Pirate: Role-Playing System

Chapter 80 Sabo (Forth Subscription)

Chapter 80: Sabo (Fourth Update, Seeking Subscriptions)

"I plan to go and see those nobles, ask them how they want to die."

His words were calm, but no one would doubt this man's determination.

Perhaps he wasn't good at politics or finance, but his strength was definitely among the best!

"Stay calm, Sabo," the transvestite king Ivankov couldn't help but say, "I understand how you feel, and I believe many people here feel the same."


His voice suddenly grew louder.

"We still need to be patient..."

"Indeed..." Empress Imazuna couldn't help but say, "Our forces cannot transport many people here. It would be foolish to challenge the World Government in this situation."

The Revolutionary Army has always been focused on exporting revolution, but their main targets are countries and islands above the Grand Line.

The Grand Line has a unique geographical environment, making navigation difficult. Even the Marines cannot freely sail the Grand Line.

With its ever-changing weather, frequent volcanic eruptions, and pirates everywhere...

So far, the Revolutionary Army has overthrown several regimes, but all of them were in the Grand Line!

They relied on the geographical weather of the Grand Line to prevent the Marines from concentrating their forces to besiege them.


This is the East Blue!

The ocean dominated by the Marines!

The Revolutionary Army does not yet have the strength to challenge the World Government in the East Blue...

As Imazuna said, it would be foolish to challenge the World Government here.

"Well, I know." Uchiha Madara said calmly, "I'm just going to kill a few people."

Uchiha Madara's image is very elusive.

He has experienced war since he was young, with all his younger brothers dying in the war. He has become accustomed to war and will not show any mercy to the weak.

It may be a bit extreme to say he is cruel, but there is no problem in calling him cold-hearted.

But on the other hand, Uchiha Madara is one of the few who became a boss because he wanted peace.

Because he wants peace and does not want to provoke any more conflicts, he plans to use the genjutsu Infinite Tsukuyomi, which is reflected on the moon, to implant everyone into the illusion and trap them in an eternal dream.

This way, there will be no more fighting, everyone will understand each other, and they will live happily in the illusion.

When the plan was manipulated by someone and the battle ended, Uchiha Madara finally seemed to realize something before his death and gave up on this path...

Although he became the enemy of the protagonist, Uchiha Madara's essence has never changed.

He wants to bring peace to the world and protect everyone!

Although he has a difficult personality, doesn't trust others, and doesn't believe in possibilities...

But fundamentally, he does want world peace.

Since that's the case, Ban's actions are not contrary to his character.

Of course, the more important reason is that Zhao Xu wants to take action!

Having a reason that "doesn't affect the character's development" is enough!

That's the reason to take action!

"Just having a reason to take action is enough," Zhao Xu looked at the flames around him, squinting his eyes, "Just like killing Celestial Dragons... If there's no excuse, does that mean we won't do anything?"

It's not that Uchiha Madara wants to go and kill people, but Zhao Xu, who took the opportunity while waiting, wants to kill people!

If Zhao Xu's clone hadn't come, he wouldn't have to consider these things and could have just started on his own!

Without seeing it with one's own eyes, one can never understand what exactly happened here.

The images seen in anime are very simple.

But the images seen in reality are vivid and bloody.

Surrounding everything, the enormous flames devour everything nearby, revealing the most primitive and ugly side, making people detest it.

The flames appear to be red, but the flames here, although brightly colored, resemble black more.

Ugly black!

He understands why Long left Marine's position and went to play revolution.

It's not a question of whether you think the nobles are dirty and stupid, but the nobles will use their actions to show you that they are even dirtier and stupider than you can imagine!

"But, Boss," Ivankov couldn't help but say, "I believe you can kill those royals, but what do we do next?"

"We can't stay here forever!"

"Killing the royals here will only allow other nobles to take their place, it's just a change of faces."

"Why can't we stay here?" Uchiha Madara asked.

"Lack of strength," Ivankov said bluntly, "You know the strength of the Revolutionary Army, you also know the strength of the enemy, we are not qualified to protect the people here."

"With me, it's enough," Uchiha Madara calmly said, then ignored them and walked away.

Soon, he disappeared from everyone's sight.

Everyone fell into a strange silence.

After a while, Ivankov turned his head and looked at Dragon.

".A, EZ?"

"Yes, Boss, we don't have the ability to protect this place. Persisting desperately will only become a bleeding ground for the Revolutionary Army, a loss for the revolutionary cause."

Dragon remained silent for a moment, then suddenly.

He walked quickly in the direction Uchiha Madara had left.

"Dragon?!" Everyone was stunned.

However, Dragon's figure quickly dissipated, leaving only a few words.

"You continue to rescue the personnel, I'll go and take a look..."

The city of Goa had long been closed, the gates tightly shut, but this couldn't prevent a powerhouse like Uchiha Madara from entering.

Uchiha Madara didn't bother to find a way to open the gate. The area around the gate was not occupied by nobles, but ordinary civilians who were not sacrifices in the nobles' plans and were unaware of the nature of the fire.

Destroying the city walls casually would affect them with the spread of the fire.

Anyway... there was no one left here.

So he simply crossed the city wall and entered the High Town, or rather, the Noble District.

Dragon did the same. He followed Uchiha Madara's footsteps, slightly slower, and soon arrived at the Noble District Zero.

Then, he saw Uchiha Madara stopping there, seemingly looking at something.

"Hmm?" Dragon was puzzled, took a few quick steps, and found that there was a child lying on the ground there.

The child had short yellow hair, and there was a water pipe next to him. He was dressed in tattered clothes, dirty and seemed to have gone through a struggle.


Uchiha Madara squinted his eyes, looking at him.

As if sensing the wind brought by Dragon's arrival, the child's body moved slightly, as if waking up.


He grabbed Uchiha Madara's pants.

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