Pirate: Role-Playing System

Chapter 133: Attacking The Capital Of Flowers! (Seventh More Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 133: Attack on the Flower Capital! (7th Update, Seeking Subscriptions!)

To be honest, this is completely a gamble.

The success rate...

Is very low!

But to be honest, whether it's Jutian Pill or Kozuki Hiyori, they can't think of a better solution!

The gathered soldiers need food, and although they can break into the farms, the farms are not granaries, and there isn't enough food for everyone to eat.

Instead of waiting for the enemy to gather all their forces to surround them, it's better to make a desperate move now!

Of course, this desperate assault is not completely unplanned.

Unfortunately, when Jutian Pill asked Zaraki Kenpachi, "Do you have a good plan?" Zaraki Kenpachi directly replied, "Yes."

"What plan?"

"Find the enemy and kill them, isn't that good enough?"

Jutian Pill:

But in reality, there is no better way. They don't have much time to plan, and they don't have time to obtain the blueprints of the city.


Let's go!

"Who are you?!"

The sudden attack of a large group of soldiers directly alarmed the soldiers guarding the capital.

"Halt! Halt!" The soldiers held their swords and gathered at the gate, their faces grim. "Do you not value your lives? Is this a rebellion?!"

However, the response they received was Zaraki Kenpachi's laughter.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Sword lights flickered, and hundreds of soldiers couldn't even stop him for three seconds before being knocked away.

"Where are the enemy's experts?" Zaraki Kenpachi laughed. "I don't want to deal with small fry right now!"

"They are in the Heavenly Tower!" Kozuki Hiyori emerged from behind Zaraki Kenpachi and said, "The general should be there on normal days."

"The Heavenly Tower?"

"The tallest building."

"Over there? Let's go!"

Zaraki Kenpachi laughed and didn't care about the soldiers behind him as he charged towards the Heavenly Tower.

Behind them, Jutian Pill lay on the back of a cow, watching their figures, his mouth twitching.

After all, they were rebels. Although they rose up in haste and lacked strength, they could at least find a horse.

Why did the princess insist on hanging on that man's back... Where is the dignity of the Kozuki clan?

But now he couldn't care about such trivial matters. He could only shout at the top of his lungs, "Quick! Take the swords from the soldiers' hands. These will be our weapons from now on!"

Because the uprising was too hasty, the soldiers' swords were not fully prepared.

Fortunately, most of the soldiers were bandits and already had some weapons in their hands. Otherwise, they would really have to resort to using makeshift weapons.

"But fortunately, we are launching a surprise attack. The enemy may not be able to gather many forces. If we rely on the suddenness and defeat the general quickly... maybe we can win!"

Jutian Pill took a deep breath and said, "Charge!"

"Target: Heavenly Tower!"


Meanwhile, at the Heavenly Tower.

"General! General! Something bad happened!" The soldier rushed in, his face filled with fear.

"Somebody is attacking the Flower Capital!"


Everyone was shocked and angry at the news.

The Flower Capital was the capital of Wano Country.

Someone actually wanted to besiege this place?

What a joke!

"Who?! Who dares to offend my Flower Capital!" General Kurozumi Orochi's face twisted in anger, and several snake heads emerged behind him.

The huge snake head approached the soldier who delivered the news, and its chilling aura made his scalp tingle.

"It's... it's a swordsman," the soldier trembled as he spoke. "Oh, right."

"I heard from the people ahead that the leader of this attack seems to be Kozuki Hiyori..."



The huge snake head directly bit the soldier, bringing him in front of Kurozumi Orochi.

Kurozumi Orochi's anger intensified, his teeth clenched, and his eyes filled with ferocity.

"Say it again, who is the enemy?"

Kozuki Hiyori...


The enormous snake head directly swallowed the soldier halfway, splattering blood.

"Kozuki...." His voice was extremely cold, filled with a hint of killing intent.

The Kozuki clan has always been his greatest taboo.

For this reason, he has directly executed anyone who is connected to the Kozuki clan.

Even if it was just an involuntary shout, it would be a heinous crime deserving of death.


"There are still people from the Kozuki clan alive?" Kurozumi Orochi's eyes swept across the room with a cold gaze, then suddenly stood up.

"Then let her die today!"

Although the prophecy said that there were still several years until now.

But since they launched their attack today, let them die today!

Fortunately, we still have...


Before Kurozumi Orochi could say anything, a flash of sword light came straight towards him.

The dazzling white sword light descended from above, cutting the entire castle tower in half!

The building split apart, and countless officials inside the castle tower fell out, exclaiming in shock.

And in front of the castle tower, a tall man and a petite girl were there, laughing and talking.

"You see, I told you that with just one slash, they would all come out, and most likely, they would be strong." Zaraki Kenpachi laughed.

"Yes! Kenpachi, you're really smart!" Kozuki Hiyori smiled sweetly.

Behind them, Sakazuki finally caught up, panting heavily, looking at Zaraki Kenpachi as if he were crazy.

He had only arranged the distribution of manpower, but he almost couldn't catch up to this man who was charging ahead.

Just how good is he at killing?

He killed the most people, faced the most enemies, and broke through the most defenses!

Even the soldiers in the back couldn't catch up...

It's fortunate that such a fierce man led the way, boosting the morale of everyone. Otherwise, the soldiers without weapons might not have been able to reach the core of the Flower Capital so quickly.


"We've already reached the castle tower. All we have to do now is deal with Kurozumi Orochi and his officials, and it will be victory!" Sakazuki's eyes flashed with excitement.

But the next second, his expression froze!


A loud noise.

One by one, large snake heads rose from the ruins of the castle tower.

Kurozumi Orochi - Zoan Devil Fruit: Snake-Snake Fruit, Mythical Beast Model: Yamata no Orochi form!

This wasn't the key point. Since he had come here, he was prepared to deal with Kurozumi Orochi.



A gigantic dinosaur shook off the rocks from the ruins, its eyes filled with ferocity.

Ancient Zoan Devil Fruit: Pteranodon form - "Plague" - Queen!

The two giant beasts emerged from the ruins, then returned to their human forms, revealing familiar faces to everyone.

"People from the Kaido Pirates, why are they here?!" Sakazuki's face changed. How could he have investigated the movements of the Kaido Pirates in such a short time?

But this was troublesome!

The rebel soldiers behind him also showed panic. (Is this okay?)

The Kaido Pirates, Kurozumi Orochi, and the strong individuals gradually standing up from the ruins.

Page One, Ancient Zoan Devil Fruit: Spinosaurus form.

Fukurokuju, the captain of the Orochi Oniwabanshu...

How can we win this?!

Suddenly, some soldiers showed a look of despair.

"Don't panic!" Sakazuki suppressed the panic and encouraged them, "In terms of numbers, we have the advantage!"

Indeed, their soldiers had already swarmed in, while Kurozumi Orochi's soldiers had not yet reacted due to the surprise attack.

In terms of numbers, they were at least twice as many as the enemy.

But is this just a matter of numbers?

The opponents are all powerful enough to take on a thousand!

"Don't make a fuss."

Suddenly, a calm and slightly hoarse voice sounded.

"Who said you could go and fight them?"

Zaraki Kenpachi grinned, excitement flashing in his eyes.

Looking at the four people standing up from the ruins, he gripped his sword.

"Four against one, if you want to be my enemy, you're still not enough to look at."

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