The episode caused by the Tianlong people came to an end, and Im issued a series of instructions.

First, let the bald five old stars fully control the CP organization. All CP0s will give up their mission of protecting the nobles and devote themselves to the assassination plan!

Once a royal family expresses its intention to establish a world government, they will immediately assassinate them and support the puppet regime to take power!

On the other hand, let Zhifa Wulaoxing closely control the wishes of the navy's top brass, and at the same time be wary of the revolutionary army. If necessary, he can conduct a world conscription and summon superior forces!

The curly-haired five-star is responsible for suppressing the fishing boats. Now only the World Economic News has broken the news. Taking advantage of the public's doubts, they have united with several newspapers to impose fishing boats sanctions on him, trying to suppress the incident!

The blond five-old star is responsible for liaising with the scientific force of the Navy Headquarters, creating a large-scale telephone bug shielding magnetic field, and must not allow other countries to have the opportunity to communicate secretly, and put the technological weapons under development into use!

And finally, the most crucial swordsman, Five Old Stars!

Go to Push City in person and extinguish the light of Ling Bai!

"If the director of the prison accepts the order, you let him do it. If he refuses, you do it yourself! If you look at his color, if he doesn't agree with me, kill someone else!" Im said calmly.

He had long noticed that the World Economic Newspaper was building momentum for Ling Bai between the lines!

Such a result can only illustrate one point——

That is the world's number one newspaper, originally under Ling Bai's command!

He had previously designed Ling Bai to sit on the Void Throne and push him to the fishing hotspot, but now it's obviously the other way around. Ling Bai designed his appearance to kill all the shady things!

But the matter is not difficult, just kill him and it will be over! .

Chapter 260 He deceived the whole world (6/6, please give me flowers!)

Following Im's order, three of the Five Elder Stars left Mariejoia.

The bald five old stars immediately called CP0 for a meeting to launch the assassination plan!

And the curly-haired five-star also revealed step by step the secret chess he had buried in the dark world, and began to fight against the pressure of the world economic newspaper!

At the same time, Navy Headquarters.

Zefa, Sengoku, Tsuru, Gion, Porusalino and Kuzan were all brought back for the meeting!

"This matter...what do you think..."

Zefa tremblingly handed a pile of newspapers to the center of the conference table.

After he asked the question, no one spoke.

It's eerily quiet!

They all saw the contents of the newspaper, but the contents were too thrilling and unacceptable.

After a long time, it was He who made the first move, looking at Zefa and saying:

"How credible do you think it is?"

"Quite believable!"

Zefa launched a newspaper, the big-character poster titled "The identity of the legendary lieutenant general is once again a mystery! The ancient creation royal family was unjustly imprisoned."

Then, he pointed to one of the photos above and said: "This person... is me!"


He was shocked, and several others were also slightly surprised. They turned the newspaper around to take a closer look.

The previous part was about Yimu and Wulaoxing, but the last photo was clearly of Zefa going to torture Bai on the high platform!

What could be more shocking than having an acquaintance in a news photo!

"Then let me tell you what I think!"

Warring States said, "You can check every newspaper carefully. From the perspective of photography, the phone bug has never moved, which is more credible! In addition..."

Warring States threw out another newspaper and continued: "It said that Marshal Kong mistakenly thought it was a 'one-to-many' phone bug, which gave the newspaper an opportunity! But only those who were watching the battle of generals knew it at the time." One-to-many 'phone bugs!"

"Actually... I also find it very believable..."

Gion struggled for a while, but finally told the truth, saying, "Morgance did give Ling Bai a surveillance phone bug..."

"Ah?!" He's eyes widened suddenly, and he said in a solemn voice: "Ling Bai has contact with the dark world?"


Gion knew that this matter was very involved, so he immediately reported that all the four kings of the dark world had come to Ling Bai.

After hearing this, Warring States subconsciously said: "Ling Bai has simply replaced Big Mom and become the Pirate Emperor of the New World..."

Hearing the sound, even Zefa felt the same way, and felt a little weird in his heart, so he had to say: "But he is definitely not a pirate!"

"I know..." Sengoku said awkwardly, "Aren't these all old monsters?"


All the top executives are having a headache.

How did it become this status?

"Actually, I felt weird early on! No matter how talented he is, Ling Bai knows too many things! It's not in line with common sense!" Porusalino said aloud.

He had always cared about Ling Bai's sword attack on him in Malinfando, but now that he thought about it, it was not unfair to lose.

After all, what an old monster!

"Thinking about it this way, it does make a lot of sense..." Zefa and Gion also murmured.

"But there are still contradictions!"

He took out the photo she received when she was investigating Ling Bai and said solemnly, "This is the photo taken when Ling Bai joined the East China Sea Navy branch five years ago. Look at it!"

Several people came closer and found that Ling Bai in the photo was obviously much younger than he is now, like a child!

If they really were the ancient creation royal family who had undergone immortality surgery, how could they possibly have grown and changed in appearance.

This is a contradiction!

"So, we can't generalize! Maybe Ling Bai was drunk and did some tricks, hiding it from the five old stars!" He put forward his own opinion!

