
In the sky, Gerard and the golden lion are still fighting.

However, under the attack of Anilu and Shanks, the golden lion is forced to stop in mid-air.

"These little ghosts are really difficult!"

Glancing at Gerard, the golden lion wiped the blood stains that slipped from the top of his head and his cheeks, "Hey, a few of you, let's leave today's affairs at that, the old man still has urgent matters..."

"Golden lion, do you think we will let you leave?"

Gerard's face was solemn, and his eyes were firmly fixed on the golden lion.

It's all hit to this extent, and you can't let this old guy go!


At this time, Shanks' pupils suddenly contracted, his arm turned into an afterimage, and he slashed out at the golden lion.


The sword qi clashed with the sword blade, and the golden lion turned around and blocked the sword qi.

At this moment, the golden lion naturally realized the determination of Gerard and Shanks.

"Hahahahaha, I didn't expect that my golden lion would be forced to this by a few imps!"

The golden lion swooped and kicked straight at Gerard's body.


The armed-colored blade cut through Gerard's clothes and rested on his arm, which was also armed.

And at this moment, Gerard jerked his leg and kicked the golden lion's chest.


The golden lion was kicked in the chest by Gerard, and his strong force made him fall back, and at the same time, Gerard was also swept by the golden lion, and the kick was translated to the side by several meters.



Several figures in the sky clashed continuously, causing a series of violent roars.

At some point, Jesus slowly woke up and rubbed his drowsy head.

Looking at the sky, several figures flew wantonly, kicking out a slash from time to time, or sending out a beam of energy similar to a laser, or bursting out into terrifying thunder...

Jesus swallowed, "These people are monsters!

After complaining, Jesus quickly walked towards the deck of the ship.

Finding that everyone was unconscious, Jesus Bu quickly squatted down, "Rade, Miss Olvia!"

"Jesus Bumo, this is... What's wrong!

Rad slowly woke up, holding his head in his hands for a while, and soon noticed the fierce fight in the sky.

However, unfortunately, he will not see the domineering, can only hear the violent roar, but can not see the scene of Gerard and the golden lion colliding.

Rad looked at Jesus Bu, "Jesus Bu, what's going on up there!" Who has the upper hand now.

"It's Gerard them!" Jesus replied.

"Good! That's good!

Rad breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Indigo, who had fallen asleep with all the scholars, also slowly opened his eyes, "Damn, where is this, Lord Golden Lion?"

Indigo woke up suddenly, startling Jesus, and Rader.

Jesus Bu raised his sniper rifle and aimed it at Indigo, "Joker, don't move!" "

Are you..., Lord Golden Lion?!"

Indigo looked around, his gaze finally drawn to the movement in the sky, "That is... Lord Golden Lion!

Indigo smiled and looked down at the two, "If you know each other, get out of my way, don't force me to kill you, hahahahaha, after all, you are also a good labor force, we are in urgent need of labor force!"

"Joker, I warn you, don't move!" Jesus' eyes narrowed slightly.

"Hmph, chemical magic ball!"

Indigo snorted coldly, palmed his hand, and inexplicably appeared a sphere formed by green flames, as if by magic, in just a few seconds, a large number of flame spheres began to rotate in his hands.


As soon as Indigo pushed with one hand, the balls of flame flew towards the two.


Jesus glanced at the fireballs, his body slightly sideways, and took Rad to avoid these flame balls.


In the next second, Jesus raised his hand and fired a shot, and the pitch-black bullet instantly passed through a ball of flame and hit Indigo's chest.


Indigo screamed and tried to continue attacking, but a bullet glowing with cold light pierced his skull.


Jesus Bu slowly put down the gun and walked to the shocked Rade, "Rade, let's wake them up quickly!" It's so dangerous here! "

Hmm!" Rad nodded.

Soon, Olvia also woke up, "My head hurts... Jesus Bu, Gerard them!


Jesus gave Olvia a look and motioned her to look at the sky.

"That is..."

As soon as she looked up, Olvia was shocked, the movement in the sky was too terrifying, obviously hundreds of meters away, but she could still feel the vibration in the air.

"Jesus, aren't you going to help them?" Olvia asked.

"Big sister, that's a golden lion! Super sea thieves, this level of battle, I am making trouble for them.

Jesus rolled his eyes, "But, Miss Olvia, you don't have to worry too much, it's clear that they have the upper hand now with Gerard in charge."

Jesus quickly returned to his solemn and serious appearance.

Doesn't he want to go over?

He just knows that this level of battle, in the past, is useless, can not help, not to mention, will drag everyone back.

The best way to do this is to wait.

This is three days and three nights!

On the first day, although the golden lion knew that he had fallen into the downside, he was full of confidence and felt that as long as Gerard showed a flaw, he could break out of the encirclement.

The next day, the golden lion began to fall into suspicion, because despite the long battle, the physical strength of several people in Gerard showed no signs of exhaustion at all, especially Gerard, whose physical strength seemed to be endless.

On the third day, the golden lion was already very tired, dragging the body of the recurrence of the old injury, Rao is that he carefully controlled his physical strength, not wasting a single penny, but after three days, he was still very tired.

At this moment, Gerard's physical strength is still like a bottomless pit, his breath has not weakened at all, and the attacks that erupt are even more consistent, without any compromise.

The golden lion began to panic in his heart!

Why did he meet such a perverted imp!

Three days and three nights have passed, Gerard is still attached to the armed color domineering, Shanks and Anilu although the domineering has long been exhausted, but they can still hold on.

At this time, the golden lion's domineering spirit has been exhausted.


Twilight on the third day!


The golden lion blocked Gerard's fist with one foot, but the huge force forced him to take several steps back.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gerard punched out again, and the golden lion was shocked and quickly flew up.


The golden lion's movements had long been sluggish, and he was slammed into the chest by Gerard's punch, and the bones in the chest cavity instantly cracked.

At this time, the golden lion was covered with dried blood everywhere, his clothes were torn, and his body was full of bruises.

The golden lion was really shocked.

Domineering this kind of thing, with the consumption of physical strength, will be slowly consumed, even if it is the old guy of Karp, can not do the battle for several days full of weapons, in the end, this style of play itself is an extremely consuming domineering style of play.

But it was this style of play that Gerard maintained for several days in a row, just like a monster.

"You guy, you really have enough physical strength!" The golden lion's face was gloomy.

"Old fellow, you are not bad, you can actually hold out for so long."

Gerard said with a serious expression: "However, in the new era, there is no longer a ship to carry you, enlighten!" Golden Lion! "

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