Hearing the sound, Zefa said casually: "Did you take it off?"


Domino's body visibly stiffened, but because she was wearing sunglasses, no one saw a trace of obsession in her eyes.

But then, she swallowed.


"General Peach Rabbit, calm down!" Magellan said preemptively, "Our deputy warden likes women! He is just fulfilling his duties!"

Hannibal winked at Domino and told her to hurry up.

Gion bit his silver teeth, feeling very depressed, but it was hard to say anything.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

Zefa slapped his lips together and whispered to He, "You have to be lucky that I arranged for Gion to come to the city before. Otherwise, if I suddenly told her that Ling Bai was imprisoned in LEVEL 6, I think she would dare to come and rob the prison!"

He thought for a while and found that he did not dare to rule out this possibility.

Fortunately, all the pros, cons, and plans were explained to Gion face to face. Otherwise, with the current situation, Gion might really come to rescue Ling Bai.

So infatuated...

At this time, Magellan was sweating, and he dared not go through any more procedures.

After Domino dried Ling Bai's navy uniform and brought it back, he personally took Ling Bai from the navy's dedicated elevator directly to the LEVEL 4 hot hell.

Then going down, changing to the elevator and arriving at the LEVEL 5 extreme cold hell, Zefa glanced around and asked:

"No phone bugs here?"

"The temperature is too low for the telephone bug to live..." Magellan explained.

"Not even LEVEL6?" Zefa asked again.

"You also know that the Infinite Hell imprisons monsters who are too vicious and have been erased from history. The government does not want news about them to appear in places other than LEVEL6, so except for the only two entrances and exits, other places are closed. No phone installed!”

Magellan said, everyone came to LEVEL6.

He reported to Zefa the location of the phone bug installation.

One is the deep-sea elevator they are taking now, and the other is the spiral staircase on the opposite side that can be walked down from LEVEL5.

"Are these two positions the only ones?" Zefa nodded, quite satisfied.

In this way, they will not leave any evidence when they take action against Ling Bai.

A group of people entered LEVEL6 infinite hell.


"Why is he here again!"

"General Zefa?"

Many criminals have been imprisoned for decades, and they have transformed from strong pirates into old men with gray beards. Even Zefa's promotion to marshal is unknown.

Seeing Magellan and a group of powerful navy arrive at Level 6, everyone's eyes became extremely fierce.

There are many criminals caught by Zefa decades ago.

"Shut up! You shits!"

Magellan cursed in a deep voice, and then a circle of purple venom emerged from his body like a living thing.

As soon as they saw the venom, the originally vicious criminals' eyelids twitched.

"Hey, hey, hey! Isn't this too grumpy?"

"We just said a few words! Is it necessary to be so angry?"

"What on earth are you showing? Magellan!"

The prisoners who were originally clinging to the prison railings were frightened and immediately took a few steps back.

Not to mention touching the purple venom, just smelling the poisonous mist is enough to make them lose all their senses!

However, in the next moment, Magellan took action directly!

"Poison Dragon!"

Three huge dragon-shaped poisons spread from Magellan's body. The smell of decay and death made many criminals' pupils shrink suddenly!

"You're fucking serious!"

"That's stupid!"

"You're showing off your awesome skills!"

They simply didn't understand why Magellan, who had always disliked them, became even more displeased today.

Amid the curses, dragon-shaped poison rushed into the prison and washed over every prisoner!

In an instant, the curse turned into fear, and the harshness turned into begging for mercy!


Along with the shrill screams, the surface of the skin began to corrode, and purple venom seeped into their bodies like living creatures. The originally powerful voice of life dropped rapidly and became weak in the blink of an eye.

"Don't worry! The poison won't kill them, but it will keep them honest for a while!" Magellan explained, covering his stomach.

"Just lock Ling Bai with them?"

Zefa looked around and saw that there were at least five or six criminals in each prison. He did not want Ling Bai to come into contact with these people.

"Of course I won't arrange it like this! Those detained on the outermost side either don't pose a big threat or are those who need to be interrogated! The most important people are locked in the innermost room! Everyone is in a separate room..."

Magellan motioned for Zefa to go deeper.

The infinite hell is much larger than expected, and the number of people worthy of the word "extremely evil" is far beyond Gion's expectation.

But because something happened to the guy at the door, the entire Infinite Hell immediately became a lot more honest.

Although there were still many powerful guys who cast unkind glances, they were obviously quite afraid of Magellan, so no one said anything!

"Good management! Kong sent you to guard the Impel City, you have some foresight!" Zefa said softly.

Magellan was a little surprised when Zefa called Kong by his name, but he didn't say anything.

Under his leadership, everyone walked to an empty room and said:

"Just this one! There are no prisoners in the adjacent cells, and the guards rarely go into such a deep place during patrols..."

However, Zefa obviously noticed that the person imprisoned here was the real dangerous guy!

"Ling Bai?"

