Although the Black Flame and Red Fire Cannon both have fire attributes, one focuses on burning effects and the other focuses on flame explosions. There is a big difference!

If you chant like this, the spiritual power can still produce changes in the nature of fire, but if you can't control it at all, it will probably... explode? "

Isshin gave his judgment.

"Explosion?" Haiyan's eyes bulged.

"It's okay, even if a kid's ghost path explodes..."

Yixin's casual tone suddenly changed, because he suddenly felt the intensity of spiritual pressure at the peak of Ling Bai's seventh-level spiritual power, and said in shock, "Is this kid Ling Bai?"


Haiyan secretly said that Yixin's reflex arc was a bit long.

If they were just ordinary students, how could he and Chun Shui follow in.

"Then this explosion..."

Isshin secretly thought that something was wrong, so he flashed out, then flashed back, pulling Rangju behind him.

Rangiku was still there laughing. Lingbai was drunk and reciting chants randomly. Little did he know that if he really exploded, Rangiku would definitely be seriously injured!

However, at this time, a flash of extremely red and black attracted everyone's attention.

The color of the environment changed again, turning red and black like purgatory!

But what is even more shocking is the dark red dragon head wrapped around Ling Bai's arm!

"Innate fire body?!"

Yixin was horrified. He didn't expect that Ling Bai's spirit body had such a high affinity for the fire attribute!

But the spring water jumped up from the ground, and because of the excessive shock, the wine in the bowl spilled all over the floor, but he didn't notice it at all.

"How is this possible!" Chun Shui was dumbfounded.

"Holy shit! Innate thunder and fire body?" Haiyan invented a word herself.

"Captain of the Beijing Band, do you need to be so surprised?" Isshin said softly.

Innate fire body is very rare, but you can still encounter one in a thousand years. Except for Captain Yamamoto, isn't a guy who was expelled from Soul Society also innate fire body?

Chun Shui's performance really didn't match the calmness of the veteran captain.

"You won't think so later..."

Immediately, Shunshui shared with Yi Xin the information that Ling Bai used the fourth-level "White Thunder" to hit the eighty-eighth-level "Flying Dragon Strikes Thieves and Sky-shaking Thunder Cannon".

After hearing this, Yi Xin stared at Ling Bai with a changed expression, and said four words:

"Ghost wizard?!"

Aizen's eyes also changed slightly.

With his advantage in spiritual pressure, he has already cultivated his affinity to various attributes to the peak, but a genius like Ling Bai who has reached the top in thunder and fire attributes right away is unheard of.


Aizen touched his chin and stared at Ling Bai, his eyes flashing constantly.

But compared to the other captains who focused on Ling Bai's affinity for the fire attribute, Chong Ya was shocked because Ling Bai could control his spiritual power very well by stringing thoughts together.

As Yixin said, the fire attributes of black flames and red cannons are different, and Ling Bai seems to be controlling two different spiritual powers now!

At this time, Ling Bai spoke up.

"Thirty dozen of Dao-breaking? Black Dragon Flame Cannon!"

The drunken voice reached everyone's ears, and the expressions on everyone's faces were very strange.

"More than thirty?" This is the first time Haiyan has heard of reporting the name of the station like this.

The other captains noticed that Ling Bai did not read Black Flame or Red Fire Cannon, but took a brand new name!

"Is it intentional?"

"Create your own ghost path? You can't, right?"

"He can really create his own ghost path?"

Rangiku's eyelids twitched again.

The secret technique of drinking ghosts that Ling Bai had just invented was still vivid in his mind, and he looked like a drunkard running amok.

She couldn't believe that the black flames and red fire cannons were now fused to form a new ghost path!


Ling Bai dubs himself, but no one is laughing at him!

The red and black dragon opened his mouth, and a shock wave of extremely high temperature blasted out!

Almost at the moment Kidou emerged from his body, the expressions of the three captains Shunsui, Isshin, and Aizen changed again.

"Forty? No! Is it the 50th Bandai Kidou?"

"No, no, no! No. 60! It must be that level!"

Isshin and Shunshui continue to increase the level of the Black Dragon Flame Cannon.

However, Aizen narrowed his eyes and said silently: "The changes in the fire properties of the 70th edition, yes, there are!"

If Touya could hear Aizen's judgment, he would definitely be so shocked that his jaw would drop to the ground.

If the Thirty-three "Blue Fire Pendant" of the Broken Path is the first Feng Shui Ridge, then the Seventy-three "Double Lotus Cang Fire Pendant" of the Broken Dao is the second Feng Shui Ridge!

The meaning of Aizen's words shows that the creativity and difficulty of the Black Dragon Flame Cannon in terms of fire attributes have reached a very high level!

The 70th level is a terrifying ghost path that can destroy even Daxu!


Everything happened in an instant, and the Black Dragon Flame Cannon shook the entire high-level training ground!

"This!!! So powerful!"

Rangiku swallowed hard.

She just used Khotan to hit the murderous stone barrier, but there wasn't even a ripple.

