Originally, they were all active around the world, but because Im's identity was exposed, and the navy declared war on the Whitebeard Pirates, Long decisively ordered all high-level officials to rush back to the headquarters!

There is no doubt that this is an unprecedented good situation for the Revolutionary Army that is trying to overthrow the rule of the World Government!

Whether it is the fishing reel guidance or the comparison of combat power, if they can attack Mary Geoise at this time, the chances of winning are far higher than expected!

In fact, this is also the Revolutionary Army preparing for a strategic transformation!

In the past, Long planned a route of surrounding the city from the countryside.

First, create unrest in some kingdoms that are weaker and have a low status among the allies, such as the Kingdom of Goa, and then gradually expand influence and infiltrate some important allies little by little.

Finally, when the time is right, launch a general attack on the power hub of the World Government.

But in this situation, they need to play a leading role and strengthen the confidence of resistance around the world!

On the surface, more than 40 countries have stood up against the rule of the World Government, but in fact, the number of royal families who are dissatisfied with the World Government is far more than this!

The great tide of the times has never been so compliant with the will of the Revolutionary Army as it is today. The World Government will surely be destroyed in the sea of ​​Wang Yang of the people!

Long has made the final decision -

Gather superior forces and surprise attack Mary Geoise! ​​

Once the Revolutionary Army's resistance gunshots sound in the Holy Land of the World Government, those royal families who are wavering because of the government's strength will definitely make their own moves!

The Revolutionary Army will be the last straw that breaks the camel's back for the World Government and usher in a new era!

The meeting was originally held in an orderly manner, and a series of plans were deployed, but the sky that suddenly shook people so much that they couldn't open their eyes made everyone's heartbeat speed up involuntarily!

"What do you think of the explosion light just now?"

Long did not discuss the strategic deployment anymore, but talked about the suns one by one.

He contacted the Revolutionary Army distributed on the islands of the Grand Line as soon as possible, and the news he received was exactly the same as that of the White Earth Island.

In other words, the entire Grand Line has seen extraordinary and strange celestial phenomena, which is really disturbing.

"The news from the South China Sea is that the brightness of half of the sky has suddenly increased, and people everywhere have the legend of 'God has come to end the Dark Ages'!" said Lindberg, the commander of the South Army.

"The news from the East China Sea is similar to that from the South China Sea! Although I don't know the truth, I think it can be used a little to inspire people!" said Belo Betty, the commander of the East China Army.

She is the one who has the power of the Encouragement Fruit. Even if it is just a superstitious rumor, it can definitely greatly strengthen the confidence of the army's victory and enhance morale!

"It's feasible!"

Long nodded slightly and turned to look at the other two cadres.

The South China Sea and the East China Sea are facing the northern and southern hemispheres of the first half of the Grand Route, so it is reasonable to see the light.

In contrast, what about the New World?

"Western Sea can also see it!"

"There is also a commotion in the North Sea!"

The commanders of the West Army, Mori, and the commanders of the North Army, Karas, reported.

"Can it actually affect the whole world?" Long touched his chin.

He was afraid that the only thing that could do this was the legendary three ancient weapons!


Maybe even the power of the three ancient weapons is not so strong!

However, when the four commanders compared the images sent back by the Den Den Mushi from various places, they could still clearly feel that the light intensity in the East China Sea and the South China Sea was stronger than that in the West China Sea and the North China Sea.

This means that this incident mainly occurred in the first half of the Grand Route.

"It would be great if someone could send back information..." Long hoped in his heart.

If he could get first-hand information and distinguish between enemies and friends, he might be able to make a better judgment!

Pulu Pulu——

At this moment, his Den Den Mushi rang.


Long's heart skipped a beat.

The other four commanders were also surprised.

In today's world, only a few commanders of the Revolutionary Army can contact Long.

Now that the four of them are sitting here, who else can contact Long?


Long connected the Den Den Mushi, and the other commanders listened attentively.

"Dragon BOY! It's me!!!!"

There was a scream from the Den Den Mushi, which was neither male nor female, very excited.

"You escaped?"

Long's pupils shrank slightly, and on the other end of the Den Den Mushi, it was Ivankov.

Hearing the voice, the other commanders were all surprised!

If it was the "Man-Shemale King" Ambrio Ivankov, it would not be surprising to contact Long! Because he (she) is the commander of the "G Army" of the Revolutionary Army's Great Line Army!

He was arrested in Impel Down for "false" charges before, but he was able to escape!

"Could it be that something happened in Impel Down?" Long whispered.

"That's right!"

Ivankov immediately told Long about the movements he felt in the new Man-Shemale Paradise on the 5.5th floor of Impel Down.

Although he knew very little because he was not in the Infinite Hell, he still saw clearly the movements of Barrett, the Swordsman Five Elders and Ling Bai's battle!

"Is everything you said true?"

After listening, Long was a little bit unbelievable!

Whether it was the Overlord Color that could crush Impel Down, the appearance of the Sea King Poseidon, or the sword that could illuminate the sky of the whole world, it brought a huge psychological shock to Long!

"I also know that this is too exaggerated! But Long Boy, I am not exaggerating at all... After all, that person is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years..." Ivanko The husband said with fear.