Suddenly, someone spoke in a dark room.

Chapter 252 Three Legendary Pirates (Please give flowers!)

When they heard someone calling Ling Bai's name, they hurriedly looked in the direction of the voice.

After seeing the man's appearance, Zefa raised his mouth and whispered: "Golden Lion? From what you say, you have quickly adapted to prison life again!"

The sound of seastone chains moving came from the dark room.

The broken hands and feet of the Golden Lion moved behind the iron fence, but the momentum on his body was still scary.

Gion's pupils shrank slightly, thinking back to the wind of the Golden Lion's palace that day. Even with her current strength, it would be difficult to resist!

"Zeff! I told you long ago that Ling Bai can't stay in the navy! The result of you forcibly keeping him will only send him to prison!"

Golden Lion only glanced at the crowd, looked at the sleepy Ling Bai, and knew that they were all here to send Ling Bai to prison.

He was a little emotional about this result, but it was expected.

"Hmph! Then you are wrong! Ling Bai is different from you. He just came here to experience life and will be out soon!" Zefa said coldly.

"Is attacking the Celestial Dragons considered as experiencing life? Marshal Zefa?!"

Suddenly, a voice as old as Golden Lion came from the other side of the room.

The shaking sound of the thick chains, just listening to the sound, there are more than ten, the sound of life is so strong that when Gion noticed him, he couldn't hide his palpitations!

"'Lonely Red' Baroric Redfield!"

Zeff subconsciously clenched his fists, and his whole spirit was tense.

"It's him!"

Gion has never seen the Red Count, but his reputation is well-known!

A great pirate who can stand on equal footing with Roger, Golden Lion and others with his own strength, and the only man who has defeated the Navy Admiral Sora in a duel!

There are even rumors that his observation Haki can even read people's hearts and memories!

"This little girl... interesting..."

Ryder glanced at Gion, and a strange arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Crane's eyes immediately became stern, and his hands pressed on Gion and Zephyr respectively.

"Wash away the sound of life that escaped from the body... Crane, you have become stronger again..."

Ryder did not get much information, but he still got the news that Gion was an admiral and had a bit of ambiguity with Ling Bai.

Then, he said calmly: "The navy is really getting worse with each generation, Golden Lion, you actually had your hands and feet cut off by this kind of navy, what a ridiculous way to end it!"

"Hmph! Stop sneering there! Even if you meet him, you won't get any advantage!"

Golden Lion didn't refute Reid's ridicule of Zefa, but if he said that the navy is getting worse with each generation, I'm afraid it's because he hasn't seen Ling Bai's sword!

To this day, when he recalls the irresistible feeling at that time, he still remembers it vividly!

"But I'm more curious about another thing!"

During the conversation, a voice came from another room.

Instantly, in the perception of the sight and hearing color, it seemed that an evil ghost opened his eyes, and a stronger sense of oppression than Reid came.

"What are you curious about!" Magellan's tone could not hide his fear, and he said in a deep voice, "Do you want to eat poison again?"

"Hahahaha! Your poison will only make me better temper my body! If you are not afraid of diarrhea, give me one shot!"

The 'evil ghost' in the prison slowly came to the iron fence, with so many seastone chains on his body!

Facing Magellan, who frightened the entire city of Impel Down, he was not afraid at all!

"Douglas Barrett!"

Zeff saw the person coming clearly, and his palms were sweaty. He said solemnly, "You are stronger than ten years ago..."

"But you are all old!"

Barrett glanced around, whether it was Golden Lion, Lone Red, or Zephyr, Gion, Magellan, Crane, he glanced at them lightly.

Finally, his eyes stayed heavily on Ling Bai, and his eyes suddenly became excited, saying, "From the tone of Golden Lion, I think this guy is the strongest in the current navy, right?"

"How is it possible..." Reid denied it immediately.

On the sea, the peak age of the strong is 45-50 years old, which is why the current 35-year-old Barrett's strength has been rising.

And that kid, I'm afraid he's not even 20 years old, how could he be the strongest in the navy!

But what Reid didn't expect was that when he heard Barrett's words, the senior navy officials were silent.


Ryder was greatly surprised, and turned to pounce on Ling Bai with his observation Haki!

But like Otohime, once he tried to enter Ling Bai's mind, he was dizzy from all kinds of alcohol.

"So strong!" Ryder stood firm, but his eyes were half-closed.

In this state of sleep, he could not read his heart sounds and memories. This defensive ability alone was not something a kid could have!

"Is that so? Ahahahaha!"

Seeing that his guess was confirmed, Barrett's expression became extremely ferocious, his exaggerated muscles immediately tensed up, and he said with abnormal excitement:

"In other words, as long as I kill him! Will I be one step closer to my dream?"

A strange wave spread out from Barrett, and the evil spirit in his sight and hearing senses grinned even more crazily!

"You won't have a chance to get out!"

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