Touching his waist, Ling Bai suddenly realized that he had given the knife to Gion.

The words were spoken so quietly that even the telephone bugs could not pick up the words, and only a few people present who were very knowledgeable could hear them.

"Teacher, what is Akainu?" Gion asked.

"The general code name originally prepared for Sakaski..." Zefa explained.

Hearing the sound, Sakaski became even more angry.

Could it be that Ling Bai meant that if you kill him, even the warm wine will not be cold?

"It's too much!"

Sakaski suddenly roared!

His right arm turned into lava, and he punched out like lightning!


The hot magma extends from the fist at an extremely fast speed!

The sight, hearing and color just passed for a fleeting moment before he rushed to Ling Bai!

"So fast!"

All the navy watching the battle were shocked!

However, Ling Bai calmly raised his hand and said seriously:

"Wine brewing!"

"Ding - the transformation is completed, you will get a pot of magma wine, which is top quality. After drinking it, you will be burned by the magma, and then you will gain fire resistance! It is said that if you pour it on people, it will burn!"

Ling Bai was a little surprised when he heard that there was actually a high-grade one.

But Sakaski's eyes were straight!

"How can this be!"

He had heard that Ling Bai had the ability to brew fruit, but how could even his attacks be turned into wine!

As for the G-1 branch, the navy were even more stunned.

That Pluto Punch was so powerful that you could feel its power through the screen, but in the blink of an eye it was turned into wine!

This sense of gap is unacceptable to many!

"Why do I feel that the style of this battle is a bit strange..."

"Could this be the fighting method of Zongnongguo? It's very powerful if you think about it carefully!"

"I heard that Lieutenant General Ling Bai brewed all the spirit-possessed gods of Auntie into wine, and that was how the victory was won!"

While everyone was discussing, Sakaski launched another attack!

"I asked you to make wine! Make shit!"

Sakaski's arms turned into lava, his eyes were fierce, and he punched the lava fist into the sky one after another!

Countless lava fists disappeared into the sky, but after a while, the entire sky was densely occupied by lava fists!

"Meteor volcano!"

Countless big holes were opened in the clouds in the sky!

Each lava fist is the size of a warship, breaking through the air barrier and striking down like a falling meteorite!

No matter the power or density, even Gion was shocked!

"This is the power of the lava fruit!"

The temperature in Punk Hassad has risen sharply, and the sky has been rendered fiery red!

The air was restless, and the roar of countless falling meteorites even calmed the sea as if in fear.

"Show me what you're doing!" Sakaski yelled!

This is his strongest trick so far, covering the entire Punk Hassad!

Even if Ling Bai can brew one, a second lava fist will fall down soon!

Punch upon punch, the weight alone is too much for a person to bear!

Zefa looked at the meteorites in the sky and felt frightened!

If I had known this, Sakaski should have been the vanguard in the battle on Cake Island, and BIG·MOM suffered heavy losses immediately!

Seeing this scene, G-1 branch and even Sora had no choice but to affirm Sakaski's strength!

And everyone was even more curious, what should Ling Bai do without a sword to deal with such a large-scale bombing?

His eyes focused on Ling Bai, and he saw Ling Bai looking towards the sky!


In the next moment, all the meteor volcanoes turned into wine! .

Chapter 218 Fruit Awakening? (8/8, please give me flowers!)

"Ding - the transformation is completed, you will get a bottle of meteor volcano wine, a divine product. After drinking it, you can swing a giant fist of lava, with MAX flame resistance! If it is poured on a person, it will be like being hit by a meteorite!"

"Ding - the transformation is completed, you will get a bottle of meteor volcano wine, a divine product!"

"Ding - the transformation is completed, you will get a bottle of meteor volcano wine, a divine product!"


The system prompts kept ringing, and Ling Bai was shocked to hear that it was a divine product.

But at this time, his shock was nothing at all!

Punk Hassad, G-1 Branch, Cloud Edge...

