But the most terrifying thing is that the aunt is awake now!

The strange sound of bulimia and Ling Bai's snoring complement each other. A criminal in the next cell can no longer hold on and committed suicide!

"Hey! I am the world's number one! Don't try to overshadow me!"

Barrett stared at Ling Bai and the aunt madly, unwilling to be suppressed in momentum!

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, he actually shouted along!

Moreover, the aunt banged on the door crazily, and he also banged on the door, starting a boring royal-level competition in this narrow space!

"Mad man!"



The criminals were living a life worse than death, and even Doflamingo and Tezoro were almost driven crazy.

Katakuri and other three dessert generals knew a little about their mother's bad habits, but they just gritted their teeth and endured it.

But the desserts that came out of the aunt's mouth one after another made them think of the delicious food they had eaten before. For a while, the mental torture was no less than that of other criminals!

"You two should be quiet! It's too noisy!"

"Can't Ling Bai wake up for a bit with this kind of noise?"

Golden Lion and Lonely Red were the most upset.

The three people who couldn't stop now were all locked up very close to them, and the various noises were deafening, constantly destroying their sanity!

Is there anything more torturous than this?

At the same time, the swordsman Wu Laoxing finally led Magellan to the Infinite Hell.

And the criminals shouted as if they were looking at a savior:

"Damn Magellan, you're here just now?"

"Don't you care about the quality of life of the criminals?"

"Someone has committed suicide, it's your dereliction of duty!"

Being scolded like this, Magellan couldn't hide his embarrassment on his face.

But he really didn't expect that the noise here would be so noisy.

He was a little annoyed after just a while, not to mention that when he went to greet the swordsman Wu Laoxing, the Infinite Hell had been restless for a long time.

The criminals, they have suffered a lot!

And the swordsman Wu Laoxing turned a deaf ear and walked towards the depths.

He didn't care about anything else, at this time, the only target to kill was Ling Bai.

As for letting Magellan do it...

Although it was Im's order, he hoped that among the dead souls under the knife, there would be Ling Bai's name!

However, before he found Ling Bai, the bulimic aunt took the lead and accidentally glanced at Ling Bai!

Even though she and Ling Bai had only a short contact, the aunt could recognize this face even if it was rubbed into ashes!

"It's you!!! It's you who got me locked up here! It's you who made me have no dessert to eat! It's all your fault!!!"

The aunt's eyes flashed with clarity, and in the blink of an eye, they were buried by the outbreak of bulimia and hatred!

The huge number of seastone handcuffs on her body began to rustle, and the gravel and debris at her feet began to shake!

The terrifying aura spread out, which was chilling, and when the aunt's emotions rose to the extreme, the domineering aura suddenly descended!


The footsteps of the five elders of the swordsman stagnated, and Magellan, Hannibal and others also widened their eyes.

The domineering aura consumes a lot of physical strength, how could there be a criminal who messed around like this!

But there was more chaos behind!


When Big Mom's Conqueror's Haki washed the Infinite Hell, Barrett's mouth grinned, and the Conqueror's Haki with the breath of evil spirits also descended!

Instantly, two Conqueror's Haki pressed on his shoulders, and Hannibal felt that his legs were as heavy as if they were filled with lead, and he couldn't move his steps!

"Don't be funny!"

Reid didn't want to pay attention to these two lunatics, but when they showed Conqueror's Haki, its meaning was completely different!

Other aspects can be ignored, but if he doesn't even pay attention to the other party's Conqueror's Haki, then he doesn't deserve to have Conqueror's Haki!


Golden Lion also snorted coldly, and the two legendary pirates burst out their Conqueror's Haki at the same time!

Four high-ranking kings collided, and dense black lightning rushed to every corner of the Impel Down City!

The entire Impel Down City was roaring!

The military wolf of LEVEL5 Extreme Cold Hell lay on the ground, and the jailer beasts above LEVEL4 also stopped chasing the prisoners.

The prisoners on other floors only felt a little bit of the momentum of the collision of Conqueror's Haki, and their foreheads were covered with sweat!


