Pirate: Role-Playing System

Chapter 67: Break Through The Gate Of Justice! (The First Update Asks For Subscription)

Chapter 67: Breaking through the Gate of Justice! (First Update, Seeking Subscriptions)

Wang's Cannon (MelammuDingir)

Rank: B

Type: Anti-Army, Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm

Launched from the Uruk Fortress, it is a long-range bombardment.

It is not just Gilgamesh, but a shocking barrage launched by the collective power of the Uruk people who lived in the Age of Gods.

Gilgamesh, filled with heartbreak, loads his collection onto the crossbow and hands it over to the soldiers to operate.

This is Gilgamesh's Noble Phantasm in his Caster form, and its power is not directed at individuals.

It is aimed at armies! It is aimed at cities!

In the next second, golden radiance flickers, dazzling and magnificent.

Countless swords pour down like a torrent!

Doflamingo is dumbfounded, Shiryu is astonished, Sengoku is amazed.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

It is as if countless cannons are firing, causing the sea to sway.

"What kind of ability is this?" Sengoku is dumbfounded. He feels that the Gate of Justice beneath his feet is constantly trembling and groaning!


"This is bad!"

Sengoku's expression changes, and he jumps to the side abruptly.

In the next second!

The Gate of Justice suddenly cracks open!

The cracks grow larger and then shatter with a loud noise!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The enormous steel gate has now turned into fragments, falling one after another.

Along with the Marine soldiers defending around the Gate of Justice, they are either affected by the shockwaves of Wang's Cannon's attack or simply fall along with the shattered Gate of Justice.

Doflamingo and the others are all stunned.

The Gate of Justice has stood here for who knows how long.

But now, it has shattered with a loud noise!

All because of one man's attack!

However, in the next second, Doflamingo bursts into laughter: "Hahaha! Seize the opportunity now!"

"Charge! We can break through the Naval Headquarters!"

At the same time, the other prisoners also react and immediately raise their heads, revealing sinister smiles.

Hope is right in front of them!

With the efforts of the prisoners, three warships charge straight ahead.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

Sengoku jumps down from the Gate of Justice, smashing the incoming fragments while staring fixedly at the pirates in front of him, his eyes almost bulging.

The Gate of Justice, an existence crowned by the Marines as "Justice," has shattered like this?

And most importantly...

"Evade quickly, evade quickly!" Behind the Gate of Justice, countless warships hastily turn back.

What they need to avoid is not only the giant rocks falling from the Gate of Justice but also the rushing water that surges out as the Gate of Justice opens!

The rushing water not only affects the Marine ships but, more importantly, the falling rocks are carried by the water, resembling torpedoes!

Meanwhile, the golden sword rain in the sky shows no signs of stopping, continuously venting forward.

Sky, sea, and water flow...

What can Marine's ships, even with Shizune and many high-level forces like Vice Admirals and Admirals, do?

It would be good enough if they can protect their own ships!

And now, the prisoners' warships are charging towards them!

Gilgamesh's King's Cannon gradually stops, but with just one strike, it almost destroyed an entire fleet of fifty warships!

"Don't even think about escaping!" Sengoku charges forward without hesitation, his smiling face now resembling an angry lion.

"Don't be so impatient, Marshal Sengoku." Doflamingo emits his signature laughter, blocking his way.

"Wouldn't it be nice to play with me here for a while?"

Doflamingo's mouth carries a smile, and his eyes show excitement.


He is truly strong!

This man named Gilgamesh can bring surprises everywhere he goes!

Since that's the case, Doflamingo doesn't mind lending a hand now!

After all, there are also Doflamingo's subordinates among the warships.

Standing beside him are also Shiryu of the Rain, Xuan Yue Hunter Catherine Dupain, and the Bartender Basque: D. Ace.

One by one, they show smiles and stand in front of Sengoku.

Each of these people is a renowned and promising powerhouse, and even in the face of Sengoku, they have no fear.

Perhaps one person alone cannot defeat Sengoku, but if everyone attacks together, there is nothing to fear.

"Damn it!" Sengoku is even more furious, but how many Marine forces can arrive in time?

Garp and the Admirals are helping to shatter the giant rocks and protect the warships.

Sengoku is driven by anger and disregards the damaged fleet, pushing through forcefully.

But if the other Admirals don't protect the fleet, how many of these fifty warships can be preserved? How many people can survive here?

This place represents the full strength of the entire Naval Headquarters!

Once lost, what can they rely on to maintain justice?

Sengoku clenches his teeth, without hesitation.

A huge golden statue of Buddha appears out of thin air.

Zoan-type Mythical Zoan Fruit: Buddha Form!

Doflamingo and the others, however, show a smile and fearlessly confront it.

Isn't it just a Devil Fruit?

Do you think we don't have any?

With everyone joining forces, are you still afraid?

As expected, Marshal Sengoku is easily entangled, and although Admiral Akainu also ignores the losses suffered by the Marines and attacks, he is intercepted by World Destroyer Byrnndi World.

And during their battle, the warship filled with prisoners calmly passes by.

They emit cold laughter, their faces fierce and exceptionally menacing.

However, Sengoku and the others don't even spare them a glance, not even dispersing much attention to Doflamingo and the others fighting beside them.

They only look at the figure in the golden armor standing at the highest point on the warship.

They watch as he casts a contemptuous gaze at them, and then...

Leaves with arrogance!

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

However, whether it's Sengoku or Akainu, in the end, they can only watch all of this with anger.

They watch as they easily leave...

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