Luo Xiu touched the tip of his nose a little embarrassed when he heard this, the words of this naval colonel made him feel very surprised, he did not expect that he would one day be taken out by others to give examples.

The two little maids behind Luo Xiu, Ram and Rem, “fluttered” and laughed directly at the moment when the captain had just finished speaking.

A blue and a pink, delicate-looking and cute little beauty, the smiling branches trembled, making the eyes of the naval soldiers behind the captain straighten.

“Laugh what laugh, what’s so funny? Laugh again and I’ll arrest you all! The captain was obviously a hot-tempered lord and did not feel pity for the beauty of Ram and Rem.

“Oh? Just laugh and arrest people, is this how your ‘righteous’ navy enforces the law? I see that you are even more domineering and unreasonable than pirates! ”

Luo Xiu’s words suddenly made the captain a little ugly, especially the word ‘justice’ was very heavy, even a fool could hear the mockery in it.

“Less nonsense! Lao Tzu doesn’t have time to play this kind of word game with you here, hurry up! Take off your mask and accept the inspection of our Navy, if there is no problem, our Navy will naturally not embarrass you for 970! The Captain looked very impatient.

After speaking, he reached out to remove the mask on Luo Xiu’s face.

“You fellow! Who allowed you to touch the noble Emperor with those dirty hands! At the moment when the Captain Navy stretched out his hand, Yalbed’s expression immediately became very terrifying, and his eyes were full of undisguised killing intent!

Due to his own personality, Ya’er Beide had a morbid reverence and affection for Luo Xiu when he was summoned.

Absolute! Absolutely allow anyone to have a little disrespect for Luo Xiu!

The arrogant appearance of the Captain had long made Ya’er Beide angry, but it was just that he had been suppressed because Luo Xiu was by his side.


Now he was actually extending his claws to the person he admired and adored, which was beyond the limit of her endurance.

Magic surges!

The pitch-black magic burst out like substance!

Waves roll!

Bursts of violent spiral air continued to spread around, and the surrounding trees completed their bows and made a ‘creaking’ sound, as if they would break at any moment!

The dust on the ground was lifted into the air, and the dust flying in the sky made it impossible for the Navy to open its eyes at all!

“Magic Triple is the most intense! Dark Slash! ”

Ya’er Beid’s white jade hand appeared in a pitch-black magic array diametrically opposed to her skin, and a wide black crescent slash flew out from it.

It’s so fast!

Let him not react at all!



A bitter scream suddenly sounded, and the hands of that Navy Colonel Shen Xiangluo who wanted to take off his mask were directly cut off!

What is even more strange is that instead of bleeding blood like an ordinary wound, the blood on his arm is bubbling with creepy black qi, making a “nourishing” sound, as if the flesh and blood are corroded.

Not bad!

This is exactly the effect of Yalbed’s magic as a demon race.

The dark magic is constantly corroding the flesh and blood of the captain, this pain is simply deep into the bone marrow, the thief is so sour!

Yalbed is extremely quick and decisive, ruthless!

The navy were stunned!

“What are you waiting for, attacking the Captain in the middle of the attack, you simply didn’t put us in the eye and arrested them all!” The Captain endured the pain and yelled at the Navy behind him.

Even if his life is over after losing his hands, his eyes are full of resentment when he looks at Luo Xiu, if his eyes can kill, Luo Xiu and Yaerbede have been killed countless times.

“Yes! Colonel Gus! ”

The naval soldiers behind the colonel heard his roar full of hatred, and they all aimed their weapons at Luo Xiu and them, and did not hesitate to move the trigger.

“Bang bang bang~”

With the sound of aieg, countless bullets flew out of the barrel and shot towards Luo Xiu and them.

Facing this bullet like heavy rain, Luo Xiu and they didn’t even frown, and they didn’t put these things in their eyes at all.

Ramrem walked out from behind Luo Xiu with one left and one right, and the slender plain hand emitted bursts of fluorescence, and a magic shield as transparent as jade suddenly appeared in front of Luo Xiu.

Those bullets hit the magic shield with a “ding~” sound, like a pebble thrown into a lake, bringing ripples, and then there was no sound.

How… How can it be!

The bullet turned out to be completely ineffective!

The naval soldiers stared blankly at the bullets that fell powerlessly on the magic shield, not to mention how shocked they were!

What exactly is this capability?

“Abominable! It turned out to be a Devil Fruit Ability! The Captain looked at Ram and Rem who opened their shields with ugly faces, he really did not expect that these two delicate and weak little maids turned out to be Devil Fruit Abilities.

“Hey~ why do each of you think it’s a Devil Fruit ability when you see people who can use special abilities!” Luo Xiu shook his head helplessly, all the characters he summoned stunned and had their own special abilities, and each of them would be regarded as a Devil Fruit ability.

For example, what kind of phantom beast ability is considered to be Ulquiorra, what kind of superhuman ability is considered to be, and so on, Luo Xiu is really simple.

“Use the sea lou stone net!” Colonel Gus commanded.


Although the devil fruit is relatively rare, there are still many devil fruit talents in the entire sea.

In order to prepare for emergencies, their navy will generally carry sea lou stone weapons to deal with Devil Fruit Abilities.

A muscular navy bar held a special gun and punched out a huge sea tower stone net, wanting to kill Luo Xiu and them.

Looking at the King of Hailou Stone who fell from the sky, Luo Xiu’s eyes flashed a touch of mockery, and he looked at him with a caring and mentally retarded look.

None of them are Devil Fruit powers!

The sea lou stone snare Xiu, netting them in it, close to each other, their faces are pasted together, like a soft sponge, very comfortable.

The faint body fragrance emanating from the three beauties kept drilling into Luo Xiu’s nostrils, making him react slightly to show his respect for them.

“Uh-huh~ It’s really very happy to be able to have zero distance contact with Lord Emperor like this!”

At this time, Yaerbed’s whole person was attached to Luo Xiu, his face was full of happiness, and his head kept arching in his arms like a little pig, and he was already happy to find the north, completely forgetting his current situation.

Looking at the other little maids in the coming year, they were also blushing, not much better than Yalbed.

I strangled!

Is this the reason why you didn’t cut off the sea lou stone net? _

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