The swordsman Wu Laoxing used the first generation of Kitetsu to block a rushing black lightning, and asked:

"Is it always like this in Infinite Hell?"

"How is that possible!"

Magellan exclaimed.

Such a laborious and useless thing, no criminal with a little brain would do it!

But Magellan made a wrong judgment again.

Nowadays, the criminals in Infinite Hell have been tortured to death, and everyone is very irritable. Seeing that they have to bear the pressure of Conqueror's Haki, the stubbornness in their hearts was not convinced at that time!

"Isn't it just Conqueror's Haki? Who the hell doesn't have it yet!"

"Fuck the physical consumption! Kneel down for me!"

"Those who are imprisoned on this floor are afraid of your Conqueror's Haki?!!"

The situation exploded!

The criminals' momentum changed, and hundreds of Conqueror's Haki descended at the same time!

"Ahahaha! Come on!"

Doflamingo also threw all his scheming aside and joined in the carnival of Conqueror Haki!

Others, such as Tesoro and Katakuri, also stared fiercely!

Conqueror Haki!

Conqueror Haki!

All Conqueror Haki!

Black lightning burst out in every collision of Conqueror Haki, forming a black storm!

"Damn it!!"

The swordsman Wu Laoxing has never been overwhelmed by so many overlords at the same time, and he himself is in the center of the black storm.

With a bang——

He knelt down on one knee! .

Chapter 265: Advancing City Armor·Military City Giant (Please give me flowers!)

The collision of overlord colors determines the target according to the user's mind.

But here, in addition to protecting themselves, everyone is under all-round and indiscriminate pressure!

The result of this is that people who do not have the domineering power become the target of public criticism and are forced to bear the domineering power of everyone else!

And as long as there is a domineering color, no matter whether it is strong or weak, at most the range of the domineering field will be suppressed to a smaller extent, but it will never kneel down like the swordsman Wu Laoxing.


A pair of eyes exuding domineering domineering looks at the swordsman Wu Laoxing with a scornful attitude.

The horror of infinite hell was revealed in front of the world's most powerful person by chance today!

"Ahahaha!!! I'm still the strongest!"

Barrett's demonic temperament's domineering color field slightly surpasses Big Mom in scope, while Golden Lion and Ryder are slightly inferior due to their age!

But this does not affect everyone’s momentum!

At this moment, they are all kings!


Ling Bai woke up!

"You're not letting people sleep!"

Ling Bai yelled!

The power of the overlord color and domineering MAX suddenly comes!

In just an instant, a domineering domain with supreme strength appeared from the center of the four emperor-level pirates, far superior to Barrett with an absolute advantage!


"How can this be!"

"You have such an overbearing look!"

The four emperor-level pirates all widened their eyes in horror.

The aunt regained her senses from the insane state of bulimia, her eyes filled with disbelief.

The golden lion had experienced Ling Bai's overbearing domineering power once, but it was nowhere near as good as it was today!

As for Ryder and Barrett!

Just pure surprise that the Navy has an Overlord color, and...a Overlord color that is far stronger than them!

"What kind of monster is this!"

Other criminals were also shocked when they discovered Ling Bai's overbearing beauty.

Doflamingo, Tezoro, and Katakuri were all shocked and speechless!

But it turns out!

Their surprise...

too early!

After Ling Bai's domineering domain expanded to five times that of Barrett, it has not stopped expanding!

In an instant, the domineering domain of the four emperor-level pirates was completely suppressed, and each person's domineering color was so small that it could only spread to the scope of his own cell!

And this was not the limit. A moment later, Ling Bai's overbearing lust swept through the entire infinite hell!

"not good!"

The criminals all noticed the exaggeration of this domineering look, and immediately united to fight together!

However, what they didn't expect was that Overlord Se, who had gathered all the sins of the infinite hell into one, would still be completely crushed by Ling Bai!


The domineering fields of everyone including Barrett, Big Mom, Ryder, and Golden Lion exploded!

Overlord color and domineering! Broken!


Countless people spurted blood and flew backwards, feeling this unshakable overlord look, and a feeling of insignificance and humility grew from the bottom of their hearts!

At this point, there is no overlord except Ling Bai!

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