"Wait! He is... denying history! And after erasing all the 20 royal families who founded the World Government, the next step..."

"It's the throne!" Swordsman Wulaoxing understood.

It seems nonsensical, but in fact it’s more like a ritual!

Sure enough, after turning all the ancient swords on the high platform into wine, Ling Bai looked at the Void Throne, and the smile on his lips became stronger! .

Chapter 247 Void Throne Wine (Please give me flowers!)

"Get ready to take pictures!"

The curly-haired Five Old Star instructed.

The other five old stars glared at the curly-haired five old star angrily, but they were all ready to monitor the phone bug.

When Ling Bai sat on the Void Throne, it was the day he was dubbed the "World Dictator"!

However, the next scene made several five old stars completely stupid!

"Ding - get a bottle of Void Throne Wine, a holy product. After drinking it, you will have the Overlord color and domineering MAX! Royal temperament MAX·EX! Emperor's mental skills MAX! Fame accumulation speed MAX! If you pour it on a person, it can make him have the destiny of Overlord. !”

Ling Bai turned the Void Throne into wine, and then started having fun.

"What the hell!"


"Really an alcoholic?"

Almost in an instant, Wu Laoxing felt that all the previous characters of Ling Bai had collapsed!

Even Im, who was hiding in the dark, was in a daze and couldn't believe what was happening in front of him!

However, Ling Bai didn't care about this at all. He hung the Void Throne wine upside down and drank it happily!


The intensity and domineering feeling that I have never had before, the moment the wine enters the throat, Ling Bai's eyes burst into unprecedented light!

“Good wine!”

Ling Bai took a big sip, and the way he looked at the Void Throne wine completely changed.

There is no doubt that this wine has definitely reached the pinnacle of holy wine, and its taste far exceeds any other wine he has drunk before.

"Damn it! He drank the throne. Will Lord Im have to stand and talk to us in the future??"

"No! Master Yimu will definitely blame us. The Throne of the Void cannot tolerate any mistakes!"

"But what can I do? He has almost finished drinking!"

Just as he finished speaking, Ling Bai drank the last drop of Throne of the Void wine.

Seeing the happy expression on Ling Bai's face, the faces of several Five Old Stars were extremely expressionless!

Even Morgans, who was watching TV, didn't expect things to develop to this point!

No matter how you consider it, Ling Bai doesn't look like a great conspirator who has endured hundreds of years of fighting for power, but a real and complete drunkard!


Before everyone could react to the fact that the Throne of the Void had been turned into wine, Ling Bai was once again overwhelmed by the alcohol from the Holy Wine and lay directly on the high platform.

The familiar and loud snoring made even Im feel burning pain on his face!

Didn't Ling Bai endure it for hundreds of years, wasting it for hundreds of years just looking for wine and not caring about getting down to business?

"Am I worrying too much?"

Yi Mu appeared from the corner and looked at Ling Bai with extremely complex eyes.

What exactly is going on?

It's true that he can't even turn around now!

It's just that the Void Throne was still vivid in his mind just now, but now it's gone, which makes him feel a little confused!

A group of five old stars also entered the room again, with confused faces.

"Lord Im! What should we do now?" the blond five-old star knelt on one knee and asked.

Imuxu squinted his eyes and stared at Ling Bai for a long time!

The murderous intention sometimes burst out and sometimes restrained, and I thought about it for a long time.

Finally, he decided to take action himself!

The Devil Fruit that Im himself ate was the Erasure Fruit!

Just like the eraser in the hand of a cartoonist, erasing the traces of heroes from all walks of life again and again!

Not only could he erase his own sense of existence, he could even completely erase the movement of the Voice of Life. Even with Sora's knowledge, he could not sense that there was anyone in the room!

Since Ling Bai is really drunk like this, let's take the opportunity to kill him!

As long as he touches it, everything can be erased!

However, at this moment, Ling Bai's snoring stopped.


Im suddenly startled, and her hands suddenly froze in mid-air.

The figure collapsed and fell into the darkness.

"Good... good wine..."

However, Ling Bai just turned over, murmured a few words in his sleep, and continued to sleep.


Im whispered.

But then, he looked at Ling Bai with even more vigilance!

