"Yo! Is the stinky boy back? You have been in the limelight for the past few days! What "the dawn of a just future", what "the future admiral of the Navy Headquarters" ... The old man's ears are callousing when he listens to such news! "

In the newly built office, Sengoku is reviewing documents, Karp is holding a bag of senbei, Zefa is holding a cup of tea, how gloomy the expression on Sengoku's face is, how brilliant the expression on the faces of the two is, with the physical quality of a monster-level powerhouse like them, that kind of injury is just a matter of sleeping, they are taking revenge, revenge on this old friend is so heavy.

Seeing that the Warring States were already on the verge of breaking out, there was a knock on the door of the conference room, Til Caton and Sakasky walked in, Zefa's eyes lit up, and he threw the teacup in his hand aside, and then said the words at the beginning with an excited face, he took Til Caton's hand, and looked at the Warring States and Karp with a smug face, the look in his eyes seemed to say, "Look, this is the old man's apprentice!" "

The meaning of showing off is comparable to Sima Zhao's heart...

"Mr. Zefa, Lieutenant General Karp, Marshal of the Warring States!"

A well-mannered boy always attracts more affection from others, and Tilcaton's resolute appearance looked pleasing to the eye, and the two old men nodded, not stinging with the admiration in their eyes.

"Worthy of the new generation of leaders of our Navy headquarters! Your old man is very satisfied with your actions this time, haha, presumably now that crazy woman Charlotte Lingling is going crazy, right? What a perfect man, under the blade of justice, he can't set off any wind and waves at all!

Sengoku said triumphantly, he took out the seal of the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters in front of Tilcaton, and then printed it on a document in front of him without hesitation, he beckoned to Tilcaton, who stepped forward, and Sengoku handed him the document in his hand.

Several bold and enlarged fonts on the document made Tilcaton raise his eyebrows, and Sengoku said with a smile on his face: "Stinky boy, in view of the fact that you defeated Charlotte Katakuri this time, and killed a member of the Charlotte family on the spot, and dealt a severe blow to the arrogance of those pirates, the old man decided to let you jump two levels in a row and restore to the previous rank of rear admiral of the Navy Headquarters!" So, congratulations, Major General Tilcarton! The

office door was opened again, and this time a soldier entered, holding a white rear admiral's cape. With an excited face, he walked up to Tilcaton.

"Report! Major-General, here's your cloak!

Tilcaton nodded, he picked up his cloak and draped it over himself with great skill, and at this moment, the colonel's aura changed abruptly, from a fierce warrior to a formidable general!

"Haha! Congratulations, stinky boy!

Karp threw over a pack of senbei, obviously just a bag of ordinary snacks, but for Karp, this is the highest reward he gave.

After all, it was his treasure, and he was reluctant to eat it.

"As a new recruit in a training camp, before you leave the barracks, you already have the rank of major general, stinky boy, the old man is proud of you!"

Zefa's hand was on Tilcaton's shoulder, the weight of the palm gave people an indescribable reassurance, at this time Tilcaton was a little stunned, he suddenly remembered the two faces that had not been seen for a long time, if his parents were still alive, they must be proud of themselves who became major generals, right?

No, even if they are just ordinary naval soldiers, they will definitely be proud of themselves!

But at this moment, an inopportune voice sounded.

"Marshal of the Warring States, I have objections to your actions!"

Sakasky's iron-blooded aura stirred through the room, and he stepped forward, a serious face filled with endless majesty.

At this moment, everyone was stunned, including Tilcaton, and the three of the Warring States were even more exaggerated and indescribable.

Boy! Isn't Tilcaton your nephew? Your nephew has been promoted, and you, the uncle, are not happy? Let's not talk about this kid's merits, that is, his strength, it is more than enough to serve as a rear admiral of the Navy Headquarters!

Tilcaton was confused, as was everyone, and they waited for Sakasky's next sentence with puzzled expressions on their faces.

"I think Colonel Tirkcaton has fully possessed the strength of a vice admiral in the headquarters of the Navy! The merits he had made before this, his contribution to the Navy Headquarters, and the talents he possessed, such a proud son of heaven, I think the rank of Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters is too little! "

Tilcaton: ....

Sengoku: ....

Karp: ....

Zefa: ....

