But the next moment, Ling Bai's face was full of enjoyment, intoxication, happiness, and euphoria, which made Yin Ling scream in her heart that he was cunning!

There was no comment, but everyone could see that the tea was delicious!

At this time, silence was better than words, and Que Bu even swallowed his saliva subconsciously.

"Anything else?"

Ling Bai licked his lips, still unsatisfied.

To be honest, when he was called to drink tea, he just came with the mentality that he couldn't refuse it!

But who would have thought that if there was wine in his heart, the wine would come naturally, and the tea was too strong. If he hadn't been rational, Ling Bai really wanted to praise Yamamoto: "Your brewed wine is really delicious!"

"One pot is only divided into three cups, why don't you come?"

Yamamoto stood up, leaned on his crutches, and walked away slowly, making way for Ling Bai.

Such a scene, Yin Ling, Unohana, and Que Bu were all secretly shocked.

Throughout the ages, the number of people who could make Yamamoto take the initiative to give up their seats when communicating about the tea ceremony can be counted on one hand.

During the event, only Unohana had the honor of having Yamamoto offer her seat once!

"Then I won't be polite!"

Ling Bai rubbed his hands and walked to the main seat and sat down.

Although he had never practiced tea ceremony, he had tasted a lot of good things in Yamamoto's bedroom. He was an expert in tea ceremony. Even if he saw the things on the table for the first time, he knew what they were used for.


Yamamoto and Ling Bai changed seats and sat down quietly.

Ling Bai easily washed the pot with boiling water. Just looking at the technique, he was very experienced, and the charm made people unable to look away.


A pouring pot, low, fast, even, and full, the brewing process was extremely beautiful!

What was even more surprising was that when Ling Bai brushed away the tea foam, the feeling of sword cutting integrated the artistic conception of tea ceremony and kendo, making people want to applaud!

"Ling Bai, what is tea in your eyes?" Yamamoto suddenly asked.

Ling Bai was adjusting the tea flavor by his control over the aroma of wine, and said casually: "In short, the four words of reason, respect, purity, and harmony are enough!"

"I would like to hear more details!"

"Reason means to taste tea and discuss reason, which means rationality and harmony.

Respect means to serve tea to guests and show courtesy with tea.

Purity means to be honest and clean, to purify the mind and to strengthen the body.

Harmony means peace and harmony, and friendship!"

As Ling Bai spoke, three cups of scented tea were placed on the tea tray and handed over in turn.

"Good!" Yamamoto waved his hand in surprise, but looked aside and said meaningfully, "Yinling, you comment first!".

Chapter 54 Tea Ceremony, Calligraphy, Kendo (6/6, asking for flowers)

Yinling held the scented tea cup, feeling very uncomfortable.

The tea party was originally set up for Ling Bai, but it unexpectedly brought him a problem.

During the whole process of brewing tea, Ling Bai's movements, breath, artistic conception and even spiritual power fluctuations were impeccable.

In his spiritual sense, he could clearly sense that Ling Bai was really immersed in the things in front of him, without any pretense.

In his every move, he had a noble feeling, even Byakuya could not show such temperament.

For a moment, Yinling even wanted to go to Shifengyuan and other four nobles to ask if Ling Bai was one of their illegitimate children.

Otherwise, how could the lowly people born in Rukongai understand the etiquette of tea ceremony so well and have their own unique understanding and perception!

Especially the last four-character mantra of reason, respect, purity and integration, which simply said the essence of tea ceremony. If he showed jealousy and resentment again, it would not only have no effect, but would also make the Kuchiki family lose their status.

"This tea is good tea! It is easy to understand! Captain, I will say it directly.

As long as you are willing to be the introducer, ask Nimeiya Wang Yue to repair Byakuya's Zanpakutō, and all the problems of joint punishment or not will be over...

The Kuchiki family will never make things difficult!"

Yinling put down the scent cup.

It was a very good cup of tea, but he couldn't calm down.

"I will personally apply to the higher authorities! But those who deserve punishment will still be punished!" Captain Yamamoto promised.

Hearing this, Yinling thought to herself that he was an old fox.

Except for Ling Bai, everyone here was a thousand-year-old old man. Their power, scheming, experience, etc. had already reached the limit of the superiors under the accumulation of time.

If they really wanted to punish, there would be no collective punishment, unless the Kuchiki family wanted to offend the Bee family, the Shiba family, and the Ukitake family, and then trample the face of the Gotei 13 on the ground.

This is impossible!

"The taste of tea is very unique... cool and long, the aftertaste is not bitter but long, and it goes down the throat, and there is a feeling of forgetting sorrow. How did you do it?"

Compared with the thoughts between Yamamoto and Yinling, Unohana seemed to be an outsider. After smelling the fragrance, she began to taste the tea.

But the taste of this tea made her eyes light up.

"So good?"

Yamamoto was skeptical and took a sip.

The next moment, he also looked amazed and nodded repeatedly.

Yinling saw that the two people's expressions had changed, stared at them, and also took a sip.

Immediately, he trembled all over, and knew that the Kuchiki family had been completely defeated this time!

The extremely ethereal artistic conception, without any sadness, showed that Ling Bai made tea with a pure heart and didn't care what the Kuchiki family would do to him!

"With strong strength and such a state of mind, the young are formidable!"