Just now, he clearly felt the pressure brought by Ling Bai on him. When the snoring stopped, he felt palpitations that he had not seen for a long time. He didn't know where it came from!

"grown ups?"

Several Five Old Stars couldn't understand Im's behavior at all.

It looked like he was about to take action, but he didn't, as if he was hesitating.

Yi Mu fell down from the high platform at this time and looked at Ling Bai in silence again.

After a long time, he spoke out:

"Comprehensively block the news that he is a world noble. In the name of causing trouble in the Holy Land Mariejoia, he will be imprisoned in Impel Down City Level 6 and imprisoned for eternity!"


Wulaoxing was shocked when he heard this order.

Immediately he frowned and began to think about the deeper meaning.

But when he was about to confirm with Im, he found that Im had disappeared again.


The five old stars looked at each other.

You look at me, I look at you, and I feel a little overwhelmed for a moment.

"Just to be on the safe side! Which of you will go and cuff him first?" the blond Five Old Star whispered.

As he said that, he threw a pair of seastone handcuffs of the highest purity in front of everyone.

"Hmm? Since you have handcuffs! Why don't you go?" The straight-haired Five Elders asked back.

"You have failed to do your job several times just now. In my opinion, you should go!" The blond Five Elders said in a deep voice.

As soon as the voice fell, the other three Five Elders said hurriedly:



"I think it's okay!"

Hearing this, the straight-haired Five Elders stared at the other three with great surprise.

Especially the swordsman Five Elders. As typical representatives of the hawk faction, the two of them often speak from the same standpoint, but now they have turned against each other!

"You are not stupid..."

The straight-haired Five Elders said in a very low voice.

The other five elders heard it, but they all pretended not to hear it and glanced to the side calmly!

"Damn it!"

The straight-haired Five Elders were a little nervous.

In fact, with a little analysis, it is not difficult to see the reason why Yim issued this order.

This is to let them test first, whether Ling Bai is really drunk or pretending to be drunk!

If he is really drunk, then wearing sea stone handcuffs and being locked up in the push city can be considered to avoid future troubles!

But if he is pretending to be drunk, then Ling Bai, as a person with ability, will definitely not wear sea stone handcuffs, and all disguises will be broken!

"The first rule of office rules is that the minority obeys the majority! Go quickly!" The five elders urged.

And the hands of the swordsman five elders have already pressed on the first generation of Kitetsu.

Ready to attack Ling Bai at any time.

"Want me to be cannon fodder?"

The five elders who sent the direct message did not buy it at all, and instead dialed a phone and said to the inside, "Sora! We have discussed the result! Come in!"

Seeing this, even Morgans couldn't stand it.

The style of the World Government is really a dog, exploiting layer by layer, and no one dares to be the first!

On weekdays, they pretend to be decent, but when there is danger, their cowardly nature is exposed.

Soon, Kong came in timidly.

However, when he saw that the throne of the void was empty, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Chapter 248 Command Doll (6/6, please give me flowers!)

"Kong! Although Ling Bai is a noble, his style of doing things is too arrogant and domineering. If he stays in the Holy Land, he may be outraged!

For this reason, we decided to block all news about his true identity and treat him as an ordinary vice admiral!

Now, Ling Bai will be imprisoned in Impel Down Level 6 for life for the two crimes of causing trouble in the Holy Land Mary Geoise and attacking the Celestial Dragons!"

The Five Elders said in a sonorous voice.

The voice was very loud, and he was not worried about being heard by Ling Bai.

In fact, this sentence was said to Ling Bai with great weight.


Kong couldn't believe his ears at all.

A feeling of surviving a disaster rose from the bottom of his heart, and he was relieved.

However, he didn't dare to have any crooked ideas about Ling Bai.

Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west. Although the Five Elders have such an attitude towards Ling Bai now, it is a matter between world nobles after all, and it is hard to say whether there will be any variables.

If one day Ling Bai's identity as a world noble is exposed, and there is no reason to continue to be imprisoned in Push City, then he will be finished?

When the gods fight, mortals suffer. Kong just wants to save himself now.


The Five Elders threw the seastone handcuffs to Kong.

The Five Elders looked indifferent, waiting for Kong to imprison Ling Bai.

However, after Kong took the seastone handcuffs, he called again.

"Zefa! Come in!"

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