Whether you are watching Navy, Vice Admiral, Sora, Zefa, Tsuru, Porusalino, Kuzan...

Even Sakaski himself...

They all screamed——


Meteorites were falling all over the sky, it was like the end of the world!

Even if the pirate emperor's fleet encounters him, he will still take a breath of cold air!

When everyone admired Sakaski, only one second later, all the meteorites turned into wine?

You are joking?

"Is this the superhuman stuffed fruit? What a terrifying ability!"

"Everything can be turned into wine, even attacks can be turned into wine, isn't it invincible?"

"But don't all superhuman systems require physical contact to function? How did Lieutenant General Ling Bai brew wine at the same time?"

The navy were completely dumbfounded!

Hades, turned into wine!

Meteor volcanoes can also be turned into wine!

What a slap in the face!

However, navy officers above the rank of lieutenant general see something completely different!

Many people have amazing speculations in their minds!

"This is... fruit awakening!" Zefa subconsciously shouted in shock.

The sound was recorded through the phone bug, and everyone in G-1 could hear it clearly!

After receiving Zefa's affirmation, many people who had the same idea found it difficult to calm down.

Even Kong on the G-1 building was surprised.

"Is it really developed to the level of awakening? Awesome..." Kong couldn't help but admire.

Although he is not a power user, he has seen countless devil fruit power users!

But how many of them can develop the fruit to the awakening level?

It is even rarer in the navy!

The vice admirals were also amazed.

"Let's not talk about kendo first, just the fruit awakening alone can show how powerful Lieutenant General Ling Bai is!"

"I don't see Sakaski's chance of winning at all, I can only think of a way to fight close physical skills..."

"Physical skills? Lieutenant General Ling Bai punched Marshal Kong back to the Holy Land to recuperate, have you forgotten?"

The vice admirals immediately thought from the perspective of Sakaski. If they were Sakaski...

They would definitely surrender immediately!

Without hesitation!

"Teacher, are you sure?"

Gion knew the weight of fruit awakening.

She had seen Tezoro's fruit awakening, which was not only difficult to deal with, but also had a wide range of influence. If Ling Bai's fruit awakened, his strength would be much stronger than expected!

"That should be right!"

Zefa said seriously.

He should have thought of it earlier. Just now, when he was underground, Ling Bai did not touch the dragon eggs in the nutrition cabin at all, but he turned all the pterosaurs into wine. In fact, he had already shown the power of awakening!

"But when..."

Zefa could not help but recall everything with Ling Bai.

At the beginning, Ling Bai had to touch the wine to make it.

The weird thing is...

DYNA rock!

He thought Ling Bai had penetrated the container at that time. Now he thought that it was actually the fruit awakening, otherwise how could the container be intact?

Standing on this basis, Zefa understood many things that he did not understand about Ling Bai before!

At this time, Ling Bai collected all the Meteor Volcano Wines together and smiled at Sakaski:

"What other big moves are there? Hurry up!"

Sakaski felt weak and uncomfortable.

He could never have thought that Ling Bai's Brewing Fruit had awakened!

Meteor Volcano is already his strongest move, so what other big moves are there!

"Is that all?" Ling Bai frowned and said, "You are really weak..."

Hearing this, veins on Sakaski's forehead exploded, and he pounced on Ling Bai!

"Big fire!"

"Ding-Transformation completed! Get a pot of magma wine, top grade!"

"Meteorite explosion!"

"Ding-Transformation completed! Get a pot of magma wine, top grade!"

"Dog bites red lotus!"

"Ding-Transformation completed! Get a pot of magma wine, top grade!"

Sakaski chose close combat and confronted with domineering, but he couldn't touch Ling Bai at all!

Every time he attacked with magma, the temperature hadn't been released yet, and he was turned into a pot of wine by Ling Bai in his hands!

More and more wines piled up, all of which were top grade!

"Ding-Synthesis completed! Get a pot of high-temperature lava wine, divine grade!"

Above divine grade, the flavor is excellent.

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