Pirate: Role-Playing System

Chapter 72: The King, You Don’T Need To Hide In The Shadows (Sixth Subscribe)

Chapter 72: The King Doesn't Need to Hide in the Shadows (Chapter 6, Seeking Subscriptions)

Zhao Xu and Saitama sat face to face in the captain's room, not needing to pretend anymore.

Of course, they didn't need to worry about being exposed.

Ninjas are professionals who operate in the darkness, and Zhao Xu's infiltration abilities are well-known. It's not difficult for him to bypass Tashigi and a few weak individuals.

With his abilities, there's no need to worry about being monitored or hidden from.

Exposure is impossible.

Even those present are not just one person, but...

"You came at the right time. Did you bring some clones?" Saitama glanced around and asked, "The original's power has increased, but I can't even find a few clones."

"Not many, including me, there are only twenty-seven clones," Zhao Xu calmly replied.

The ashtray on the table is a clone.

The flower vase on the windowsill is a clone.

The shadow behind the door is a clone.

The one hidden on the dim ceiling is also a clone...

A total of twenty-seven clones concealed in a small room.

But even if Tashigi personally came to inspect, she wouldn't be able to find any of the other clones except for the one in front of her.

"Twenty-seven, it looks like they can be used for a while," Saitama nodded calmly.

The actions of the clones consume energy.

And the energy that a clone can contain is limited.

Even if they remain still, they will still consume some energy, not to mention in battle. Saitama's exaggerated punch that can kill in an instant is based on explosive energy.

Especially before, when Zhao Xu's power wasn't very strong, Saitama's clones seemed to use an "ordinary punch," but in reality, it was a "desperate punch."

There's no other way. Without reaching a high level of realism, he can't unleash that kind of combat power.

If he throws a few more punches, it wouldn't fit Saitama's character.

Of course, it's not necessary now.

With the increase in Saitama's realism, even the strength of the clones is getting stronger. An ordinary punch is enough to deal with almost all enemies.

Compared to Saitama's activity, Zhao Xu and Uchiha Madara are much more low-key. The Revolutionary Army is still in the stage of accumulating strength, with hardly any battles. The energy of the clones can still hold steady.

"The original has already left. Since you've cleaned up the island, the energy has been used up enough to be discarded," one of Zhao Xu's clones spoke, "It's just in time to send over the information to conclude our handover."

When a clone disappears, the information is promptly transmitted to the original's mind, making it convenient for command and avoiding any problems with the clones.

For example, this time, the clone that disappeared on the way transmitted the information of "When Saitama's ship will arrive."

On the other hand, Zhao Xu, who is playing the role of Gilgamesh, didn't hesitate and left early to avoid any conflict between the two.

Saitama arresting Gilgamesh?

That's impossible, thank you.

Because Zhao Xu wouldn't let any character be ruined by his own hands.

Saitama defeating and killing Gilgamesh with one punch?

What about Gilgamesh?

If he can't be killed by a punch and can't be defeated, how will Saitama's character be resolved?

There's no possibility of a fight between the two, just like Uchiha Madara and Saitama.

Saitama nodded and in the next second, he turned into smoke and disappeared.

At the same time...

"The handover was successful... These clones should be able to last for a while longer." Zhao Xu, who was playing the role of Gilgamesh, sighed inwardly.

With the continuous enhancement of several templates, he was also becoming stronger.

Even though the Uchiha Madara template didn't receive much enhancement, the original body became stronger, allowing the clones to last a bit longer.

Of course, for Zhao Xu, this was just a small matter.

Now, what needed to be done was...


"Hahaha, where's Moria? Why isn't he coming out?"

"Don't rely on those zombies, what use are they?"

In the dense fog that obscured the sky, a group of fierce pirates dressed in prisoner clothes stepped onto the muddy ground and marched straight ahead.

Countless zombies crawled up and charged.

But in the next second, they were easily torn to pieces by the pirates.

Salt? Seawater? Restraints?

The huge difference in strength made these useless things unnecessary!

...Flowers, please...

Gilgamesh only glanced briefly at the battle ahead before looking around.

The Thriller Bark stood tall in the mystical triangle zone, resembling an island, but it was indeed a sailboat.

With its enormous size, even giants could easily fit on it. It was definitely the largest ship in the world.

"Not bad..." Gilgamesh smiled. "Doflamingo, this ship is good. You've done well."

"I feel honored, Your Majesty..." Doflamingo chuckled and made an exaggerated gesture of gratitude.

"It is the duty of a king to commend the efforts of his subordinates. You don't have to be like this," Gilgamesh said with a smile. "But after I completely control this ship, let's sail it to a sunny place."


"King, don't hide in the shadows."

As the "Oldest Hero King," Gilgamesh believed that he should possess everything in the world. He often disregarded others' feelings, acted aggressively, and employed cruel methods.

At the same time, he also had a broad-minded and tolerant side. He spoke his mind and was both merciless in punishment and generous in praise.

The powerful pirates next to Gilgamesh also looked around.

This ship would be their territory from now on...

As for Moria?


Although Moria's reputation is strong now, with the fame of challenging Kaido and surviving, and even becoming one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, facing the people present, a small Moria was nothing!

Of course, even the weakest enemy has the ability to resist.

They were waiting for Moria to make a move!

But before Moria could arrive, pale ghosts floated over one by one with cheerful voices.


Everyone looked up, what kind of ability was this?

Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes.

"So Perona is already on Moria's ship..."

Damn it, there was a problem with the previous chapter, and it got mixed up... I've already corrected it now.

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