"Sakaski, do you know what you're talking about?" Warring States rubbed his head with a headache, how could he not know that Tilkaton's strength had reached the level of a lieutenant general in the headquarters? But this little ghost is still too young, he is too immature, and there are still many things that can be improved in his body, as for merit, although serving as the commander of Beihai is a great merit, and it is also remarkable to exterminate all the local evils in Beihai, but it is still a little worse.

"Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, what this rank represents, I think you should know better than me! The old man made it clear today, it's not that Tilcaton doesn't have this strength, he just needs time to precipitate, and the jade can't be cut into a weapon, isn't it good to let him study with Zefa for a year? When he comes out of the mountain, the old man will arrange for him to give him some difficult tasks, if he can complete them all, then at that time, if you make such a suggestion again, the old man will definitely not refuse! Sengoku

said with a serious face, what does the rank of the Navy Headquarters represent, and Sakasky naturally knows that it is the real mainstay of the Navy! Admired by tens of thousands of people, but the pressure on his body is naturally excessive, not to mention that a person who is still in the boot camp wins the lottery, no matter how it is too much, Yu Li, Sakasky should not make such a suggestion, but Yu Private, he wants to fight for more things for his nephew, and more importantly, the Navy Headquarters now needs a person to break the balance!

But Sengoku had already said this, and Sakasky didn't want to say anything more, and he raised his head and lowered it slightly, which already showed his attitude.


"Slaughter" Til Caton, the colonel who defeated Katakuri and killed a member of the Charlotte family, is back, no, or should be called Major General Til Catton now!

This news quickly set off a storm in the Navy Headquarters, and the young people who are full of enthusiasm will always be excited by some shocking news, and people are talking about that man, not to mention that Morgan's guy's newspaper has spread all over the sea, and the Navy Headquarters has also taken this opportunity to hype up, and the propaganda is tantamount to what

"the genius of the Navy Headquarters, the hope for a just future!"

"Shocked, a sea pirate with a bounty of more than a billion, he actually..."

"Tilkaton and Katakuri, the ulterior secret between a navy and a pirate!"

Well, I have to say, these guys know the news....

For a while, the world learned the name of a person named "Human Slaughter" Tilcaton, and people were surprised to find that this guy who was so powerful and claimed to surpass the previous admirals of the Navy Headquarters was so young! It is even said that this guy is not bad-looking...

Powerful, 23-year-old rear admiral, handsome face full of fortitude unique to a soldier....

This is simply the dream of thousands of noble ladies!

No one can refuse a young and promising resolute soldier who combines strength and appearance! This is simply a rich woman killer!

Tilcaton is thoroughly famous, though. Because of this, his past has also been thoroughly picked up, and people finally know what kind of gold content his nickname has, "human slaughter" Tilcaton, some people say that his hands have been stained with the blood of millions of people, some people say that he eats a three-year-old child at every meal, and some people say that his real body is a monster with a height of 10 meters and a weight of 500 tons...

All in all, the more it spreads, the more outrageous it becomes, but this outrageous word is believed by many people.

From this day on, Tilcaton was truly on the stage of the Age of Discovery, his name appeared in front of countless powerful people, and many pirates who wanted to break through were daunted, they gave up their dreams of great voyages and curled up in the four seas.

At this time, Delccaton didn't care about this, or rather, there were more important things that he needed to care about!

He returned to his room, not to say a dormitory like a freshman in the boot camp, he had just been promoted to a major general, he applied for a single dormitory on the grounds that he needed to secretly roll up at night every day, Zefa was very happy to agree, after all, no one would not like a student who was extremely talented and knew how to work hard.

At this time, he sat on the bed, and the virtual screen that only he could see appeared in front of him again, and seeing that it had reached the fear value of 1.31 million, the corners of Till Caton's mouth rose uncontrollably.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time!

Looking at the expensive item that had been locked by him for an unknown amount of time, the exaggerated 1.3 million fear value, Tilcaton couldn't help but get excited.

"Is the host sure to spend 1,300,000 Dread points and redeem it..."

Redeem it for me!

The anxious Tilcaton didn't want to wait any longer, only to see a flash of light, and his long string of numbers disappeared in an instant, followed by an earthy yellow fruit in his hand.

The fruit is earthy yellow like soil, with a large number of thread-like patterns on it, and the raised shape is similar to the ground thorns, and this fruit is something that has been in Tilcaton's heart for a long time!

One of the standard features of the general!

Nature: Earth Fruit!

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