"Do you already know?" Long took a deep breath and said, "Where are you now? I will send someone to pick you up!"

"I'm on Judiciary Island! But don't worry about me, I've sorted this place out!"

Ivankov stepped on a CP9 member and carefully folded a pile of newspapers.

He never imagined that just a few months after being imprisoned in Impel Down City, the world outside would have changed drastically!

Fortunately, the impelling city was bombed this time, otherwise when the revolutionary army needed him most, he would still be partying in his own little world. If he found out afterwards, he would have hated him for the rest of his life!

The two briefly exchanged a few words, and Long hung up the phone, unable to calm down for a long time.

According to analysis, Im should hold the King of Heaven in his hands, and now another person holds the King of Neptune.

Without knowing Ling Bai's position and the revolutionary army without any ancient weapons, this battle will definitely be risky!

"But we have to fight hard!" Long never thought of giving up.

On the contrary, knowing more can prevent innocent casualties.

Boom, boom, boom!

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

The dragon's sight and color spread, and after noticing the voice of life of the visitor, he whispered: "Are you coming back too? Come in quickly, bear!".

Chapter 269 The Revolutionary Army’s Plan (Please give me flowers!)

Upon hearing that the bear was back, the eyes of the four commanders burst out with excitement.

They all loyally recognized Xiong's strength.

If Xiong hadn't refused to become an army commander because of his past tyranny, he would have been able to lead a revolutionary army on his own.

Even though he is just an ordinary revolutionary army cadre now, in the eyes of everyone, Xiong is more suitable for a position specially vacant for him——

Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army!

At this point, all seven core leaders of the Revolutionary Army have been contacted, which is undoubtedly great news!

The bear pushed open the door and entered the room, holding a Bible in his hand.

"I came back a little late and kept you waiting..." Xiong said.

The burly body walked into the middle of the conference table, but did not sit down immediately. Instead, he handed a document to Long.

"This? The one before?".

Xiong reported this to Long before and proposed a plan to undercover the World Government.

After many weighings, Long agreed that Xiong accepted the recruitment of the World Government and became one of the seven martial arts under the king.


Xiong Zhengsheng said, "At this critical moment, the World Government issued a recruitment order to His Majesty the Shichibukai, asking us to go to Marigioa to await deployment. I think this is an opportunity!"

"Are the other Shichibukai still willing to go?" Mori asked his doubts.

As soon as this was said, there was silence for a while.

The King's Shichibukai is just a matter of this year. The Navy and the World Government have each recruited a group. From the perspective of the Revolutionary Army, it is just a means to cause internal friction among the pirates.

Now that the World Government has become the target of public criticism, and the situation is precarious, King Shichibukai may rebel on the spot, and even ignore the World Government's orders.

"Who are the people in the Shichibukai now?" Long asked.

"'Hawkeye' Mihawk, 'Sand Crocodile' Crocodile, 'Whitebeard II' Edward Weibull, 'Seaman' Jinbe, and me, 'Tyrant' Bear!" Xiong said in full.

"Are there five?"

This was somewhat beyond the expectations of the four military commanders.

It seems that there are more pirates than imagined who want to be recognized by the World Government.

"How much do you know about them? How many can be selected for this recruitment?" Long asked.

He has been traveling all over the world and does not know the inside story of the Seven Martial Arts under the King, especially the Whitebeard II, he has never heard of it.

“I don’t know much about it, but someone should go!”

Xiong knew the reason why Long Hui asked this question, so he said instead, "So you don't have to worry about me appearing abrupt when I go there. After all, I am also a notorious pirate. I have no conflict of interest with the world government. If you want to be suspicious, you will first suspect other people." people!"

"That's true...the world government currently doesn't have enough combat power, so anyone who can be used should be used!"

Long said, looking at another piece of information in his hand.

This information is about the news that the world government announced a large-scale conscription around the world and established a government army with preferential treatment!

It can be seen that the navy's separation has a considerable impact on the world government, and it is in a window of combat power.

"Then how are you going to use this opportunity? Even if you take the opportunity to bring us all in, if the Shichibukai is here, we will not have a big advantage in combat power." Betty said.

After all, if you want to sneak into the Holy Land silently, there won't be too many people.

"It seems that you also have a plan to attack Mary Joa..."

Xiong heard a clue from Betty's tone and said, "I think the 'movement' is greater than the 'win or loss' in attacking Mary Joa!"


Long touched his chin, then nodded with deep understanding, and said, "Indeed, the key is to fire the first shot. As long as Mariejoia can suffer losses, even if we lose in the end and escape, it will be acceptable!"

Long never intended to overthrow the regime overnight.

The key to completely overthrowing the behemoth rule of the World Government lies in the Allied Powers.

"That's right! We were the ones who were anxious before and couldn't find a breakthrough to overthrow the World Government, but now it's the World Government that should be anxious. Even if there is any news that is unfavorable to them, it will hurt the foundation!" Xiong said in a deep voice.

"It's feasible!"

Long nodded again and said, "Then we will use the opportunity of the 'Seven Warlords of the Sea' to discuss the details of the attack on Mary Geoise! ​​I will go with you in this battle!"


The four army commanders were shocked, and even Xiong was a little surprised.

As the leader of the Revolutionary Army, how could Long go deep into the enemy's belly?

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