country names are very different from names in the outside world.

In the future, when Luffy and the others come to Wano Country, they will also change their names as disguises, although those so-called 'Zorojuro' and 'Luffytaro' names sound more like insults to the enemy's intelligence.

But the name Zaraki Kenpachi does indeed sound more like a person from Wano Country!

The Thirteen Court Guards... also seems to be a Wano Country-style organization!

"Maybe..." Kurozumi Orochi's face became serious, a hint of fierceness flashed in his eyes.

"The Kozuki resistance... have they not all disappeared yet?"

The resistance fighters of the Kozuki clan keep emerging, even though more than ten years have passed, Black-Haired Orochi has always kept them in mind.

And there is the prophecy left by Kozuki Hiyori and Momonosuke's mother.

"When the world is as dark as night, embrace the remnants and wait for the dawn. When the clear light of hope arrives, the nine shadows will cast the rising sun from the east!"

This was the prophecy of Kozuki Oden's wife, saying that twenty years later, the Nine Red Scabbards will return and overthrow General Kurozumi Orochi.


Kurozumi Orochi frowned, "It's not yet twenty years, her prophecy shouldn't be happening now..."

But no matter what, now...

Kurozumi Orochi suddenly stood up and locked eyes with Quin.

"Let's go! To the farm!"

In fact, it was useless for them to go to the farm because Hikari Asahi and Zaraki Kenpachi had already left.

Even the farmers who were transporting the food were gone - they weren't stupid enough to sacrifice their lives for food.

Kozuki Hiyori and Zaraki Kenpachi, on the other hand, were heading towards Flower Capital, the capital of Wano Country.

As for why they didn't encounter Orochi's men...

It's because they got lost again in a grand manner.

"Hachimaru, where are we?" Zaraki Kenpachi's mouth twitched as he swung his Zanpakutō.

A line of fresh blood splattered, drawing a straight line.

"It's a bandit's hideout, we've gone the wrong way again." Kozuki Hiyori shook her head and sighed helplessly.

Hmm, the tendency to get lost has struck again. The two of them wandered around, even though they were supposed to go to Flower Capital, they ended up running to some bandit's lair.

And then, of course, they fought together, but unfortunately, they didn't have much fun.

"A bunch of useless people," Zaraki Kenpachi disdainfully glanced at the trembling bandits behind him.

Wanokuni is home to many such bandits and thieves.

Their strength is not bad, often with real samurai as their backbone, even a leader.

There is no other way, General Kurozumi Orochi's rule is too brutal, and most people are unwilling to be ruled by him, so many samurai have fled.

But Kaido's factories discharge sewage everywhere, ordinary farming cannot meet people's needs, so they can only turn to banditry in the mountains for a glimmer of hope.

Of course, don't think too highly of these bandits.

Their strength is insufficient to rob Kaido and Kurozumi Orochi, so they can only rob the scarce food from ordinary people.

... Seeking flowers...

"Ah..." Kozuki Hiyori sighed, not knowing whether to be relieved or helpless.

Following Zaraki Kenpachi, her sense of direction has also worsened, even finding the nearby capital has become quite difficult.

"But perhaps going to the wrong place is a good thing," Kozuki Hiyori thought to herself. "Although Kenpachi killed the Sleepy Hollow, he was also injured..."

"And fighting against the General, it's probably eighty to ninety percent..."

Kurozumi Orochi's strength is also extraordinary!

And more importantly, he has an ally!



The Four Emperors, the strongest beings on land, sea, and air...

Although Wanokuni is isolated from the world, Kaido's reputation is something even Wanokuni children know.

One reason is that many of Kaido's subordinates have stayed in Wanokuni over the years.

The second reason is...

Many young and arrogant samurai in Wanokuni wanted to assassinate Kaido, but not a single person returned!

Although Sleepy Hollow is known as Wanokuni's number one swordsman, he is still weaker compared to Kurozumi Orochi and Kaido.

"Um..." At this moment, a bandit hesitated and spoke up.

"Hmm?" Zaraki Kenpachi turned his head.

"May we join you?" the bandit asked hesitantly, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

Zaraki Kenpachi is very strong!

Extremely strong!

He has never seen such a powerful man before.

Perhaps life would be much better under his command!

"Huh? Why should I..." Zaraki Kenpachi furrowed his brow.

On the other hand, Kozuki Hiyori's eyes brightened.

"Wait a moment..." She seemed to have thought of something, and her eyes sparkled even more.

Then she turned her head and asked Zaraki Kenpachi, "Kenpachi, let's accept them!"

Zaraki Kenpachi furrowed his brow, "Why?"

But in Zhao Xu's heart, he laughed heartily.

"Very good, you finally realized this!"

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