"But if this is really the case, he has deceived the whole world..." Zefa whispered.

The voice was very soft, but the impact it had on the other senior executives was beyond words.

Even if it is deception, this method of concealing the truth is breathtaking, and the whole world is involved in a wave.

"It's really amazing..." He said with sincere admiration.

"What's the truth? It's actually simple!"

Suddenly, Warring States spoke again, "Ling Bai is imprisoned in Impel Down City, we can go and ask! On the other hand, if this 'Im' is real, the Five Old Stars will definitely take action!"

"You mean to wait and see what happens?"

Zefa understood what Warring States meant.

He suddenly realized the value of the dove faction. Instead of taking the initiative and worrying about whether it is true or false, it is better to watch the reactions from the above, and the truth will naturally come to light!

"But the most critical question is! If everything is true, what role should the Navy play?"

Kuzan, who had never spoken a word, spoke.

"This is also a question we want to ask!"

Suddenly, a group of lieutenant generals broke down the office door and came in.

Dauberman, Huo Shaoshan and Ghost Spider took the lead, followed by other major generals and brigadier generals.

Zefa took a rough look and found that they almost included most of the top combat power of the G-1 branch.

And if you look closely, you will find that most of them are people who eavesdropped on the high-level meeting under Ling Bai's organization that day!

"How do I feel? Ling Bai has played a big game..." Warring States whispered.

"Are you saying that by stealing the G-1 warehouse as a cover-up, you actually want the navy to know the true face of the World Government?" He said, becoming more and more frightened as he thought about it!

If this is the case, the layout ability is really terrifying!

But no matter what the truth is, the previous foreshadowing of eavesdropping on high-level meetings has obviously become more and more intense after this incident!


I want to know more and more what role the navy should play!

"Now that we're here! Sit down, everyone!" Zefa sighed softly in his heart.

"I can't sit still! Teacher!" Dauberman said solemnly.

None of the other generals were seated.

When they heard that he was the bodyguard of the world's nobles, it was hard for them to accept it, but thinking that they could still fight against pirates and maintain peace, they compromised.

But now, the world is likely to be in chaos. Does the Navy want to protect a careerist behind the scenes and fight against the whole world?

Is that kind of army still a navy?

Is it justice to be an enemy of the whole world?

The generals were confused and expected their teacher to give an answer!

However, at this moment, Peng En and several swordsmen also broke into the meeting and said bluntly:

"Marshal Zefa! Marco, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' 1st team, came to G-9 to confirm whether Lieutenant General Ling Bai was guarding, but was seriously injured by another phoenix flying out of the island! Now successfully captured! "

Before she finished speaking, Tina ran in again and said:

"Teacher Zefa! The Holy Land sent an old man in a suit, who arrived at the Navy headquarters from the mirror world of the Cloud Edge and ordered to see you!"

As soon as the two pieces of news came out, thousands of thoughts flashed through the minds of Warring States and He He.

A series of uncertainties, Wu Laoxing immediately died after arriving at the navy headquarters in person!

And now, everyone is turning their attention to Zefa!

It seems like they are just two unrelated choices, but at the same time, they also express an attitude in front of Zefa!

As a navy!

Should I choose to fight the pirates? Or choose to obey the government? .

Chapter 261 Throwing the hat away counts as joining the gang (please give me flowers!)

"what to do?"

Zefa has unprecedented pressure on his shoulders.

If it were in the past, and the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates 1st Division came to G-9 to give away people, he would definitely burst into laughter!

But in the current context, his choice will affect the entire navy!

Are you going to G-9 to check it out? It’s better to receive the Holy Land Five Old Stars first!

After pondering for a moment, he stood up, took a deep breath, and Zefa revealed his heart to everyone in the room.

"From now on, everything I say is not a command, but... a choice!"

Zefa glanced at everyone and continued:

"I joined the navy because of the justice in my heart! I never thought about following others' advice! It was the same until I became the marshal of the navy!

The navy in my mind is a navy that fights against pirates and protects justice. It is not a mercenary, a lackey, or someone's bodyguard, but a hero who keeps the good in his heart and fights! .

So, I'm going to G-9 right now! Of course, I don’t blame you for those who are reluctant to part with this skin, but for those who are not afraid of being dismissed, just follow me! "

Zefa finished speaking extremely solemnly, threw the navy marshal's hat on the table, and strode towards the door!

Undoubtedly, he is ready to refuse all orders from the World Government and focus all his attention on fighting the Whitebeard Pirates!

At the same time, Zefa also expressed an attitude that even if the government removes him from all positions in the navy, he will reassemble a navy that belongs to him to fight for the justice in his heart!


Although Sengoku was mentally prepared, he couldn't hide his shock and stood up.

Looking at the marshal's hat on the table, he had mixed feelings in his heart!

"This is the teacher! Damn!"

Doberman also threw his hat with "MARINE" written on it onto the table and followed Zefa.

"Well... that's how bad his temper is, so I'll just go with him and see..."

Huoshaoshan narrowed his eyes and grinned, threw down his navy hat, and set off as well.

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