Looking at the seven black slashes that had lingered in the sky for a long time, Dauberman's eyes suddenly widened.

"Iai's seven consecutive slashes!"

"Is it difficult?" Ghost Spider had never seen Dauberman so shocked by ordinary sword moves.

"It's quite difficult. Every time Iai slashes in a row, the pressure you have to bear to close the sword will double! If you slash seven times in a row, the level of kendo required is as high as the sky!"

Precisely because Dauberman was able to achieve three consecutive Iai slashes, he understood that every additional consecutive slash would require a lot of time to practice!


Ghost Spider himself does have a move called Iai's eight consecutive slashes, but that's because he has eight swords, and the meaning is completely different.

One thing is clear from Dauberman's reaction. Except for Ling Bai and Gion, there is no one in the entire navy who can truly hit Iai's seven consecutive kills!

"The sixth form, the intoxicating liquid is mellow and fragrant, lovely deep red, love light red!"

Just as everyone was sighing that the sixth round was about to begin, Zefa's voice came out from the public screen and said:

"The overwhelming wine and the peach blossoms of different shades complement each other and nourish each other, but they have a hidden edge and are aggressive. What a terrifying sword energy transformation!"

After hearing Zefa's explanation, the necks of the lieutenant generals turned red!


If you weren't there, you wouldn't be able to see the transformation of the sword energy without seeing it, and you wouldn't be able to appreciate the artistic conception of the swordsmanship between the two of them!

In other words, in the sixth round, both of them were performing arcane sword moves, but they could only see the most ordinary passerby's perspective.

In the public screen, Ling Bai and Gion gathered their strength for a short time!

Sometimes the heavy sword, sometimes the light sword, sometimes the light sword, sometimes the sword fall, and then the seven swords merge into one sword and collide together again!


There was a violent noise and dust and smoke exploded!

Within the public screen, the entire island seemed to have been exploded, and then it became gray, and the camera was completely blocked by thick dust and smoke!

"I knew it!"

Dauberman was furious!

Even if a great swordsman of his level were to attack each other, it would cause widespread damage, not to mention that Ling Bai and Gion were at a higher level!

There is only one result of this, that is, nothing can be seen on the public screen except dust!

"Awesome!" Zefa exclaimed.

Hearing this, the lieutenants were extremely jealous!

"Oh, right!"

Suddenly, Zefa suddenly said, "There is a mirror on the Cloud Edge that leads to the mirror world. Great swordsmen above the general level, I allow you to come and watch the battle!"

Hearing this, all the lieutenant generals' eyes widened!

Depend on!

Why didn't you tell me earlier?

Almost at the moment Zefa said the news, the lieutenant generals who were originally crowded in front of the public screen disappeared in a whoosh!

Even some generals who were not great swordsmen mingled among them and followed them from the mirror world to the Cloud Edge.

Dozens of people entered the area of ​​Punk Hassad. As soon as they opened their eyes, they sensed the overwhelming sword energy of Ling Bai and Gion!

"Is this the collision between Zuiwo-ryu and Tao-ryu?"

Everyone was intoxicated and seemed to have some enlightenment!

However, before it could be reflected, the two sword forces that were originally confronting each other suddenly began to merge!

The wine is brewing with the peaches and the peaches are brewing with wine, and they actually become indistinguishable from each other!

Then, everyone finally caught the sound of Ling Bai's long chanting!

"The seventh style is ingenious in smelling, tasting and recalling the fragrance, and the peach blossoms are speechless and intoxicating with spring!".

Chapter 223 One Wine·One Flower·Bingdilian (Please give me flowers!)


Everyone was surprised.

They did know that Ling Bai had the reputation of "poetry falls while drunkenness and sword swinging", but they didn't expect that he was reciting poetry all the time during the fight with Gion.

And listening to the sound, it’s already the seventh pose!

"It's the seventh round now, it can't be such a coincidence..."

"Every time before what you meant, Ling Bai recited a poem!"

"If this is the case, with outstanding literary talent, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he is the world's greatest writer!"

While the lieutenants were discussing, they jumped out of the Yunbian and flew towards Zefa.

After a while, there were people standing behind Zefa, and everyone found the best position to watch the battle.

"So many people are here?" Zefa nodded secretly.

The more you come, the better!

This shows that everyone appreciates Jin, and will invisibly recognize Gion's strength more and more!

With such a quantity, the general "Peach Rabbit" is mostly stable!