How could it be that it was a seventh-level spiritual power-level chant of abandonment, and the spiritual pressure intensity was not much weaker than that of Ling Bai, so how could the gap be so big!

At this moment, an extremely high heat wave hit his face, making Shunsui seem to see the shadow of Captain Yamamoto!

"The Eighty One of the Binding Dao: Duan Kong!"

Shunsui waved forward, and the substantial spiritual pressure appeared and disappeared instantly.

Then a tall, wide and giant transparent wall stopped in front of everyone!

"The 80th edition of the chant is broken!"

Haiyan and Rangju were both shocked.

Seireitei has been at peace for too long, and it is difficult to see the captains taking action.

But once he takes action, it’s fierce!

Aizen moved two steps towards the space behind Shunshui, and Chongya also instantly grabbed the other people in the high-level training ground and dodged behind Duan Kong.

"Three tables of flushing teeth? Is my judgment correct?" Chun Shui whispered.

"It's...the same extreme temperature as the captain. It has nothing to do with the number of channels represented by the chant. It's the true power in Ling Bai's body being channeled out!"

Chong Ya looked up at the heat waves washing over Duan Kong with a cautious expression.

However, at this moment, a crack suddenly burst out on Duan Kong!

Although it was weak, everyone present, including Aizen, gasped! .

Chapter 18 The Threshold of the Ninety-Sixth Bandai (6/6, please give me flowers!)

Haiyan, Rangiku, and the other people brought here by Chongya were immediately stunned, feeling like their brains went blank.

Binding Dao No. 81, Duan Kong, can defend against all Ghost Dao attacks at Band 89 and below.

In other words, except for the unimaginably powerful Ninety-Fan Tai Kidō, the rest can be blocked by Duan Kong, making it the strongest defensive skill!

But this kind of defensive skill was still used by Kyōraku Shunsui himself, and now, it actually has cracks!


There was another crisp sound and cracks spread.

Yishin's eyes couldn't help swaying, and he said in a deep voice: "Captain of the Beijing Band, I'm offended!"

Then, Isshin whispered quickly, and rich red spiritual pressure rose up from his body!

"The proud son of heaven, the city wall built of iron, dragons roam, lions roar, tigers roar, wolves run, cut off the heaven and earth before they collapse!"

The Eighty One of the Binding Dao·Breaking the Sky! "

A thicker transparent wall stood behind Kyōraku's Zangku, which was fully chanted.

"Just to be on the safe side, what you did is right!"

Chun Shui didn't feel underestimated. After all, he thought he had injected enough spiritual power into Duan Kong, but he didn't expect that cracks would actually appear, which was a big surprise.

"Is it a Kidō at the 90th level?"

Several captains fell into deep thought.

Judging from the difficulty of the nature change alone, it should be capped at level 70.

But the facts are before our eyes, and nothing can prove the terror of the Black Dragon Flame Cannon more than seeing it with our own eyes!

They didn't know that in addition to having an unusually high affinity for fire, Ling Bai also had the ability to breathe fire through wine, with a flame temperature of MAX!

In addition, the explosion MAX obtained by drinking demon-slaying bullet wine and DYNA rock wine, and the Zanpakutō's "explosion" wine, which is the first to drink, the spiritual explosion power MAX, etc.

Everything is fully inspired by the chant, integrated into one, and vividly displayed in the Black Dragon Flame Cannon!

The movement lasted for a full minute before stopping. The broken sky of Chunshui was covered with dense cracks, but it was not broken.

"We haven't reached the 90th level yet, but we have already touched the threshold..."

Chun Shui gave a fair evaluation.

Although there were cracks in Duan Kong, it was still blocked, indicating that the power of the Black Dragon Flame Cannon had not yet reached the true level of the 90th level.

"Well, it's still a little bit worse, what a pity..."

Duan Kong, who saw that he had not been of any use, felt a little embarrassed.

After hearing the sound, Haiyan and Rangju came to their senses.


They don’t feel pity at all!

The innate thunder body and the innate fire body, combined with the chanting text, directly developed a ghost path that is close to the 90th level. What a pity, this is clearly a monster!

The training ground has returned to normal color, and a big hole has been blown into the murderous stone barrier, which is being repaired!

Chongya was extremely glad that he had brought Ling Bai to the high-level training ground. If it had been at the ordinary training ground used by fifth-year students, this shot would have probably killed someone!

As for Ling Bai, he was found lying motionless on the ground.

"not good!"

Chong Ya secretly said carelessly.

Just now he was busy rescuing other people and forgot about the caster Ling Bai.

The murderous stone did not have enough spiritual power to decompose, but it rushed towards the surroundings unscrupulously. Ling Bai was not standing far away, so he must have been seriously injured!

Chong Ya immediately teleported to Ling Bai's side, while Chun Shui and Haiyan also hurried over.

But when they got closer and heard Ling Bai snoring, the corners of their mouths twitched and they were quite speechless.

"It seems it's okay..."

Yixin walked out from behind a few people in a funny manner.

Obviously, everyone's worries were unnecessary. Ling Bai was sleeping soundly.

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