Yinling drank the tea in the teacup in three sips, exhaled a breath of tea fragrance, as if wanting to spit out all the past depression.

Yamamoto and Unohana also finished their tea and put it back on the tea tray solemnly.

But just when Yamamoto wanted to say a few words to Ling Bai, Ling Bai made a move that petrified the three of them.

Ling Bai picked up the teapot and started drinking it mouth to mouth.

The boiling water poured on Ling Bai's tongue, and the steam made Yin Ling's eyes jump.

"What is this again?"

I don't understand it at all!

Not only him, but Unohana and Yamamoto who wanted to praise Ling Bai were also dumbfounded.

Isn't it hot?

But even if the top spirits of fire attribute are not afraid of heat, is this way of drinking a new form of tea ceremony?

On the side, Quebu Kenmo's hands froze.

There was one thing he didn't say, that is, the way Ling Bai drank tea now was exactly the same as the way he usually drank wine.

If Yamamoto and the other two hadn't said that the tea was good, he would have suspected that Ling Bai was not making tea, but making wine!


Ling Bai drank the "wine" in the teapot clean, and two lumps of drunken red appeared on his face.

But in the eyes of others, it was obviously because of the scalding of the boiling water that he was sweating.

Standing up shakily, Ling Bai walked in front of Quebu.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, he picked up the brush and dipped it into the ink that Quebu had just ground!

With the smell of alcohol emanating from the ink, Ling Bai started writing!

"Why does this kid look drunk?"

"Can you get high even after drinking tea? This realm is really unfathomable..."

"But you dare to write in front of me, you are quite courageous!"

The three of them stood up from their seats and surrounded Ling Bai.

For a moment, it seemed that the exchange of tea ceremony had turned into an exchange of calligraphy.

And what Ling Bai wrote was exactly the four words that Yamamoto had praised before:

"Heaven-given rest!"

But after the four words, Ling Bai added "Sincerity is the key to success"!

Everyone understood that the first four words were Ling Bai's explanation of the tea ceremony just now, but what mystery did the last four words imply?

However, this suspicion only lasted for a moment in the minds of several people, and their attention was all shocked by Ling Bai's superb calligraphy skills!

"This kid can write so well?" Yin Ling touched his chin and was amazed.

"The pen tip is strong and has a hint of sword, but it is round and full, and sometimes subtle. He is a great calligrapher!" There was a gleam in Mao Zhihua's eyes.

"Some of the strokes are very similar to mine, but some are different. It seems that he has integrated multiple calligraphy schools and written his own words!"

Yamamoto was a little uneasy.

Tea ceremony and calligraphy are both ways of the heart. In addition to Ling Bai's long-known swordsmanship, Ling Bai, at the age of 100, has reached the same level as him at the age of thousands of years in the road of cultivating the mind!

"Tea, calligraphy, and sword are so good. This boy has a rare mind and a promising future..." Yin Ling praised from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, in the etiquette of the nobility, these three ways of cultivating the mind are also highly valued.

Ling Bai has such attainments at such a young age. How great it would be if he was born in the Kuchiki family!

Unconsciously, Yin Ling's mentality has changed greatly. Perhaps it is because of his rich experience that he looks at things from a very high perspective.

There was no battle, no spiritual pressure to shock, but Ling Bai once again conquered Yin Ling, Mao No Hana, and even Yamamoto from various details.

The three of them, together with Que Bu, discussed Ling Bai's words carefully. Occasionally, when there were disagreements, Yamamoto would write the same words next to Ling Bai's words for comparison.

Of course, this kind of discussion would not produce any results, and everyone was no longer in the age of black and white.

But after the discussion, the four people realized more deeply that Ling Bai's calligraphy realm was profound, far beyond imagination!

Unknowingly, it was dark, but the four people were still reluctant to leave, and kept thinking about the eight characters.

As for Ling Bai, he brewed tea and drank alone!

Yamamoto and others didn't know that "Heaven-given rest" actually meant that he accidentally abstained for 1 second today and gained a new skill!

And "Sincerity is effective" was because Ling Bai found that as long as the wine in his mind was delicious enough, the taste of his mouth would be better!

Although he was drinking tea, he was really drunk.

Until after the show, when Quebu handed him to Nie Yinmeng, Ling Bai couldn't even stand steadily.

Kurotsuchi Mayuri was stunned at that time.

"Didn't you say we were going to drink tea?"

"Yes, we were going to drink tea." Quebu replied.

"Then why does he look like he's drunk too much?" Kurotsuchi Mayuri was surprised.

"This state is beyond your and my comprehension!"

Quebu shook his head slightly, but turned to look at Kurotsuchi Mayuri meaningfully, and reminded him, "Captain Yamamoto asked me to tell you a message. He may come to Ling Bai for tea in the next few days..."

"Tsk..." Kurotsuchi Mayuri narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

In other words, he was telling him not to mess with Ling Bai?

What kind of tea did you drink today? Why did old man Yamamoto start to appreciate this drunkard? .

Chapter 55 Gift from the 12th Division (Please give me flowers!)

Nie Yinmeng carried Ling Bai back to the 12th Division.

The 12th Division's dormitory is different from other divisions. From the outside, it looks like a deep and large house.

But when you enter, you can see no one in the huge gate. It looks dead and lifeless, like a haunted house.

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