Pirate: Role-Playing System

Chapter 77 Gilgamesh Asked Me To Ask One Thing? (The First Update Asks For Subscription)

Chapter 77: Gilgamesh Asks Me a Question? (First Update, Please Subscribe)

Everyone stared wide-eyed at the man who exuded a sense of decadence, as if he were a salted fish.

Why did Marine's rising star come here?

To capture us?

Although they had only recently been released from prison, they were familiar with Saitama.

Perhaps, among the powerful individuals present, many had been captured by Saitama himself.



"Can I have a cup of tea?" Saitama asked with a silly expression.

"We have alcohol here, the Wine of Kings. Would you like a glass?" Gilgamesh chuckled lightly and poured a new glass to the brim.

"No, I don't like alcohol. Tea is enough," Saitama replied matter-of-factly.

It seemed as if he had really come for tea.

"Hahaha, interesting," Gilgamesh laughed heartily. "Give him a cup of tea!"

With that command, someone quickly brought tea.

Saitama didn't hesitate and sat obediently among the strong men, calmly drinking his tea.

"This Marine has some guts," the crowd squinted their eyes.

To dare stay among such a large group of pirates and still calmly drink tea, this kind of courage was not something an ordinary person could possess.

"Saitama, what is a Marine Rear Admiral like you doing here?" Doflamingo squinted his eyes, his gaze shifting between Saitama and Gilgamesh.

Can I sow discord between them, make them...

Saitama was the one who sent himself to Impel Down, so it would be a joke to say he had no resentment!

"I came to invite your boss to become a Shichibukai," Saitama calmly took a sip of tea and said.

Upon hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Then, they burst into laughter.

"Interesting, interesting. The king has only just appeared and he can already become a Shichibukai!"

"The government people really know how to make a move!"

"Hmph, Shichibukai, they're just the government's dogs. How could Yuan Yin possibly go there?"

A large group of powerful individuals laughed heartily, filled with pride, disdain, and contempt...

Saitama continued to drink his tea, sip by sip, resembling an old man.

"Inviting our king to become one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea... don't you think your behavior is a bit rude?" Doflamingo sneered. "What qualifications does a mere Rear Admiral have to invite our king?"

Although he said that, Doflamingo's heart was almost torn apart by jealousy.

He had put in a lot of effort to become one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

But his plan was only halfway through when Saitama captured him and sent him to Impel Down...

"Oh, I'm already a Vice Admiral," Saitama calmly said, casually taking out the Vice Admiral badge from his pocket, and continued drinking his tea.

Hmm, he really was a Vice Admiral.

"So you got promoted to Vice Admiral so quickly," Doflamingo sneered coldly. "Weren't you just a Rear Admiral before?"

This person who had captured him should be treated with the importance he deserved!

According to his investigation, Saitama was still a Rear Admiral...

"Oh, thanks to you all, I got promoted," Saitama calmly said.

Hmm, he really owed it to them.

Otherwise, it would have taken Saitama some time to become a Vice Admiral.

After all, Vice Admiral was the top combat force below Marine Admiral. Even with numerous achievements, it was not something a person who had joined Marine less than two years ago could possess.

But in the ears of many pirates, it took on a different meaning.

I only advanced to Vice Admiral by catching all of you... Thanks to all of you!

"What do you mean?!"

"Kid, are you underestimating us?"

"You're asking for death!"

In an instant, the already bad-tempered pirates drew their swords one after another.

"Everyone, stop." Gilgamesh calmly said, "The enemy dares to come here alone, but you all are here making a fuss... As subordinates, don't embarrass me!"

With these words, all the pirates instinctively fell silent.

After several days of fighting and getting along, Gilgamesh's prestige had begun to establish.

It may not be possible to make everyone fight to the death for him.

But it was not difficult to make everyone understand the consequences of "embarrassing the king."

"You, want to invite me to become one of the so-called Seven Warlords of the Sea?" When everyone was silent, Gilgamesh took a sip of wine and spoke with arrogance.

"Yeah," Saitama said with a dumbfounded expression.

"Become a servant to those rats who ignore me and call themselves kings?"

"Yeah, that's about it."

"Hmph, you dare to speak such audacious words..."

...Flowers please...

"Do you have any? Thanks for the compliment."

"I wasn't complimenting you..." Gilgamesh's mouth twitched, and he drank a cup of wine.

After a while, he suddenly spoke up.

"I suddenly have an interesting idea..."

"What? Gilgamesh doesn't want to become a Seven Warlords of the Sea, but wants his subordinate to become one?" Sengoku listened to the report from the Den Den Mushi, his eyes widened.

"Yeah, he recommended someone named Doflamingo..." Saitama's tone was extremely indifferent.

Doflamingo... Sengoku squinted his eyes. He had also heard of Doflamingo's name. He was once one of the candidates for the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Of course, after being caught by Saitama, there was no need to appoint him as a Shichibukai anymore...

But that Gilgamesh...

He didn't want to become one himself, but he wanted his subordinate to become one?

What was he trying to do?!

Shichibukai, how could it be filled by a pirate's subordinate?!

Were the Shichibukai listening to the World Government or to the pirates?

Although there weren't many Shichibukai who particularly followed the World Government's orders, at least they were supposed to obey the government in name!

As Sengoku thought about it, his anger grew stronger.

"So, should we refuse him?" Saitama's voice, like a dried fish, came through the Den Den Mushi.

"But he also mentioned something, although I don't quite understand what he meant."

"What thing?" Sengoku's voice carried anger.

Because of the Five Elders, Saitama had to be sent out early to ask, which made Marine lose face. He was already very angry.

Now Gilgamesh actually wanted his subordinate to become a Shichibukai, which made him even angrier!

"He asked me to ask..." Saitama's voice remained calm, "Is the Chief Warden Magellan's condition at Impel Down better?"

Sengoku heard this and his anger instantly cooled down.

Silence filled the air for a long time.

Until Saitama couldn't help but wonder if there was anyone on the other end of the phone, Sengoku spoke in a hoarse voice.

"No... No matter what methods our Marine doctors use, his condition shows no signs of improvement."

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