Abnormal protrusions.

A black-purple brilliant sword light snorted and cut the golden ropes apart.

Then a figure appeared.

Hill's eyes froze and looked at the comer: "Five old stars!" "

Why didn't you see the other five old stars?"

"Now is the best time to strike at me, do you really have the confidence to take me down?"

He thought that his achievements were enough for anyone to take seriously, and he did not believe that a single five old star and a yellow ape could deal with him.

Where does the other party's confidence come from?

The pale and bloodless face of the bald five old stars brought a strange and oozing smile: "We'll know later."

"Aren't you afraid?"

"Why should I be afraid?" Hill looked at the five old stars expressionlessly, not knowing what the other party was selling.

Next second.

In his perception, dozens of knives flew out of the Holy Land of Mary Joya.

To Ciel's slight surprise, some of these emit light, looking at the intensity of the light, it should be a weapon that strengthens +13.

There are also some weapons that do not glow and should only be strengthened to +12.

The corners of his mouth brought a playful smile: "This is your hole card, I don't think these things can pose any threat to me." A

sword flew towards it at a rapid speed, making a sound of breaking through the air.

Then he surrounded Hill, and a sword slowly rotated around Hill's body.

The bald five old stars put their eyes on the Pokeball in Hill's hand, and asked in a somewhat harsh tone: "That's the Pokeball that strengthens +15, right?!"

"You must have a way to strengthen things to +15, right!?"

"As long as you tell me, I will let you go!"

His words were no threat to Hill.

Hill said with a calm face: "I just want to know where the other five old stars are?"

"Doesn't it seem to be ready to answer?" When the old man catches you, you will naturally answer. The five old stars raised their hands and waved, and dozens of swords pointed the tip of the sword at Hill in unison.

The two answered questions and engaged in a meaningless exchange.

Next second.

Dozens of long knives stabbed towards Hill from all directions under the control of the bald five old stars!

But all attacks failed.

Hill's figure also disappeared in place, causing a group of long knives to shake like headless flies, unable to find Hill's location.

With the blessing of the Golden Light Spell, Hill's speed was beyond imagination, faster than the speed of Admiral Yellow Ape's shining fruit.

Although the yellow ape's shining fruit is a "flash man", it still cannot reach the true speed of light.

The true speed of light is about 300,000 kilometers per second.

If he could really reach the speed of light, he would already be invincible.

When Hill appeared again, the person had already appeared in front of the bald five old stars, looking down at the five old stars condescendingly, which made the five old stars startled in their hearts.

"What a speed!!"

"What speed is this?!"

So fast that he couldn't react at all.

And Hill's fingers were also placed on the eyebrows of the five old stars, and his voice asked coldly: "Say, tell me everything you know, whether it is about Im or the fruit of Nika." His

fingers stretched out sharp claws.

As long as the bald five old stars make a move, they can pierce the opponent's eyebrows with one blow and send him back to the west.

The yellow ape on the side was surprised in his heart and turned into a laser to quickly leave, but was blocked by a glowing spirit ball thrown by Hill.

"Come out, cute!"

"Stop Borusalino from escaping!"

The huge Blue Dragon Kaido fought with the yellow ape to prevent the yellow ape from escaping.

"The other five old stars and Im are all dead, as for the Sun God Nika form... Do you want to know?

"Then let you see!!

Saying that, in the next second, the bald five old stars were filled with smoke, and a terrifying temperature emanated from above and below his body, making the surrounding space seem to be distorted.

Heat waves are sweeping in all directions.

Taking advantage of Hill's lack of attention, he blasted Hill out with a punch.

The bald five old stars had an arrogant and confident smile on their faces: "Hill, don't you want to know the Sun God Nika Fruit?" "

See it now, right??"

"Don't think that you are really invincible to this sea, it's because you didn't meet me—Oni Toru!!"

Hill walked out of the smoke, and although the punch of the bald five old stars was strong, it was not enough to seriously injure himself.

His face was rather surprised, and he frowned and asked, "Isn't this fruit in the hands of Straw Hat Luffy?" Why is it in your hands now?? "

I guess that most of Luffy has already suffered misfortune, and even Lieutenant General Karp may have been killed.

What surprised Hill even more was that the bald five old stars actually called themselves ghosts, which filled his heart with doubts.

The swordsman regarded the sword as his life, and he never saw the shadow of Oni Toru.

There must be a problem!

But for the time being, he doesn't know.

Circles of golden light condensed into circles of light behind the five old stars, exuding light, and a mocking smile appeared on his face: "It's okay to tell you!"

He raised his hand and a thick black smoke rose from his hand, and said with a laugh: "It is thanks to you that you killed Blackbeard Tiki to make this devil fruit appear on the sea again."

"Let me have the Nature Dark Fruit and the Phantom Beast Species Sun God Nika form!!"

"No one in this sea is my opponent of Ghost Toru!!"

He stared at Hill with a fierce glare, and said in a fierce and vicious tone: "Tell me, how can I strengthen the item to the point of +15!"

"I've tried, the Booster Stone can't strengthen the Spirit Ball at all, how the hell did you do it?"

"As long as you tell me, I will let you go, let you become the ruler of the world, serve me alone, whether it is the navy or the world government, it will obey your orders."

"You are the king of this world except me!!"

The changes in the bald five old stars really surprised Hill and was very surprised.

The other party actually obtained the Dark Fruit, and also took away the Straw Hat Kid Luffy's Devil Fruit, becoming a double Devil Fruit ability.

Hill's deep eyes shot sharply at the five old stars, "So you killed Im, and the other five old stars?" "

Hip hahaha... Not bad! The

five old stars laughed maniacally and replied to Hill: "They were not only killed by me, but also devoured by me, and I need the power of the soul to create the sword clan."

"These enhanced weapons are all my Sword Clan's people, as long as you tell me how to maintain the success rate of strengthening, I can make them all have human-like bodies."

"I can create a new race!!"


Two words popped out of Ciel's mouth impatiently, and then he stepped up.


The brilliant blue ball of light directly took away the bald five old stars.

"What sword clan, is it bad to be a sword honestly?"

The famous knives who lost the souls of the bald five old stars fell to the ground one after another.

Hill stunned the yellow ape, directly subdued the yellow ape with the poké ball, and the world was clear.

Put away the Spirit Ball, and looked at Mary Joya, the holy place on the Red Earth Continent, "It's a pity that I was killed by Ghost Che, otherwise I really want to meet Im for a while."

"But now."

"I can travel with peace of mind."

Saying that, Hill took out the glowing arbitrary door from the space ring, casually opened the arbitrary door of the enhanced +15, and the island he was going to go to appeared in his mind, and walked directly in.

What he didn't notice was that there was a scale on the doorknob of any door.

The screen turns.

Hill appeared off the coast of an island.

The island has not been carefully examined.

An exclamation sounded in my ears: "Huh! "

A personal !! came out of the door"

"Hello, my name is Tianyueshi."

Seeing the green-haired woman in front of him, Hill was stunned on the spot, isn't this Momonosuke's mother? ?

Am I traveling 800 years ago?

End of book.

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