Dauberman and other lieutenants came to Zefa and asked about Ling Bai's poetry.

"It's indeed the seventh sentence!"

Zefa had been listening carefully, and soon read out the previous six sentences to the lieutenants.

"What a poem! It's indeed a good poem!"

"The first half of the sentence is about wine, and the second half is about flowers. The two schools are written into it, and it contains the rhyme of swordsmanship. It's amazing!"

"And if you look at the last sentence, 'Everyone is clever when smelling the taste and recalling the fragrance, the peach blossoms are speechless and intoxicating with spring', it is obviously a summary of the first six sentences. This is the last round!"

The lieutenant generals immediately spread their knowledge to the extreme, for fear of missing any detail!

In my perception, the sword energy of wine and peach completely merged into one!

Surrounded by pots of wine, a majestic peach tree stood tall and tall, and on top of the peach tree, there were wine peaches!

The formation is amazing, but I always feel like something is wrong!

"Strange! The sword energy has completely merged into one..."

"That's not right... Under normal circumstances, it should be a fierce confrontation..."

"Why do I have a bad feeling..."

When the lieutenant generals were in doubt, suddenly, a terrifying sword intent attacked instantly!

Everyone felt like they were standing naked in the snow, and a chill rose from the soles of their feet.

Even Zefa had never seen such a powerful sword intent in his life!

In the sight of the color, all the peaches and wine disappeared, and then gathered in a giant sword!

On the sword, there were two sides of different colors!

Before everyone could understand!

Suddenly, the sword energy was everywhere, and the vision that was originally blocked by the sixth style was instantly widened.

Several miles away, everyone could clearly see the figures of Ling Bai and Gion!

But at the moment of seeing clearly, everyone opened their mouths in shock, and their eyes were rounder than each other!


There is no language to describe their feelings!

Before the seventh style of the drunk peach swordsmanship was swung out, they felt that their hearts were hit by the unparalleled slash!

They were all sure to kill!

Zefa's expression became extremely weird, and then he suddenly cut off the Den Den Mushi live broadcast!

The G-1 navy began to go crazy again!

"Why is it like this again!"

"I just saw the shadows of the two people!"

"What happened again! No, I want to go through the mirror world!"

A group of people began to run to the mirror world.

But because Zefa gave an order, only the great swordsman could go through, and the navy responsible for guarding the mirror world forcibly stopped the crowd.

In an instant, the whole G-1 was going crazy!

Kong also felt a headache!

He was actually watching very enthusiastically!

But little did he know that Zefa was now more headache.

He originally asked the vice admirals to come and watch the final kill, who knew that the two of them showed everyone this!

Now it's all right, the hatred value is full, and I don't know how to end it!

And Doberman, Ghost Spider, Huoshaoshan and other vice admirals don't know where to put their hands!

"I'm just wondering, it's obviously a real battle, why did Ling Bai write about peach flow in his poem!"

"The world's greatest literary giant, damn! He is really good at writing obscene poems!"

"After all this time, it turned out to be a couple's swordplay. I went to Punk Hazard just to see them show their affection! Damn it!"

Finally, someone spoke out the voices of the lieutenant generals!

Revisiting every line of the previous poem, it seems to be about wine and peach blossoms, but it is actually about love and feelings!

What is this? Love and love?


The lieutenant generals spit on Ling Bai in their hearts.

For justice, most of these old men are still single!

The scene in front of them is simply a critical hit!

In the center of the battle, Gion nestled in Ling Bai's arms, you and I are affectionate, it's said to be a sword fight, but it's more like dancing.

The two looked at each other affectionately, and then got closer and closer...

"Fuck! They even kissed!"

"I can't stand it anymore!"

"Is this something a tough guy should watch?"

The generals gnashed their teeth.

Many people blushed, jealous, envious and hateful!

I didn't expect that the sexy bomb in the navy was actually picked up by Ling Bai, a stinky boy!

The more I think about it, the angrier I get!

"Bullshit sword energy transformation, it's all fake!" Kaji shouted to the sky, his heart was dead, and he was completely desperate!

However, his words awakened everyone present!

Will sword energy transformation deceive people?

Of course not!

The faces of the vice admirals changed, and they concentrated on spreading their observation color again!

The sword intent in perception is real and mysterious, and when they look at Ling Bai and Gion's love with the eyes of kendo, they actually see a very high level of kendo attainment!

"Fuck! Damn it!"

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